10 free online courses on psychology
Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. Human's psychology
Volume of the course: 6 modules.
Area: 4brain.
Tongue: Russian.
The materials in accessible language course presents the basic concepts of human psychology. From a theoretical unit, you will learn that controls the actions and deeds of people, some of the structure and the properties of the person as born motivation and why some people stubbornly strive for greater success and reach, while others can not even get the most mediocre results.
Individual lessons will be devoted to the development of psychology and becoming a person - how to understand how to grow a child, what it depends on, and whether it is possible to change it - and the interaction of man and society.
At the end of the course there is a list of recommended reading, a list of interesting psychological effectsAnd examples of experiments and games that help to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and apply them in practice.
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2. Practice konfliktovaniya: conflict can not live peacefully
Start of the course:
soon start date specified.Volume of the course: 6 modules 32 lecture.
Area: "Universarium".
Course authors: PhD in Sociology E. YU. Kostina I. IN. Kupryashkin A. IN. Vinokourov, S. IN. Goncharov, A. YU. Ardalyanova.
Tongue: Russian.
Course title is not accidental: the question of where to put a comma, it seems obvious, but the speakers will talk about the reverse view.
Most of us are faced with conflicts daily. And many try all possible ways to avoid them, it's a waste of emotional resources, stress and continuous negative.
However, sometimes the differences and spores can be useful. For example, they help people get to know each other, learn to achieve mutual understanding, enhance the activity of man and his sense of responsibility and encourage the development of personality.
Therefore, do not rush to smooth out the unpleasant situation at all costs. Understand how to manage conflict, and learn about the tactics and style of behavior in these moments. Listen to the opinion of experts - perhaps you will change your views on the showdown.
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3. Psychology of consciousness
Duration: 9 weeks.
Area: Coursera.
Course organizer: Saint Petersburg State University.
Tongue: Russian.
Is free: without a certificate.
Consciousness person - a mystery that still remains unsolved. And throughout all periods of development of psychology as a science, there were new approaches to the study and understanding of this phenomenon gives rise to new definitions.
The course lecturers will talk about the history of consciousness studies, explain how to construct theories and hypotheses and how they should be checked experimentally. You will also learn how the pattern break the law, why is distorted memories as expectations become reality, and why do we need limits.
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4. Psycholinguistics
Duration: 9 weeks.
Area: Coursera.
Course organizer: Saint Petersburg State University.
Tongue: Russian.
Is free: without a certificate.
Psycholinguistics - a complex discipline that investigates the speech process and located at the intersection of psychology and linguistics. This course will familiarize everyone with the basic concepts, terminology, modern approaches and methods in this field.
The authors talk about the current theories of the emergence of language, experimental morphology and syntax, as well as linguistic studies of writing, reading, bilingualism, Oral and spontaneous child language.
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5. communication Psychology
Duration: 8 weeks.
Area: Coursera.
Course organizer: NIU "Higher School of Economics."
Tongue: Russian.
Is free: without a certificate.
Communication takes up most of our time. It's not just talk with friends, family or co-workers, but also the dialogue at the cash register in a shop or trifling conversation with passersby on the street. And yet - it is not always just words. What you and tell you during the course.
Lectures will focus on non-verbal communication, effective methods creed and tactics of negotiation, features a panel discussion, as well as the specifics of online communication.
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6. Psychology of intergroup relations
Duration: 9 weeks.
Area: Coursera.
Course organizer: NIU "Higher School of Economics."
Tongue: Russian.
Is free: without a certificate.
As a child, we have family and friends, but with age, we gradually realize belong to larger groups - gender, ethnic, religious, professional, and so on. And we begin to divide others into "us" and "them."
This course involves intergroup conflict and explains why people reject "foreign". And also explains what happens to the victims of discrimination, where are prejudices and stereotypes, and offers options for establishing contact with the other group.
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7. The practice of conflict resolution. I - Family - Work - Society
Duration: 5 weeks.
Area: Coursera.
Course organizer: Tomsk State University.
Tongue: Russian.
Is free: without a certificate.
Another course that will help to understand the nature of conflict and create a positive attitude towards them.
The author tells about the prerequisites, structure and features of intrapersonal and family conflicts, as well as disagreements at work.
You will learn how to diagnose and analyze difficult situations, to find the causes and to choose the right strategy to resolve them.
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8. Fundamentals of criminal psychology
Volume of the course: 21 lecture.
Area: Udemy.
Course author: Marget Averdayk (Margit Averdijk), criminologist.
Tongue: English.
Alien soul - the darkness. It is especially difficult to understand what drives the lawbreakers and encourages them to commit atrocities. The course is for those who want to understand this.
Experienced criminologist will tell how personality traits affect the behavior of the offender, whether the blame for his actions mental disorders and what role is played by the aggressive thoughts and emotions.
You will also learn what psychological reasons behind crimes and criminals will be able to critically evaluate news reports.
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9. Psychology of cognitive processes
Duration: 15 lectures.
Area: "PostNauka".
Course author: Maria Falikman, Doctor of Psychology, Head, Professor of Psychology Department Faculty of Social Sciences, Higher School of Economics, a leading researcher at the Cognitive Research Laboratory The HSE.
Tongue: Russian.
Volumetric course covering both cognitive processes - sensation, perception and thinking - and "through" mental processes - memory, Attention and imagination.
You know what the characteristics of each of them, how they work and what answer will understand, as we explore the world around us, and perceive, organize and process information.
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10. How to get out of the script and be happy
Duration: 5 lectures.
Area: "Look. Learn. "
Course author: M. E. Litvak, psychologist, psychotherapist, author of 30 books on psychology.
Tongue: Russian.
Scenarios in which we live, are born in early childhood. And in most cases, they prevent us from eventually be happier.
"Unlucky in Love", "I always throw", "I do not succeed" - are typical examples. And, despite the many positive scenarios, often we remain in a negative and do program ourselves to unhappiness.
To get out of this captivity is possible, but will not be easy. The psychologist tells how to do this, explains the process of formation of the scenarios examines the specific case of life and gives an example of classical literature - Eugene Onegin.
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