Pasta or pasta? 20 words that you have incorrectly used in the plural
Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. "Treaty" rather than "contract"
This word in the plural often becomes a subject of heated debate those who are kind to the Russian language. Despite the fact that the new rules can put the accent on the first syllable ( "Agreement"), the plural form may still be only one: "treaties".
2. "Coaches" and not "coach"
In the midst of World Cup football the word is used most often, but not always correctly. Literary norm says, masculine plural of a word that ends in a consonant letter, is formed by the end of the s: "Coaches have given clear guidance team."
3. "Cream" and not "cream"
It is believed that the beauty industry professionals are in their own way to pronounce and write some words that are directly related to their work. But according to the rules of the Russian language there is no exception: It is true to say "cream".
4. "Sauce", and not "gravy"
Those who work in the restaurant business, and often believe that a form of "sauce" immediately gives you in a professional. However, those who know the rules, saying only: "The very tasty sauces" and "By the pizza did not forget to put different sauces."
5. "Airports", instead of "Airport"
Whether you love travel or prefer a measured way of life, a form of "airport" should not be part of your vocabulary. And if speech is permissible to use more colloquial form, in writing there is only one standard: "All airports in Rome are closed due to the elements" and "Moscow airports are operating normally."
6. "Directors", instead of "directors"
As in the previous case, there is only one sure option of writing - this time to the end of the job: "Director". For example: "The meeting was attended by directors of all schools in the city" and "Director of both divisions of the company held a general meeting."
7. "Doctor," and not "Doctor"
With words denoting a profession, it is not so clear. Today, the only true form - the "doctor". For example: "Many of the graduates go to the doctor" and "Doctors can not give a definite answer." In such cases it is better to check with a dictionary - so reliable.
8. "Tomatoes," and not "tomato"
For the majority of masculine nouns which end in a hard consonant, the genitive plural ending characteristic Female. And the word "tomatoes" - is no exception: "Weigh, please, half a kilogram of tomatoes" and "let's add more tomatoes pizza."
9. "Eggplant", rather than "eggplant"
Continuing vegetable themes. There is at least one more word in the plural genitive case raises questions. In this case, "eggplant" is repeated fate of the "tomato", "Without eggplant stew is impossible to prepare" and "Prescription in a vegetable caviar comes five eggplant."
10. "Macaroni" and not "pasta"
When it comes to side dishes, and not a popular dessert, many of us can not go to answer the correct word is plural. So, in the genitive plural there is only one true form of "pasta".
11. "Georgians" and not "Georgian"
Georgians - is someone's last name. "Georgians" - this is the genitive plural. Similarly, things and with words that represent other nationalities: "Tatars" and not the "Tartars", "genocide", not "Armenians" and "Bashkir" rather than "Bashkirs".
12. "Kocherog" rather than "pokers"
Although the situation when we have to use that word in the plural, it is hardly realistic in everyday life, still need to know the correct option. The genitive plural is correct: "The six kocherog".
13. "Sox" and not a "sock"
In contrast to the previous one, it is the word most of us consume every day. For those who can not remember, give a hint: wear in the genitive plural - a name famous in the 2000s singer by the name of Nicholas. Socks, and no "sock."
14. "Stocking" instead of "stockings"
With stockings, unlike socks, everything is exactly the opposite. Once upon a time it was common form of "stockings", but over time it has lost its ending. Today the right to speak as follows: "a new pair of stockings."
15. "Boots", rather than "boots"
Like the "stockings", the word "boots" was formerly the end of Female in the plural genitive. However, simplified language. Today, they say "boot", for example: "This pair of winter boots will last more than one season."
16. "Shoes" instead of "shoes"
"Shoes" - so never say who should not only fashion, but also for his speech. As is the case with other words for objects that are worn on the legs (except socks), the correct form of the genitive plural is short. "I took one more pair of shoes" and "No shoes on the sand to walk more convenient."
17. "Waffles" and not "waffle"
Today, in many cafes and restaurants offer wafers with different fillings. And it will be a shame if someone corrects you when you will be going to speak on this subject. Memorize: "Set of two waffles with blueberry sauce, please" and "I am delighted with these Viennese wafers."
18. "Manger", instead of "manger"
Another difficult case, which will sooner or later face all parents, determining their child nursery. When they take it from there, it goes like this:
19. "Gossip" and not "gossip"
Gossip many not only cause irritation, but also embarrassment. According to modern standards of Russian genitive plural - "gossip." That is correct to say this: "I'm so tired of these rumors" and "This bill is full of gossip."
20. "Dona" and not "bottom"
Not every scholar immediately forms a correct plural form of the noun "bottom". Another would be the word "bottom," we at least occasionally, but hear, but the "Dona" - this is something new. Nevertheless, the right to say it this way: "Doña wine bottles" and "Doña Red and the Black Sea."
What other kind of words do you know? Share in the comments.
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