Confirmation bias: why we are never objective
Forming / / December 19, 2019
People by nature are prone to errors, with sometimes in mass. Get at least homeopathy: no scientific evidenceMemorandum №2 RAN Commission to Combat Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research About pseudoscientific Homeopathy the fact that it works, no. But once a person cope with the disease, using such means, it is irrevocably convinced that it is a merit magic pills.
Now scientists argue he ignores, and the evidence of uselessness homeopathy interprets in his own way: all of medicine purchased, and similar studies bought competitors.
But the stories of friends, colleagues and acquaintances, poborovshis influenza in patients receiving dummy pills, it will be regarded as a confirmation of his theory. Because their arguments - "I also helped!" - correspond to his own ideas.
This is called confirmation bias.
What is the confirmation bias
The scientific term "confirmation bias" introduced a cognitive psychologist Peter Cathcart Ueyson in the 1960s. He spentHypothesis-testing Behaviour
a series of experiments that confirmed the existence of this vicious propensity of people. We are always looking for proof of his point of view and ignore information that refutes it.Confirmation bias is composed of threeWhat is Confirmation Bias? mechanisms: the biased search for information, prejudiced and biased interpretation of the memories. They can act individually or all together.
Biased information search
Believing in its own right, we try to find confirmation of his idea, not its denial. And finally we begin to see just what makes our theory is correct.
In one experiment,Hypothesis-testing processes in social interaction Participants presented the heroes who had to interview. Subjects were told that one of the heroes of an introvert, but someone - an extrovert.
As a result, for the interviewed participants to select only those questions that were to confirm their tendency to introversion or extroversion. I doubt it they never occurred. For example, introverts they allegedly asked: "What you do not like party? "And we do not even give them the opportunity to disprove this theory.
And a man who believes in homeopathy, will seek only evidence of its benefits. He starts every effort to avoid those people and the information that claim otherwise. Then he will find like-minded group and is interested only in the stories of people, "that helped." Arguments against remain out of sight.
biased interpretation
This distortion mechanism is based on the fact that everything can be heard and seen understood in two ways. New information people usually tries to be interpreted in favor of what he was convinced.
This distortion is studied at Stanford University. The team of scientists conducted an experimentBiased assimilation and attitude polarization: The effects of prior theories on subsequently considered evidenceFor which invited two groups of participants. One of them was against the existence of the death penalty, and the other - for. Each group was given a two studies. The first of them confirmed their point of view, and the second - refuted.
As expected, participants rated their respective beliefs research as more convincing. They pointed to the parts that correspond to them, and the rest is ignored. Material that denied their beliefs, participants criticized: for lack of data, a small sample and the absence of valid arguments. In fact, all studies were fiction.
biased memories
In addition to the incorrect handling of new information, we are still not very reliable in their memories. We extract from his mind only what is advantageous to us at the moment.
In the next experimentTesting hypotheses about other people: The use of historical knowledge Scientists asked participants to read the description of one week in the life of a woman named Jane. It tells what Jane perform actions. Some have characterized it as an extrovert, and others - as an introvert.
After that, the participants were divided into two groups. One of them asked to estimate whether Jane is suitable for the post of librarian. The second asked to identify her chances of becoming a realtor.
As a result, participants in the first group remembered more features Jane, describing her as an introvert. A group for "realtor" characterized it mainly as an extrovert.
Memories of Jane's behavior that do not meet the required quality, as if he was not.
The more dangerous the trap of thinking
All men love it when their desires coincide with reality. However, the bias of prejudice - is bias and unreliability.
Professor of the University of Illinois, Dr. Shahram Heshmat claimsThat the consequences could be very unpleasant.
Suffers psyche and relationships with others
If a person is not sure of himself, anxious and suffers from low self-esteem, any neutral reaction in the address it can be interpreted negatively. It begins to seem that it does not like or the whole world mocked. It becomes a very sensitive, sensing everything too personally or aggressive.
Development and growth are no longer possible
Bias can result in a real self-deception. Person sincerely believes that he is in all tend to ignore criticism and responds only to praise. He just do not need to learn something new and something rethink.
Health and finances are at risk
For example, if someone is convinced that marijuana is not harmful to his health. Or that the forecasts for the sport can earn. Then confirmation bias may just ruin his life.
How to deal with confirmation bias
Do not be afraid of criticism
There is nothing wrong with that, if it is not expressed in a rude manner and not with the purpose to hurt you. Think of it as an advice or an idea, not as a personal insult. Listen to what the majority considers wrong.
Maybe you really are doing something wrong. This does not mean you have to immediately change their behavior or thought. Rather, you should think about them. And remember that most often criticized the results your actionsAnd not you.
Do not avoid disputes
In a dispute born truth, and it's true. If people around to agree with each other, it is unlikely to humanity has made some progress. And if it did not agree - too.
The dispute - that is no reason for someone to humiliate or insult, but a way to get to the truth. And this is not a quarrel, but rather cooperation. It is only important to learn not only to speak but also to listen.
Look at things from different angles
Not limited only to their own vision. Try to look at the problem through the eyes of your friends, opponents and even those she did not care.
Do not ignore other than your arguments and look to them - perhaps, the truth is there. Do not step on any party until all study points.
Do not trust just one source
Watch different channels. Read different authors. Look into the different kinds of books. The more you collect different opinions about the issue, the greater the likelihood that some of them will be right.
And do not stop at the allegations, and always looking for scientific research.
Be curious
Curiosity compels to ask questions and seek answers to them. Thanks to him, you will deepen your knowledge and develop critical thinking.
Do not take for granted the world - continue to study and explore.
Be bold
To accept someone else's point of view and get new knowledge, you first need to stop being afraid of the changes that will follow. Get rid of the fear that in your outlook, behavior, goals, and life in general there will be some changes.
No one person can not be absolutely objective - that is our nature. But you can try to reduce its subjectivity and at least a little closer to reality.
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