5 techniques of effective learning a foreign language
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Learning a new language — It is complex and has individual features. While some bang their heads against the wall trying to memorize at least «my name is Vasya», others are already easy to read Hamlet in the original and easy to communicate with foreigners. Why is it so easy given the learning process? Are there any special secrets of mastering a foreign language? you will learn more on that below.
How do we learn language
When someone says that he is unable to learn a new language, it would be desirable in response to protest.
Anyone can learn a new language. This ability is sewn into our brains from birth. Thanks to them we unconsciously and naturally we master their native language. Furthermore, when placed in the appropriate language environment, children without any tension and able to master a foreign language.
Yes, then we go to school, teach grammar and punctuation, grind and improve the knowledge, but the basis of our linguistic skills is precisely the base, which is incorporated in early childhood. Note that this happens without any tricky techniques, language classes and tutorials.
Why can not we, as adults, just as easy to learn a second, third, fourth languages? Perhaps this linguistic ability is inherent only in children and disappears as they grow older?
This is partly true. The older we get, the more our brain plasticity (the ability to create new neurons and synapses) is reduced. In addition to purely physiological barriers, there is another. The fact that the process of learning the language in adulthood is radically different from the children. Children are constantly immersed in a learning environment and, at each step gain new knowledge, while adults tend to allocate to practice certain hours, and all the rest of the time use their native language. Equally important is the motivation. If a child without knowing the language simply can not live without the adult second language is quite capable of successfully exist.
This is all understandable, but what are the practical conclusions can be drawn from these facts?
How are we supposed to learn the language
If you want to quickly and easily learn a foreign language, while learning should try to follow some simple tips. They are aimed at minimizing the effect of the age of your brain changes, as well as help through the process as easily and quickly, as children do.
spaced repetition
This technique makes it easier to learn new words and concepts. It lies in the fact that you have to repeat the studied material at regular intervals, and more and these gaps are smaller. For example, if you learn new words, they should be repeated several times during one session, and then repeat the next day. Then again a few days later and, finally, to consolidate the material within a week. Here's how the process looks around on the chart:
One of the successful applications, using this approach, — this is Duolingo. The program is able to keep track of what words you have learned, and reminded of their repetition over time. In this case, new lessons are built using the already learned material, so that the knowledge you have received fixed quite firmly.
Learn the language before going to bed
Mastering a new language calls for the most part merely memorizing large volumes of information. Yes, it is desirable to understand the grammatical rules of their application, but mostly you will have to learn new words already, together with examples. To better remember not to miss the opportunity to reiterate the material before going to bed. Study US scientists confirmed that the storage before going to sleep is much stronger than in the classroom, held during the day.
Study the content, not only the language
Teachers with more experience are well aware that the abstract study of a foreign language is a lot more difficult than in the case of its application for the development of an interesting material. This is confirmed by scientists. For example, it was recently put experimentIn which one group of participants studied the French language in the usual way, and the other instead taught one of the basic subjects in French. As a result, the second group there was significant progress in listening and translation. So try to be sure to supplement their intake sessions interesting content for you in the target language. It can be a podcast listening, watching movies, reading books and etc.
All of us are constantly busy, and allow time for full employment is not so simple. Therefore, many are limited to 2-3 hours per week, specifically dedicated to foreign language. However, a much better deal and even less time, but every day. Our brain does not have much of a memory buffer. When we try to push it in one hour maximum amount of information, it quickly overflows occur. More useful small in duration, but frequent sessions. Just perfectly suited for this special mobile applicationsWhich will allow you to engage in any free moment.
Mix of old and new
We try to move quickly to learn and get more new knowledge. However, this is not entirely correct. Much better is coming on, when the new mixed with the familiar material. So we are not only easier to digest new material, but also fasten the lessons learned. As a result of the process of mastering a foreign language is much faster.