Complex negotiations in sales - free course from the Russian School of Management, training, Date: December 6, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
Do you want to learn how to deal with customer objections and bring even complex transactions to completion? Do you need the most effective negotiation techniques? Take training in the advanced training program “Complex Negotiations in Sales.”
During the training you will learn:
— Overcome problems that arise during business negotiations.
— Establish contact with the client.
— Work correctly with the objections and doubts of your interlocutor.
— Convey the value of a product or service in a language that the client understands.
— Identify and satisfy customer needs through successful product presentations.
The course teachers will tell you the secrets of identifying people’s psychotypes, give you the keys to building a dialogue with any client, teach you how to ask the right questions and find common ground of interests.
Consultant for the development of production systems, TPS Certification, member of VOIR. Competencies: project management in the field of lean manufacturing.
Consultant for the development of production systems, TPS Certification, member of VOIR. Competencies: project management in the field of lean manufacturing.
MBA teacher at Russian School of Management. Expert in the development of management skills and leadership, negotiation management.
Teacher of the MBA program at the Russian School of Management, business coach, consultant in the field of leadership, personnel management, sales, negotiations and personal effectiveness.
General director and leading trainer of a consulting company. Understands the specifics of the approach to sales training in different cities of Russia. Has experience as an HR director.
Certified by Brian Tracy Academy and official training provider FranklinCovey to conduct leadership and sales training programs. Associate Trainer at the Center for Creative Leadership (ranked among the top 5 in the world according to the Financial Times).
Experience as a business coach for more than 15 years.
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Specialist in operational psychodiagnostics, profiler, image expert. Author and presenter of seminars, business consultant. Has experience in brand management.
Certified business coach, specialist in operational psychodiagnostics and impression management in business and interpersonal communications. Profiler, image expert, career coach.
HR profiling
Personnel assessment and adaptation
Team building
Soft skills
Management skills
Image consulting
Negotiation management: rules and techniques
• Competencies of a successful negotiator.
• Preparation for negotiations.
• Types of negotiations and legitimacy.
• Case “Disputes around price.”
Stress management
• Nature and mechanics of stress.
• Stress resistance: components.
• The nature of emotions. Types of emotions. Functions of emotions.
• Emotional intellect. Emo traps. How to prevent getting stuck in stressful events?
• Algorithm for analyzing a stressful situation.
• Making decisions in a stressful situation.
• Difficult communications as a stress factor.
• Manipulation as a stress factor. Recognition and counteraction.
• Change and uncertainty as a stress factor. The adoption cycle.
• Mental hygiene as a method of preventing burnout.
• Work-rest balance as a means of preventing burnout.
Handling objections, negotiating, bargaining, pressure
• Work with objections. How to avoid customer objections, and if they do exist, turn them into additional arguments in favor of a purchase?
• Types and reasons for objections.
• Algorithm for overcoming objections.
• Methods for overcoming objections.
• Typical objections, ways and techniques to overcome them.
• Negotiation. How to achieve your goals and effectively conduct a meeting with decision-makers?
• Checklist for preparing for the meeting.
• Starting a meeting - establishing contact.
• Negotiation strategies.
• Trades. How to sell with a profit?
• Trading rules.
• Chips and tricks during bidding.
• Boost. How to turn customer requests and requests into shipped products and money received?
• Principle and methods of pressing.
• General techniques for completing a transaction.
Profiling. Knowledge of character
• Basics of typology, features of human thinking
• Types of characters (demonstrative tendency, aggressive tendency, stuck tendency, sensual tendency, active tendency, creative tendency)
• Types, essence and grounds for the formation of various psychotypes of human character
• External manifestations of the psychotype (gestures, facial expressions, style of self-expression, features of self-presentation)
• Goals and values of people of different psychotypes
• Technologies for correcting the interlocutor’s behavior based on knowledge of his character type
• Conflict management taking into account the psychotype of the interlocutor
• Connection between the type of thinking and a person’s psychotype
• Drawing up a character profile based on facial features
• Determination of psychotype based on video and photographic materials
• Errors and inaccuracies in determining the psychotype
• Features of collecting information to determine a person’s psychotype
• Analysis of the psychotypes of famous people, video examples
• The problem of self-analysis and the ability to regulate one’s own behavioral manifestations
• Working with combinations of psychotypes in one person
• Practical tools for influencing people during group communication
• Additional ways to influence carriers of various psychotypes
• Exercises for post-training development of analysis and observation of the interlocutor’s behavior
Detecting lies. Negotiating power
• What is a lie. Why do people lie? Forms and types of lies. The approximate freezing point is the point from which deception begins.
• Frequency and depth of breathing, swallowing, intensity of sweating and other manifestations of the autonomic nervous system that must be taken into account to determine the truth.
• Facial signs of deception. Microexpressions.
• Signs of falsification of emotions. Using a training program to identify emotions.
• Body language (postures, gestures, location in space) and its interpretation.
• Verbal (verbal) signs of deception, speech patterns.
• Individual differences that need to be taken into account when recognizing lies.
• Baseline of human behavior and deviations from it.
• Differences in lie detection techniques depending on when the interlocutor knows/does not know that he is a suspect.
• Drawing up targeted questions to test hypotheses.
• Detection of lies in a telephone conversation. Lie detection from written text. Errors and precautions in detecting lies.
• Analysis of video and photographic materials of speeches of famous people (politicians and television journalists, artists).
• Rules for conducting a conversation, survey. The sequence of questions, points of contact of interests and other methods of adjusting to the interlocutor.
• Algorithm for improving the skill of diagnosing lies.