How to change the profession, if university education was not helpful
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Weaned, worked in the specialty and realized that really want to be different. Together with British Higher School of Design tells how to get a new profession.
Everything is bad. Work tired, but what else to do, I do not know. What to do?
If you already have a secondary vocational or higher education, you can get additional specialty and so to change their profession. You will learn relevant knowledge and skills, get a diploma of vocational retraining - and forward to a new life!
As a rule, such training takes less time than the first generation. On average, it will take several months to a couple of years. But note that DPO - it does not graduate, postgraduate or doctoral studies, so the academic degree will remain the same.
To study? But on who?
It is on the rise creative industry. In this case, experts sayCreative Russia: the position on the export ofThat the real experts in this area is three times lower than the market needs. In Moscow, the most popular professions in 2018 steelExperts have called the most popular profession in Moscow
Internet marketer and designer. It is also expected to increase the demand for designers of mobile interfaces (UX / UI). According to the study, in Moscow, they are 110-120 thousand rubles, with a salary maximum - 250 thousand.Okay, that's all great, but I had already spent five years in the institute! How else can?
It is not necessary to reduce the study only to formal education at the university. The world trend in lifelong learning - lifelong learning. Scientific progress does not stand still, university knowledge, unfortunately, become obsolete. Not to be outdone, a lifelong need to learn new information and skills.
British Higher School of Design (BHSAD) creates an additional education program just relying on the principle of lifelong learning, focusing on the changes in the industry. Students gain knowledge and skills, which of them will wait for employers tomorrow. Each semester, the program is reviewed and updated.
There is no distance education. During the training focus on the practice: students are engaged in the clothing, jewelry, ceramics and printing workshops, photographic studios, VR-lab workshop 3D-printing and prototyping. Therefore, remote format Briton no: remotely to organize a full-fledged educational process is impossible.
Throwing old job and give 100% of the time studies are not necessary. Almost all classes are held two or three times a week on weekdays from 19:00 to 22:00, and in one weekend. If you live and work in Moscow, 5 days a week on the standard schedule, it is possible without any problems to combine it with my studies. And employers are often treated with understanding the fact that you pay during training, and are going to meet, making personal schedule taking into account the timetable.
Hmm. And what I teach here?
The Briton additional vocational training programs are divided into five areas:
- Communication design. Here prepare graphic designers, UX- / UI-designers, Digital designers, interface designers, art directors and photographers for commercial and fashion-industry.
- Spatial design. In this department from scratch teach interior design, as well as the "pumped" architects to design public spaces.
- Visual arts. Program for those who want to become an illustrator, artist and art manager, engaged in contemporary scenography.
- Fashion & Style. All that in one way or another connected with fashion: imidzhmeyking, fashion design and jewelry, fashion-video and photography.
- Business and Marketing. Programs provide a full range of expertise in order to manage the brand or company.
The main principle of any program - a multidisciplinary approach. A modern professional should understand not only his business, but also to understand how related industries are working.
Digital designer products (mobile applications, web services, and so on), it is important to find common ground with developers and at least on a basic level, to know how to operate the business for which ordered creative solutions.
Jewelry designers learn not only to create sketches, three-dimensional models and work with metal. A separate block of the program is dedicated to intramarket process: students are introduced to working sales channels, the basics of positioning and business planning.
Photographers help SMM knowledge, trend analysis, team management skills, marketers and managers - design thinking.
See what else is taught in British women
So, make it clear why the designer more and understand the business?
Go back to interdisciplinarity. If a designer wants to do is not just creative for the soul, but to create demand things, he will be part businessman. The product should be to bring to market and make competitive. To do this, it is important to know the basics of marketing and be able to manage the team.
For those who want to delve into the study of this scope, in Briton have options for marketing and business from the basic course to MBA programs, developed in collaboration with the Moscow State Institute. Experts from these areas are also taught courses on design BHSAD and students of different programs can meet and establish joint projects with a strong design-and the business component.
Interesnenko. But to find a good job, you need experience. How to get it?
Thanks to networking. Good old ties still help. In the student community you will have a chance to get a bunch of useful contacts. The British women are the representatives of the leading companies and renowned experts, curators organize meetings dating, trips to the offices of the top employers, students are always welcome at conferences and exhibitions, the organization of which It helps BHSAD.
In addition to more quickly adapt to the new field, you need to immerse your head in the industry. Independently make it difficult: at first it is necessary to spend a lot of time to study and will have to start working with the starting positions. The Briton, students test their strength, solving real customer problems, which on completion of the project can provide employment.
- The course "Marketing and Brand Management", students have developed a rental service for commercial vehicles order Company "Gazprombank Car leasing" and gathered set marketing tools for the Pushkin Museum.
- Students "Jewelry Design" created jewelry collection for an exhibition at the New Tretyakov Gallery.
- Projects program «UX- / UI-design" ordered for Tele2, MTS, "Yandex", of, "Alfa-Bank" and other major companies.
Also during the study it is important to participate in exhibitions and competitions, it will be a bonus when looking for work. For example:
- Student majoring in "Interior Design" Ekaterina Tkachenko won competition among first-year students and presented the project numbers in a boutique hotel in the interior-construction exhibition BATIMAT RUSSIA - 2019 where she performed on a par with well-known designers.
- Students on the program "Digital Design product" received the prestigious Red Dot: Best of the Best - 2019 in Brands & Communication Design category for mobile navigation project for the visually impaired.
- Students of art directions (illustrators, artists, stage designers) with the support of the school regularly organizes ExhibitionsWhich serve not only as the authors of the works, but the curators.
In short, when you have finished studying, you will have a decent portfolio, and useful links.
There is a problem: I do not fully understand exactly what I wanted to do. How to choose the right profession?
August 31 in Briton will Open Day. Curators and teachers talk about the learning and help you choose the right program. So you have room to apply in advance to participate.
Get acquainted with the profession can be on intensives - short courses of 2 to 4 days. In August and September will be held intensives "Design of residential premises" and "Styling and imidzhmeyking". Classes are taught by the same teachers as in programs of additional education.
If you feel that you do not have enough basic knowledge, sign up for training courses. They are suitable even for those who never had anything to do with the design. Classes last for six months and go into two streams: November and February. You attend a course on the history of design, learn to work with graphic editors and career guidance will pass, and will continue to prepare for admission to the appropriate specialty.
Convinced, I try to do. What do we have to do?
Go to the page the program you want to learn, and then click "Submit". Next you need to fill out a short questionnaire: Tell us about your education and work experience, select the stream in which you pass the entrance test.
Instead exams here interviews with representatives of the school. For creative disciplines need to collect portfolios: all your projects in graphic, web design, photography and decorative arts.
Cost of training on programs of additional education starts at 345,000 rubles per year course. If the study lasts for more than one semester, you can pay in installments.
Applications will be accepted until the end of September (if there are places in the group). Study begins on October 1 and, depending on the specialty lasts from 6 months to 2 years.