TimeToRead for Chrome will sort the articles in the Pocket for reading time
Browsers / / December 19, 2019
These layfhakery carried out with the use of any loose minutes. For example, read articles from Pocket. Expanding TimeToRead for Google Chrome can help sort the materials by volume and selected reading, depending on the amount of free time.
Evaluate the approximate time of reading of a material based on the amount of words can Medium, Readability, and many other services. Pocket so long can not, but you can teach it using the Chrome-extension TimeToRead. It not only determines the amount of articles in the Pocket, but also sort them by tags, depending on the time required for reading.
After installing the extension request access to your account in the Pocket, will review all articles and scattered them in the following tags:
- 1 minute or less;
- 2 minutes or less;
- 5 minutes or less;
- 10 minutes or less;
- 15 minutes or less;
- 30 minutes or less;
- 30+ minutes.
As a result, Pocket starts to look something like this:
TimeToRead has no interface and settings. By default, the reading speed of 200 words per minute and is suitable for most users. Additionally, configure the plugin itself is not necessary, after the initial scan new articles will be sorted automatically, but it takes some time.
Expansion of the simple, but very useful. Pocket out of the dusty archives (as often happens) With him will turn into a win-win option to spend a few minutes with the use of free time.