30 mistakes in writing and speaking, for which should be ashamed
Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. koordinalno
How and why the word "radically" transformed into this monster - a question to which we do not have an answer. "Coordinates" and "dramatically" - different words. Quite different.
2. generally
No compromises: or "in general", or "in general". There is no third.
3. to participate
Take participates, uchavstnik - hurts the eyes, right? This is all because of the word "participate" two "c". Remember and do not repeat this mistake in the future.
4. Tsya / tsya
Every time you make a mistake somewhere crying Rosenthal. Do not offend Dietmar Elyashevich. There is a simple way to figure out whether to put the soft sign in the end of the verb: if the verb answers the question "What should I do?" - soft sign is needed. "What does?" - is not necessary.
5. Sorry
No way. Better to still remember that the correct version - "I'm sorry," and then ask for forgiveness.
6. Wear / dress
Yes, about the need to wear clothes, and Hope, which would be nice to wear, you probably told at school. Nothing we do not difficult to repeat, as long as you remember what the word is used in any case.
7. Expresso
Though as a call drink, the faster you will make it unlikely. Dictionary norm - "espresso". And so, just in case: the word "latte" accent on the first syllable.
8. To white knee
Such an interpretation of the expression "white-hot" causes only admiration for the people's wit. No man knew what incandescence, here and replaced it with a simple and intuitive knee. Fill in the blanks: incandescence - that's when the metal is heated, and it is from this light red, yellow or white. If the white - hence, you brought it.
9. gritting his heart
Heart - it's not a cart or even a worn saddle creak there is nothing special. But to break into pieces from neglect with which people belong to the Russian language, it may well be. Affixed ponadezhnee and remember that the correct option - reluctantly.
10. Within / within
"Within" - an excuse, it is associated with a certain period of time: within three hours, over the next year. "Within" - a combination of a preposition and a noun, then we are talking about the course as the flow of water, such as the river or stream. "For" can be painlessly replaced by "at the time" - use this rule, if in doubt.
11. theirs
Or even worse - ihy. Jokes about the chemical elements with the same name is already fed up with everything, so do without them. Just remember: whose? Them.
12. As / as
"Also," = "and": "Reader Layfhakera concerns with sound criticism to themselves and the world around them, as well as a reasonable approach to solving any issues." If such an exchange breaks meaning of the sentence - it is a sure sign that there is appropriate version of "just", "Arkady Petrovich crazy about Layfhakera, Russian language, he loves just as much."
13. obazhaet
"Adore", we are told by Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian language, means "worship." As you might guess, there has not been without the word "god". My God, why do so many strive to write "adore" through "a"?
14. Painting / signature
Painting - on a wall or ceiling, or in a document - signature. Only in this way and no other.
15. lozhit
Please throw this word from the active vocabulary once and for all. That's right - put.
16. In Kratz
Leader stamp strange errors. "Briefly" means "in the short form." What is Kratz, we have no idea. And we do not really want to be honest.
17. The Inside
Apparently, it is assumed that somewhere there is an unknown nutria in which something happens. If so, then okay, but the adverb and preposition "in" better still write together.
18. Sunday / Sunday
If you mean the day of the week, this Sunday. If that someone rose from the dead - the resurrection. We believe that most of you still mean the first time.
19. My birthday
Or more trenchant: birthday. In fact, everything is simple: a day what? Birth. Whose birthday? My.
20. cream
In a professional environment, this option is common, but it does not mean that it should be taken as the norm. Correctly still "creams".
21. agency
The letter "t" in the word "agent" is there for a reason. Remember it.
22. Skurupulozny
Scrupulous. Scrupulous. Scrupulous. Repeat until you remember.
23. Too much
Chur - the river in Yakshur-Bodyinsky District Udmurt Republic. If you're talking about as crossed through it, then "chur" - a true option. In cases where you can use the adverb "too", you must write "too."
24. Functional
If we are talking about a set of features, such as the new smartphone, the only true option - functionality. Functionality - is another word, it is about math. Do not confuse yourself.
25. try
There is a rule: if in the first person singular of the present or future tense verb ends in -s or -yuyu, the uncertain form in the past tense suffixes -eva-, -ova-. I'll try to - try.
26. Extreme
The thinking is clear: "extreme" because written with "and". But no, not so simple. "Extreme" - a relatively recent borrowing from the English language, and the word "extreme" came into Russian from the French, who borrowed it from Latin. Surprise, but these words can not be the check for each other.
27. ring stove
Although the word seems to be another in a series of "tubaretka in kolidore", a variant spelling was once considered quite acceptable. In the explanatory dictionary of Ushakov, which came out in the years 1935-1940, and mentioned ring, and ring stove. However, now there is no disagreement: Great Dictionary Kuznetsova recommended option is "burner".
28. Out of the blue
School etymological dictionary of the Russian language is excited to announce that we are seeing here fusion "under Tishka" where tishok - silence or quiet. The result was "surreptitiously".
29. slipping
Man walked on the slippery ice and even slipped. No "e" is not there.
30. simpotichny
Word Verification - "sympathy." So, the correct version -. "Likeable" Remember and pass on to others.
We are confident that you will be able to supplement our list. Share in the comments errors that enrage you.
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