What happens if there are almonds every day
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Essential fatty acids, antioxidants, essential vitamins and minerals - that's what you get, bite one of the most popular nuts in the world. But there is a downside.
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How useful almonds
1. Slows aging and reduces the risk of serious disease
This effect is achieved due to the high content of antioxidants. antioxidants - substances that fight free radicals, damaging molecules organs and tissues (a process called oxidative stress). Modern medicine believes that it is free radicals provoke premature aging, development Internal and chronic inflammation such dangerous diseases such as cancer, brain dysfunction, cardiovascular violations.
And antioxidants missing in the nut. But most of them - in his brown skinPolyphenols and antioxidant properties of almond skins: influence of industrial processing.
Therefore, the most healthy way to eat almonds - has a core together with the skin.
How many almonds should be eaten to obtain the optimum amount of antioxidants is not yet established. There are only a few studies. For example, in one of them, conducted with the participation of 60 male smokers, researchers found
Almond consumption reduces oxidative DNA damage and lipid peroxidation in male smokers.That about 80 grams of almonds a day reduces oxidative stress in the 23-34%.2. Almonds maintains smoothness and elasticity of the skin
Almonds - one of the best sources of "youth vitamin" tocopherol (aka - vitamin E). A total of 28 grams of nuts providedNuts, almonds [Includes USDA commodity food A256, A264] 37% of the recommended daily allowance of this substance.
For skin vitamin E is simply irreplaceableThe role of vitamin E in normal and damaged skin. He helps her to withstand the environment and prevent early wrinkles.
We should also mention manganese: all the same 28 grams of nuts it contains up to 32% of the recommended daily allowance. And this element plays a key role in the production of collagen - the main building of the skin protein.
3. It helps to control blood sugar
During this bonus is responsible magnesium in almonds is also sufficient. 50 grams of nuts provide about half of the daily value of this mineral.
magnesium is involvedThe role of magnesium in clinical biochemistry: an overview more than 300 processes in the body. Including support healthy blood sugar levels.
Statistics showThe effect of magnesium supplementation in increasing doses on the control of type 2 diabetesTo 38% of people with type 2 diabetes are affected by magnesium deficiency. Admission dietary supplements with magnesium helpsOral magnesium supplementation improves insulin sensitivity and metabolic control in type 2 diabetic subjects: a randomized double-blind controlled trial they lower blood glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity. The role of dietary supplements easily perform almonds.
4. Lowers blood pressure
A disadvantage of the same magnesium physicians tiePotassium, magnesium, and calcium: their role in both the cause and treatment of hypertension with development hypertension. If you take magnesium in addition - at least in the form of nuts - it can lowerThe effect of lowering blood pressure by magnesium supplementation in diabetic hypertensive adults with low serum magnesium levels: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial pressure.
5. Almonds reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol
Cholesterol It is different: "bad" (which is part of low-density lipoprotein - LDL) and "good" (consisting of high-density lipoprotein - HDL). If the "good" is required, the "bad" frankly dangerous: it seriously increases the risk of cardiovascular problems. The high level of LDL say when its concentration in blood is greater than 190 mg / dl. Almonds can reduce the risks.
As demonstrated by the 16-week studyAlmond consumption and cardiovascular risk factors in adults with prediabetes with the participation of 65 people with pre-diabetes, the use of 50 grams of nuts daily reduced the level of "bad" cholesterol by an average of 12.4 mg / dL. other experienceEffects of daily almond consumption on cardiometabolic risk and abdominal adiposity in healthy adults with elevated LDL-cholesterol: a randomized controlled trial confirms these data. Those who daily consume about 40 grams of almonds, LDL cholesterol decreased by 5.3 mg / dL. And they lost fat around the abdomen - the most dangerous kind of fat, visceral.
6. It helps control weight
Everyone knows that high-calorie nuts, and indeed it is. The 28 grams of almonds, and it is only 14-15 nuclei, contains more than 160 calories. But this is not related calorieNuts and healthy body weight maintenance mechanisms with weight gain.
The matter of the two factors. Firstly, part of the fat contained in almonds is not absorbed: on her do not affect the digestive enzymes. Secondly, a lot of fiber in the nut: once in the stomach, it swells and creates a feeling of fullness that lasts a long time. A handful of almonds, that is not too significant 160 calories, you can really eat. This reduces the risk of overeating.
Tip: To make the fiber more available to the body, soak almonds in water overnight.
Some studies say and even more pleasant things. For example, that consumption of nuts causes the body to expend more energy at rest. Those who regularly eat almonds, dropping excess weight is easier and faster than others.
7. He makes hair stronger and shinier
Almonds contain vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed to improve the condition of hair. For example, the same vitamin E doesEffects of Tocotrienol Supplementation on Hair Growth in Human Volunteers hair thicker, accelerate their growth and even helps with the different kinds of hair loss.
8. Almonds enhances memory and improves the condition of the brain
The nut many essential fatty acids omega-3 - in particular, alpha-linolenic. In combination with antioxidants omega-3 takes care of brain health: improving memory, normalizes cognitive function, protects against the development of various disorders - the same depression.
How and to whom the almonds can hurt
If you eat more than two handfuls of almonds a day, without observing certain safety rules, may receive the following side effects.
1. Constipation
Cellulose, which is rich in almonds, sometimes leadsStopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms constipation and other gastrointestinal problems: bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhea. To avoid this, make sure that, in addition to the nuts eaten, you drink adequate amount of water.
2. Deficiency of iron, zinc, calcium
Phytic acid, which comprises almonds, - most useful antioxidant. But it also has a side effect: it binds iron, zinc and calcium, and does not allow them to adopt. As a result, the body can receive less data minerals.
To reduce the risk, eat almonds as a standalone snack between meals. Then the nut will not have a negative effect on the assimilation of nutrients.
3. weight gain
Almond helps to control weight. But if you use it excessively - more than a handful or two a day, and even combined with high-calorie meals and low physical activity, weight gain is inevitable.
4. Allergy
Some proteins contained in almonds (e.g. Amandine), WHO includedALLERGEN NOMENCLATURE the list of potential food allergens. This means that people who are prone to allergic reactions to nuts have to be careful.
The use of almond can provoke reaction affecting the oral cavity: itching of the mouth and throat, swelling of the tongue, mouth and lips. In some cases, even lead to mortal danger anaphylactic shock.
5. Stones in the kidneys
Almonds are rich in oxalate - salts of oxalic acid, which can promote the formation of kidney stones. Moreover, these oxalates, speaking the language of science, have a high bioavailabilityRenal Failure due to Excessive Intake of Almonds in the Absence of Oxalobacter formigenes: The body absorbs them almost completely.
If you have any kidney problems, restrict the use of almonds. And possibly consult on this matter with your doctor.
6. Poisoning
In almonds contains hydrocyanic acid. The bitter it 40 times morePotential Toxic Levels of Cyanide in Almonds (Prunus amygdalus), Apricot Kernels (Prunus armeniaca), and Almond SyrupThan sweet. But also ordinary sweet varieties carry a certain risk.
Hydrocyanic acid can lead to problems with respiration, breathing difficulties and even death. Pregnant and nursing from the almond is to give at all. Everyone else is important not to abuse nut to crack: to get maximum benefit and minimum harm you have enough and 50 grams of almonds a day.
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