How to learn how to walk, sit and stand
Health / / December 19, 2019
All people think that learned how to walk, sit and stand back in childhood. However, so many should now be to learn how to do it again and correct.
If you think that the correct posture is important for your health only, it is not so.
No, of course, posture has a huge impact on the work of all our internal organs and sometimes can cause with serious health problems. But apart from that, it is a reflection of your psychological state, the degree of self-confidence and attitude to the world. Your body language can tell others about you, even more than most lengthy speech, and more than the most expensive clothes. But, in contrast to the costume, posture is not worth your money and only requires your effort and practice. In this article, we will learn simple techniques produce such a posture that will become your real decoration.
Learning how to sit
The realities of our lives were such that most of the day we sit. And the wrong body position at the same time can be a major source of health problems, fatigue, and even bad mood. Today, the ability to sit is the most important question of survival.
- Push your hips back so that the lower part of the back was supported by the backrest.
- Expand your shoulders back and down, and keep the chest expanded. Do not slouch.
- If you are using the monitor, then position it so that you can watch without altering the natural position of the neck.
- Position your keyboard so that your forearms and elbows resting on the table, or relied on the armrests of your chair.
- To avoid problems with the knees position the legs at an angle of 90 degrees so that the feet were flat on the ground.
- Regardless of the correctness of your posture, keep in mind that the human body is not made for long sitting. Therefore, take breaks every 20-30 minutes. Simply stand up and walk a couple of minutes, to warm up.
Learning how to stand
Look at the people around you. Have you noticed that most of them, even the very young, try to sit down as soon as possible? In transport, in line, at the party they think instinctively looking for a suitable horizontal surface, and the legs themselves carry them there. All right, these people are just forgotten how to stand properly!
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now apply the lower part of the body slightly forward, to feel the weight of the body on the toes. Then compensate by upper body backward movement so as to feel the weight on your heels. Find a balance to his weight evenly distributed. Thus, your hips should be slightly ahead, and detailed shoulders - behind. It is in this position, the body weight is supported optimally backbone.
- Pay attention to your shoulders were deployed back and chest lifted up. Do not lower your head down.
- Do not keep your hands in your pockets - it makes you stoop.
Learning how to walk
In the previous paragraph I wrote about the fact that we have forgotten how to stand. Even to a greater extent this applies to walking. A man walking on foot, where you can drive, perceived freak. A man who overcame the distance of ten or fifteen kilometers, perceived champion. Meanwhile, the ability to walk starts from the correct body movements. And they are not that complicated, really.
- Take proper standing position, using described above advice.
- Take the step foot, gently placing it on the heel and rolling on the toe.
- Repeat this movement ten thousand times during the day.
- If you want to go at a faster pace, then bend your elbows and do they support the movement. Yes, it may look unusual, but it will help you then move smoothly to run.
All of these tips are extremely easy to accomplish... once or twice. The problem is to do it consistently. To do this consciously and deliberately to turn their attention to the way we sit, stand and walk. To correct and straighten himself. Do not go there, where to go, not to sit, where to stand, and not blurred where you just need to sit down.
If you do this regularly, you will see that it will become natural to you in a couple weeks. After a month you will be doing it without even thinking. The world will see you to others and was surprised this transformation.
Good luck!