5 Reasons Why jogging does not help you lose weight
Health / / December 19, 2019
1. The same low-intensity workout
At the time, I did not avoid this error. My workouts were as alike as two drops of water: every day the usual 10 laps of the stadium.
When every day we do the same thing, the body adapts and begins to spend less calories to the usual load. From the point of view of survival is very good, but for weight loss - not cool. With each workout you a little bit easier to run the same distance. Even if you still sweat and feel the tension in the legs, the metabolism slows down.
Here's a dirty trick: you have spent so much willpower to pull themselves out for a run, and burned a half times less calories than a week ago.
Study Concurrent training: a meta-analysis examining interference of aerobic and resistance exercisesSpent at the University of Tampa, showed that the same cross training, such as training on a treadmill for 45 minutes at the same pace, without intervals and maximum acceleration, help to reduce the weight of only the first time. People lose a few kilos in the first month of training, but then the weight stops. Why it happens? Within a week, the body has adapted to the stress, and now he does not need to strain to such an extent as to burn fat.
That's why weight training are considered more effective for weight loss than jogging at a moderate pace. Lifting your gravity podhlostyvaet metabolismCausing microfractures muscles. The recovery process requires energy, which means that you burn more calories not only during training, but for one or two days after it.
In other words, the power and cardio different mechanism of burning calories.
With cardio, everything is simple: you can run about 30 minutes in an easy pace and burn 200 calories, or do not do, but eat 200 calories less. The effect is the same.
With strength training (or with a sprint, but more on that in the next paragraph), it's different. Calories burned not only during exercise, but also after it.
2. You run longer, but is not faster
In any form of activity it is of great importance intensity. Typically, novice runners choose the pace at which can last for a long time.
This is great for endurance, but not very good for weight loss. In the study,Physical Activity and Weight Gain PreventionThe results of which were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, analyzed the fitness habits of more than 34 000 women. It was found that in order to maintain (no loss!) Weight they use hour of moderate loads per day - which is about 5 kilometers away.
Rather than train for a certain time, set himself the task to achieve the desired level of complexity. Assume the third level of difficulty on the treadmill - a foursome on a scale of one to ten. What happens if you move on to eight or nine on this scale in a very short time? The answer is obvious: you drop more excess weight.
The studyRun sprint interval training improves aerobic performance but not maximal cardiac outputConducted at the University of Western Ontario, a short intense exercise compared with longer, but less severe cardio. One group of subjects performed six 30-second sprints, another - cardio with moderate intensity for 30-60 minutes.
The results are striking: sprinters burned twice as much fat, despite much less time training.
By sprint effects on the body can be compared with the power exercise. Your body needs to replenish ATP reserves, convert lactic acid into glucose, and after a heavy load - restore the hormone levels in the blood. All these processes cause the body to work hard and burn more fat, which does not happen during the quiet aerobic exercise.
3. You are too much emphasis on calories
Counter calories cardio - Slimming real enemy of man. He makes you misjudge the effect of exercise on the amount of energy expended.
You are mistaken, considering that most of the calories you burn during training. Huge number of them out just to ensure that support life: sleep, stand, eat, think. The fact that you've spent in the gym, simply pales in comparison to the energy costs for ordinary daily activities unrelated to sports.
Therefore, it does not matter how many calories will be reflected on the monitor cardio, and how your training will affect spending calories in ordinary life.
Running just burn calories and strength training or sprinting increase muscle volume. And the more your muscles, the more calories the body needs in order to serve them.
4. You do not try other types of cardio
If you love long run endurance and want to use them for weight loss, I have bad news. Issue The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research foundThat run in a calm pace over long distances reduces the strength of the muscles and slows their growth. To verify this, just look at the marathon shape.
Researchers at the University of Stefan F. Austin argued that even if you're running with high intensity and a ramp, the bike is still more effective for building muscle and burning fat.
However, we can not say that running is useless for weight loss, and he has no advantages. Just if you want to quickly lose weight, that is more effective workout. Prefer cycling (especially high intensity), instead of sending the long run in a quiet pace or leisurely stroll.
5. You run too much
Maybe number on the scale does not change because you're running too much? We are talking about really serious loads, when the body simply does not have time to recover after a workout.
Physical exercise improves health, but they make our body under stress. If you exercise too much, it affects the hormones, and hormones play an important role in the set and reset the weight.
During exercise increases cortisol levels. There is nothing wrong with that, but when combined with chronic stress, this hormone can cause insulin resistance and cause your body to store fat, in spite of all your efforts.
Study Overtraining, Exercise, and Adrenal InsufficiencyPublished in the journal Hormone Research, found that running long distances increases the level of cortisol for long periods. This can cause inflammation and slow recovery, destroy muscle tissue, increase the amount of fat and reduce immunity.
If you suffer from prolonged stress - whether it is caused by too long workout or lack of good nutrition, for recovery - it harms the thyroid gland and the metabolism slows down, so losing weight becomes much more difficult.
So, if you start to run an hour a day, and the weight does not go away, try to reduce the amount of cardio, running to replace a calm pace to a sprint and add weight training. Most likely, you will find a pleasant surprise.