Getting rid of the pain in the lower back: 8 simple exercises
Health / / December 19, 2019
Do not be lazy and find at least 15 minutes of simple exercises that help the lower back.
Exercise № 1. Stretching the hamstring in a standing position
Place one foot on a low stool or stand - will fit any object in height no more than 15 cm, on which you can rely on. The emphasis on the heel, the toe a little on yourself. Begin slow bend to a straight leg, until you feel tension in the back of the thigh. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds and change leg. During tilt need to make sure that the leg to which the bend has been rectified, there was sagging at the waist, and shoulders is no slouch. Repeat this three times on each leg.
Practice is possible without the base. One leg slightly bent, the other rests on the heel on the floor, socks on, the knee is not bent. Should stretch to toe the straight leg. If a succeed, Grasp hold of the sock. Another option: all the same, but in the hands rest against the straightened knee. Lean slightly forward until you feel a stretch in the hamstring. And watch for the shoulders and the waist!
Exercise № 2. "The cat and camel"
Get down on all fours. Focus on her knees and straightened arms. The palms should be directly under your shoulders. Completely relax your back and stomach (even if it is a little slack). Hold this position for 5 seconds. Then bend the back and then pause for 5 seconds. Perform 10 repetitions.
Exercise № 3. Simultaneously lifting the opposite arm and leg
This exercise is probably familiar to you. It teaches to keep the balance and stretches the muscles of the lower back. Get on all fours, the emphasis on straightened arms, hands are directly under your shoulders. abdominal muscles and back muscles tense. Pull the left arm forward and simultaneously lift her right leg. Hand and foot must be on the same level. Hold them in this position for 5 seconds, then lower slowly. Do the same with the other arm and leg. Perform 10 reps on each side.
Exercise № 4. The rise of the pelvis
Lie on your back. Bend your legs at lap, Feet should be on the floor. Push your lower back to the floor, tighten your abdominal muscles. Hold this position for 5 seconds and relax. Perform three sets of 10 times.
Exercise № 5. Partial lifting body
Lie on your back. Knees bent, feet on the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles, chin to chest press. Stretch your arms along your body and begin to rise up forward until your shoulders do not come off the floor. Hold for 3 seconds and relax. Hands at the same time should be flush with the body. You seem to be pulling his hands to the feet. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions. During the exercise, do not hold your breath. It is important!
A more sophisticated version - hands along the body, and on their heads. Elbows should be clearly separated in the side. And preferably not support the head in his hands: let his hands are around the ears or temples.
Exercise № 6. Stretching the gluteal muscles
Lie on your back. Knees bent, feet on the floor. Make the ankle of one leg lay on the other knee. Get under his hands, and gently tighten the supporting leg to the chest. You will feel a stretch in the gluteal muscles, and, possibly, in the thigh of the leg, which was cast on another. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds and then return to its original. Perform three sets on each leg.
How close to the chest, you can pull up the leg, depending on your stretch marks. Therefore it is better to do the exercise carefully, to the best of the bunch.
A more sophisticated version - do not pull the leg bent and straightened, holding her foot.
Exercise № 7. stretching back
Please lie down on the stomach and relax for 5 minutes. If you can lie on the floor all the time and do not feel the pain at the same time - so you can continue. If back pain is too strong, put a small pillow under the stomach.
Exercise is a bit like a lion and the cobra pose, but without strong bending backwards. Lift upper body arms, bent at the elbow. In this case, the forearm can remain on the floor. Hold this position for 5 minutes. Then lie back and relax for a minute.
The second time climb a little higher, just for a moment snatched his elbows on the floor, and sat down again. Perform four sets of 10 such climbs. Between sets relax for 2 minutes while lying on the stomach. During exercise time, take care that the hips were pressed to the floor.
Exercise № 8. Side strap
Lie on the floor so that the shoulders and legs are on the same line. Lift, leaning on his elbow. In this case, it should be clearly below the shoulder. Lift the hips off the floor and try to keep the balance of 15 seconds in this position. Then go back to the original. Repeat the same on the other side. Try to gradually increase the time in the balance sheet up to the minute. If you do the exercise with hard legs straight, bend your knees. The angle between the thighs and knees bent should be about 45 degrees.
Take care that the unit remained in line with the feet. Do not wag the pelvis.
So. If you feel that you have sat up - stand up and mash slightly. Often walk. Try work standing. Do not spend weekends lying on the couch. Find at least 15 minutes for easy charging. And do not forget that the spine - your support.
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