Everyone says that puts the computer vision. This is understandable, we are at least eight hours at the computer. And what about smartphones, which are becoming more and more? Computer with you only at home or in the office, and smartphone - anytime and anywhere. We look to the small screen in public transport, at a party, on the street, in a cafe. And it spoils the sight even more than the computer. Is it possible to reduce the harm from a smartphone, without abandoning it completely?
I wear contact lenses long ago, and all this time the vision remained practically unchanged, so do not even need to take place every time the diagnosis - to buy at the same recipe, and everything is fine. But recently I began to notice that distant objects are becoming increasingly blurred, even in lenses, and eye strain when it is necessary to consider removing signs.
A little thought, I have connected this change with a smartphone, which is hard not to hang. Transitions on different sites, reading on your smartphone when there is free time, the game notes. If the free time I have to go to the interent (that is fraught with "hanging" and the transitions from site to site), I do it from your smartphone.
Of course, I decided to check how valid my assumptions, and it turned out well. Of course, it is possible to reduce damage to the eye, but more on that later. First, the problem.
As smartphones spoil vision
In the Journal of optometry and vision science (Journal of Optometry and Vision Science) published information about the fact that people keep their mobile devices very close eye on what is rapidly spoils.
The study of this journal showed that browsing the web on smartphones and other mobile devices, people keep it to four to six centimeters closer than ever to print text.
Of the 129 tested people using contact lenses, none have complied with the rule of "1,2,10". This rule of thumb is to keep the phone at a distance of one foot, that is, about 30 cm from the face, the computer screen should be at a distance of two feet, and television - ten feet.
The images on the smartphone can be different sizes, for example, a very small font that is difficult to read. So you inadvertently come near your smartphone to face.
These data are confirmed by the statistics. As a result, one study found that the condition of the people as a whole declined by 35% compared with 1997, when smartphones only came into use.
This study was conducted by David Allambi, eye surgeon and founder of the London Clinic "Focus", which even introduced a special term - "screen myopia".
Nearsightedness or myopia arises from a combination of factors: heredity and eye strain from constant viewing near objects, such as reading.
Using your smartphone - it's actually the same thing as reading or working at the computer, with the only difference is that we offer a smartphone very close to the face, eyes and more difficult to focus on facility.
The problem is clear, but what do you do? Probably the best option - to abandon the smartphone, but it is unlikely. We will be better to wear lenses, because they give the illusion of a good view. At least, it is possible to reduce the harm from the use of smartphones and other mobile gadgets, and here are 7 tips to do it.
1. blink more often
When you look at your smartphone screen, you blink three times less than usual. This leads to the feeling of dry eyes. It would seem that there is nothing wrong, but the constant dryness may cause damage to eyesight.
2. typically 20/20/20
When you're reading on your smartphone, watch a movie or go to the site to the site every 20 minutes keep your eyes on the screen and look into the distance for 20 seconds, at a distance of 20 feet (about 6 meters).
3. Keep track lighting
Forget reading or playing games on your phone in a dark room. Lack of light together with a bright backlit screen much damage to the eyes, so try to use the handheld device in a well-lit room or in daylight.
4. Do not look in the phone when you are talking
It's awful annoying when someone is looking into the smartphone, talking to you, and if it is done by both men generally get sad picture. Just stop doing so, give the other party all your attention to 100%, and it will help you reduce the time spent in front of screen, and thus the health of the eye.
5. Only on the desktop
Set yourself a rule, do not perform any actions with your smartphone. For example, do not check social networks or e-mail, do not read the news or interesting articles. This is another opportunity to reduce the time spent in front of a small smartphone screen.
6. Make the font bigger
Install on your smartphone fonts "huge" or at least "large". The larger the font, the less strain the eyes in an attempt to read something. Try to use mobile applications and web services to avoid the sites, not adapted for the smartphone screen.
7. keep right
As mentioned earlier, the main damage to the eye is the fact that we hold the smartphone is too close to the face. Make sure you - how far away from the person you are holding your device? Unlikely, perhaps, 30 or even 20 if it put 40 centimeters?
In any case, the closer you hold it to your eyes, the quicker develop myopia.
So, if you do not want to have poor vision in 20-30 years, try as much as possible to spend less time for your smartphone screen, and keep it at the right distance.