What to eat before going to bed, so as not to hurt the stomach and go to sleep without problems
Food / / December 19, 2019
Of course, in this article we will not seek to refute the facts known to all the simple truth is, the night is not very useful. However, sometimes we do not have enough time to create a proper environment for healthy and timely meal. If you are one of those who sits up at work until late at night, and a solid breakfast is not included in the list of your daily rituals, the following material is for you.
I have repeatedly asked people, "Which of the habits you will be the most difficult part?". Variants of answers received very different, but the manners gut refrigerator under the cover of darkness, ranked top of the charts.
Why not go to bed hungry
The temptation to lie down quickly, thereby bringing the coveted lunch hour, a sign, perhaps, almost everyone who has once experienced the enjoyment of the meal the night. However, the fact remains that it curbs the desire to satisfy your hunger, you will sleep better.
specialists University of Pittsburgh Medical Center(UPMC) explain:
Snack before bedtime helps to stabilize blood sugar levels in your blood, especially if you have early lunch and were quite active during the day. This is important, as low blood sugar can cause a sudden awakening in the middle of the night. It also increases the risk that he woke up in the morning, you will not feel quite cheerful. The human body needs energy, he spends including sleep.
If the fear of indigestion make you give up a snack before bedtime, you risk not sleep properly. For this reason, we recommend you to definitely stay one's stomach, but do it for science, choosing the right food for a late meal.
The products are ideal for dinner at night looking
The trick competent snack is before going to bed, to find the appropriate provisions, as well as deliberately to limit the amount consumed servings. Specialists of the same Medicine Center (UPMC) claim that, following certain rules of "Fight Club", you can pick the perfect night menu.
So, more about most of these rules:
- give preference to products with a low content of protein as well as comprising healthy fats.
- Try to eat small meals, trying to consume less than 200 calories in one step.
The food is heavier may be regarded by the digestive system as a cause of shock work, with directly at the time, when you're trying to sleep. Therefore, our task - to make sure that this process took place as easily as possible, and the feeling of hunger surrendered unconditionally. So what to eat at night? Here are a few options out of any competition:
- Low-fat yogurt. Nutritionist Irene Coleman (ErinColeman) It recommends it this product, As it contains dietary protein, probiotics and other beneficial nutrients. Due to the protein satiety felt for a long time, and this is exactly what we need: hunger wakes up only in the morning, together with you. It is important to remember one thing: the yogurt should be as less sweet.
- White meat. sports nutritionist Joel Marion advises satisfy your hunger with a piece of chicken or turkey, as it will be a long time to digest. White meat contains glucagon - a peptide hormone that increases blood sugar. It helps the body to delay the process of converting received him fat and carbohydrates into energy. Red meat is the same at night is not recommended.
- Cottage cheese. This wonderful and well-known to all product - is another hint on the subject of healthy eating by Marion. Cottage cheese is digested very slowly, almost an eternity, and is made up of protein. As is the case with low-fat yogurt, it should not be sweet, but if you add a little fruit, it does not interfere with your sleep.
- Whole wheat crackers. According to research conducted by experts at Harvard Medical School, a few small pechenyushek single flour mill will be enough for you to hold out until the very breakfast and lay down without remorse and feelings of heaviness in the stomach.
- Vegetables. Writer Karen Borseri (karen Borsari) He believes that vegetables such as cucumber, carrots and broccoli, are very nutritious, and most importantly, contain few calories. Moreover, they contain complex carbohydrates that make sense of satiety will stay with you for a long time and you easily fall asleep. If the taste of vegetables themselves were not enough, their season unsharp hummus. It is rich in vitamin B6, required for the production of melatonin component.
- Products included in the diet BRYAT. BRYAT - an abbreviation that stands for this: bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. As you've probably guessed, all of these components are widely considered safe even for people with acute disorders of the digestive system due to their easy digestibility. These same properties of this group of products make them indispensable for a midnight feast. By the way, bananas help sleep: Potassium and magnesium contained in them, promote muscle relaxation. And they stimulate the production of melatonin and serotonin - substances that are involved in many important processes in the human body.
All the above products are very useful in themselves, so if you like healthy food, then change their taste habits you do not have to. Keep them in the event of an unexpected raid on the fridge and, as they say, you can sleep peacefully.
What exactly should not eat before going to bed
Know some food, trapped in the stomach shortly before bedtime, can raise it in the present uprising. Indigestion, heartburn, belching - agree that unjustifiably high price you pay risk inadvertently eat at bedtime. Here is a list of these dangerous for us, nightly gourmet dishes:
- Foods high in carbohydrates and sugar, such as cookies and ice cream.
- Oily, greasy and heavy food.
- Abundant food, where digestion takes time and effort.
Let's not beat around the bush: none of these three points should not get into your mouth before going to bed. Avoid spicy food: they stimulate the production of gastric juice, which can cause you not the most pleasant experience. Finally, it is strongly recommended to refuse the use of alcohol and caffeine.
If you would like to arrange a late snack, then it should not be a chocolate and wine. Chocolate contains caffeine, which is a powerful stimulant. You'd be surprised, but alcohol has a similar effect of.
People think that a small amount of wine can help to relax, but it is not so: the alcohol stimulant effect that could lead to disruption of the sleep function.Karen Carlson
By following these simple rules, you will not only save your health, but also will be able to afford the luxury of a night meal without any consequences.