Balloon concept - a new way to lose weight
Health / / December 19, 2019
Fad diets and different meal plans contradicts key rule of losing weight if you consume more calories than you burn, you gain weight; If you consume fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight.
Considering the question set or weight loss, we can compare the man with the balloon. Take a look at this chart.
All that enters the body
That's all what we eat and drink. People like bears and raccoons, omnivores. We can eat anything as long as we feel good.
Our body - is an effective mechanism for food processing, and it is actually cut its diversity to the minimum necessary, which is enough to provide energy. The main thing you need to know about their diet - is the number of daily incoming calories. All the rest - minor details.
All that is burned by the body
This is the number of calories we spend on providing itself with energy for all activities - from the heart to running a marathon.
Daily intake of calories for each individual depends on many different factors, body weight, physical activity, metabolic rate and so on.
The minimum amount of calories that the body needs to sustain life can be calculated using the formula:
ideal weight (in terms of growth table) × physical activity level
Physical activity level varies from 11 to 17. The smallest value - for those whose sport is limited to lift the TV remote, and the largest - for those who are daily engaged in heavy physical exercise.
The tables below show the minimum number of calories needed already counted for both men and women. For example, my height - 182 cm; weight - 82 kg. In order to know your height in feet, multiply it by 0.03. Total - 5 feet 11 inches. Figure - the average. My number kcals to sustain life is about 2 100.
Separately, on the physique. Here's a little advice on how to check what type of body you are. Thumb and forefinger of one hand grasp the wrist of the other, where the bone protrudes. If you can not embrace - you hypersthenics if it happened with great difficulty - normostenik if it turns out easily - you astenik.
Let us not try to hide the natural things. Every day we consume a certain amount of food and liquid. Almost all of these resources on the body tries to break down the molecular components in order to saturate the cells. As a result of this process are wastes that come out of our body all the known routes.
Since our body is omnivorous, he has to be as efficient as possible. A person can be used as almost any food product. However, some of them still contain substances that are not only not needed by the body, but also interfere with his work, and slows it. The sooner you get rid of them the better.
Too much food
Fat cells - is a kind of piggy bank of our body. When they absorb nutrients, try to make them into new molecules of fat to keep them for the future. Each fat cell - a balloon, which is becoming more if excess food come into it.
Too little food
You have decided to restrict your diet? Not bad. Almost immediately, the body will start to feel a lack of energy. As a consequence, it will gradually slow down the metabolism. You can overcome weakness or fever, which is absolutely normal, because the body will save energy. Fat cells will understand that it is their time and will give energy from its reserves. When you start this process, you start lose weight.
The control
Understanding of this system - the first step to controlling it. Presentation of the body as the balloon helps to control it to a whole other level. Let's look at this concept as an engineering scheme.
The first step - to understand that we want to control. Obviously, our body weight. Incoming data - everything that enters the body in the form of food calories per day. Outgoing data - the number of calories we burn.
Here is a simplified representation of the concept of the balloon.
Everything becomes clearer, right? The purpose, the incoming and outgoing data is. If incoming data is no longer outgoing - we gain weight, if less - we're losing him. It only remains to understand how to determine how much we lose weight or get better.
In 1 kg of fat contains 9000 calories. Accordingly, creating a daily deficit of 500 calories, we will lose 0.05 kg per day (50 g). Creating a surplus, we will gain the same 50 grams daily.
We often think that the sugar - it is pure calories, but think that's what. In 100 grams of sugar contains 387 calories, and 100 grams of fat - 900 calories. The thing is that the sugar - a carbohydrate and 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories, while 1 gram of fat - 9 calories.
Please re-read the previous two paragraphs. They contain the key answer to the question of how to control your weight.
Again, as an example take me. My daily intake - 2 100 kcal. Suppose that every day I exceeds its rate by 250 kcal. That sounds not very impressive, so here are a few examples:
- ice cream cone - 220 kcal;
- Donut - 225 kcal;
- beer (0.5 l) - 220 kcal.
Every evening I drink a bottle of beer that seems to be a little, but let's look at the long term. For a month I am gathering a 0.7 kg weight loss for the year - 8.5 kg. And all this from a surplus of 250 kcal. Not so good, right?
Pattern works in the opposite direction. By reducing your daily calories by 250 kcal, for a year I will lose the same 8.5 kg, not really straining.
What is more important: food or sport
How to increase the number of calories burned? There are two ways: you can increase calorie consumption and speed up metabolism. And the first and second can be achieved through exercise. Apart from the fact that the sport burns a certain amount of calories, it also speeds up the metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories in idle mode. That is, work out an hour in the gym, you continue to burn more calories after the workout.
A small problem is that sport increases appetite and you can easily spend 500 calories in the gym, and then eat 700 calories, thus reversing the result of training.
Here is a small list of activities and approximate energy on them per hour:
- Running - 600 kcal;
- Walking - 300 calories;
- swimming - 400 calories;
- Fitness - 500 kcal.
Catching three times a week in fitness, you will burn a total of 1 500 calories more. In month - on 6000 kcal. What will it give? For a month you burn 660 grams of fat. A year - by 8 kg more than if it had not engaged in sports. Only the symbiosis of power and sports can give a really significant and correct result. Neither food nor individually sport can not do it.
Literally, a new study appearing every month, that open our eyes to the fact that everything we did before was wrong. "No GMO", "high fiber", "enriched with zinc and iron" - all this marketing nonsense.
The food that we consume, performs two functions in our body:
- is a source of energy;
- It provides us with useful microelements.
Be careful! Virtually all modern diets cause your body more harm than good. In addition to energy, the food we eat must give the body all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Our concept considers only food as a source of energy, allowing you to manage your weight. On the trace elements you have to take care of themselves. On Layfhakere there A variety of materials about this theme. For instance, this.
Man - this is the most intelligent creature on Earth. At least for the moment. But who would call us smarter when it comes to food? In this matter we are not smarter than bears or raccoons. We can turn anything into energy or fat. Valid all the same principle of a balloon: if we gets too much energy - we become greater; if the energy is not enough - the ball is reduced in the same way as we do.
There is only one way to influence this - to control what, when, and how much we eat. The whole concept is reduced to elementary mathematics. Properly using this information, you will be able to control his body.