Why do you need to learn to run at a low pulse
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
In untrained human pulse rate during running can be up to 170-180 beats per minute, and during the accelerations in the red zone and 200-220. However, the optimal heart rate for ordinary jogging is 120-140 beats per minute. Since everyone is different and each has its own physiological features, some accounts do not run, and walk quite a long time, before they can run even jog without stepping over the set bar. It is terribly boring, but if you want to achieve their goals and at the same time really heal, not to kill my heart, have a little patience.
How does our heart during running time
Arthur Lydiard in his book "Running with Arthur Lydiard"Very accessible describes the work of the heart and the way in which race affects the cardiovascular system.
Physical exercise helps the heart beat clearly, exactly, strong and easy to supply the body with well-oxygenated blood. Heart - the same muscles that we, unfortunately, attach much less importance than all the rest. Some work hard to increase the volume of the biceps or the ideal shape of the buttocks, but almost do not think about how strong one of the most important muscles - heart.
Strong heart needs to exert much less effort to pump at a time greater volume of oxygenated blood. It slowly gets tired, and trained persons may perform a more significant amount of work before you reach the maximum heart rate reductions. Arthur Lydiard compares it with the motor car is looked after properly. Even in old age, a trained heart remains much more strong and healthy and can withstand greater than the assumed load.
Rapid pulse at rest means that either on the walls of your arteries are present body fat (the bad cholesterol), or they are simply not flexible and developed. This means that you need to work on strengthening them. But it should be done gradually, moving forward in small steps.
slowing of heart rate occurs, and further, because, as the arteries adapt to the acceleration of blood flow, they become more elastic and the gaps are increasing.
Cardiovascular system people leading a sedentary lifestyle, work 20 times less effective than those who constantly perform aerobic exercises. During such exercises the cardiovascular system expands like a balloon, and slowly repeated loads lead to stretching of the whole system and make it more elastic. As a result, it will be increased even at rest. All this provides a powerful and free circulation, improving the overall physical condition of the runner, and helps get rid of cholesterol and atheroma.
Aerobic and anaerobic running
aerobic jogging - it is running on the verge of the most stable state when an athlete can fully supply the oxygen your body work at this load level. As soon as the oxygen debt, running at once becomes anaerobic format (ie without oxygen).
anaerobic running - it is running on the verge of possibilities when the body is not enough oxygen. Typically the process begins acidification with such run, or acidosis (The same oxygen debt). Anaerobic load - it's just the stress that we need to go to the next level.
Sometimes to go to the next stage of runners use race in the anaerobic zone, but in a very short time. Our goal - aerobic running, since it allows to systematically and without causing over-training to improve your stay in the most stable state.
according to the book The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing, To find out at what heart rate you go to the anaerobic zone, subtract your age from 180. If you have had a serious injury, or you are recovering from an illness, subtract 10 more. If during the year you have had a break in training, you have recently suffered a few colds or flu, you have allergies or if you have asthma - it is an additional -5. If in the last two years you have not had the problems listed above at a constant training schedule (4 times a week), leaving 180 minus your age. If after two years you have a good progress, can be added to get the result 5 more.
So, running at a low pulse (aerobic running) strengthens the cardiovascular system, it helps to build a strong base that allows you to go on, really makes us stronger and sturdier. Abuse of running on a high pulse in the initial levels (especially when excess weight) does not lead to the strengthening, but on the contrary, to wear heart!
Starting at a low pulse
Immediately it will not work with these just need to accept to achieve high results. Start slowly, almost step. Even if your muscles are able to bring you a high speed, your heart is not ready for this, as you are unlikely to given to strengthening the heart muscles as much time and attention as slim / strong / beautiful (underline) feet! Yes, it would be terribly boring, you pass 5 km per hour (and it is quite possible), and during that time the idea to throw all this will arise in your mind more than once or twice! But if you really want to be healthy, strengthen your heart, do not injure and achieve your results, you will have to get heart rate monitor and run at a low pulse (120-140 beats per minute), as long as you do not see that with an increase in the rate of your heart still beats smooth.
Start with three workouts per week lasting no more than half an hour. If your pulse does not allow you to run and even when running light jogging rises above 140 beats per minute, go. Try walking, if you just go boring. Then, after a week of training time and increase add another 5-10 minutes. Progress will depend primarily on your physical data, but not - on your patience and consistency!
Finally, we offer you a video from Skirun school, which is very easy to understand and easy to explain why you need to start training with a low heart rate.