In what measure the running: in kilometers or in minutes
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Is it better to run 30 minutes or 5 kilometers? In preparation for the competition also gets a choice: to train in the race for a certain distance, or focus on the target time? Both tactics have their advantages. To understand what is right for you, this article will help.
6 arguments kilometers
1. Easier to compare your results with others
Many runners find the number of kilometers they run through for a single training session or a week. To keep the conversation on the forum or in the locker room a fitness club, you will be easier to call long distance her.
2. You can evaluate your condition after injury
After an injury like to get back on track. But the lack of patience may lead to further damage. Knowing your mileage, you can more accurately assess the degree of recovery if you hardly run through half the distance that easily overcome before the break, then you hurry.
3. It is easier to increase the load smoothly
Of course, you can just count the minutes spent on the track during the week. However, they are not all equal. Walking, light jogging, fast running - pace varies by 2-3 times. At the same time, to avoid damage, it is not recommended to increase the load by more than 10% per week. Monitor progress easier if every week add 5-10% range.
4. Simply determine the route
If you are training for a race on a certain distance, it is more convenient to determine the route once the desired length to while running does not have to constantly check with the tracker. Even if you run in different places, to calculate in advance on the map, where you need to turn back, we can go on the track without any additional gadgets.
5. You know when it's time to change shoes
We have shoes recommended length of use, which establishes a producer. He calculated in kilometers "run." On average, after 500-800 km (depending on the running conditions and the weight of the runner) shoes do not provide sufficient cushioning, the risk of injury increases.
6. Suitable for those who hate running
There are those runners! Those who while jogging dreams of the finish, it is better to set the aim of kilometers. Reducing training time could become an additional incentive to increase speed.
6 arguments minutes
1. Simply relax
Most of those who run for a while, often do it for the soul than the body. The planned length of time can be thrown out of the care of the head and just enjoy the pleasure of movement.
2. You can run without haste
If you aim at a certain number of minutes, not kilometers, you can not worry if you run fast enough. You can simply move into a comfortable pace for fun.
3. You experience less frustrating
If you are a beginner or just recovered from an injury, it is not every day you will be able to run a certain distance. It is not necessary to disappoint myself misses. You can set a goal to run, for example, 30 or 45 minutes a day, and calmly put a tick, even if that day you turned on a couple of quarters earlier than usual.
4. More suited to unpredictable routes
If you run on a complex forest paths, after rain on slippery ground, you, of course, run through a shorter distance. "Green Wave" traffic lights in the city, too, is not guaranteed. In such cases it will be more appropriate training for a certain time.
5. If your goal - to stay on track
When you are preparing for a marathon or triathlon, it is important to be sure that you will be able to run for as long as required. The same applies to beginners: at first, even 10 minutes of continuous run - it's almost incredible task.
6. Suitable for those who want to lose weight
If your goal - reducing weight, to burn the right amount of calories you need to be sure that you are not out of steam ahead of time. For you to be more effective over a long run, though less rapid. Calculate the required time, you can use calculator.
combined approach
It may seem that the calculation of kilometers more suitable for some tracks and minutes - for others. However, if you run in different ways (for example, on different days of the week), you still have to take into account the mileage total for the week and races focused on time. But there is no need to control the distance and speed of the time - will be enough to calculate it at the end of a workout and add to diary runs.