How to make sure that no water turned into ice during winter running
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Despite the fact that in the winter it's cold outside, drink during long runs anyway you want. How to make sure that the water you have taken with you on a run, did not turn into ice or ice does not become? We found seven life hacking, to help you cope with this problem, and asked avid runners, which ones really work.
The question of how to deal with replenishment of water reserves while running in the warm season, it is not necessary. Everything is simple: take in water or isotonic convenient bottle and forth. But what to do in the winter, when water becomes ice in just a few minutes? The same applies to the cross-country snacks, if in the summer some of them can be slightly melted (chocolate and protein bars), in cold weather you risk to break them teeth.
What to do with all these troubles? We decided to look for answers to all these questions on the Web and ask the other runners.
Tip number 1. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and just before jogging. Not necessarily to drink a whole bottle, since the cold very quickly want to use the toilet, in this case 200-300 ml is sufficient. This applies to short runs. If you are going to run more than 10 km, the need to bring at least a small bottle.
Tip number 2. If your bottle of water lies in a secret place or hanging on your belt, to pour warm or even almost hot water - it quickly becomes cold again.
Tip number 3. This rule is to run in a very, very, very cold! In order to prevent water froze in the bottle, to add a little salt, sugar or fruit juice. This will lower the critical freezing point.
Tip number 4. Another option to keep the water warm - wrap the bottle in aluminum foil! Only water should be warm enough to pour, so that the heat kept longer.
Tip number 5. Use special Thermos for baby bottles. They do not work worse thermos.
Tip number 6. Remember, in an article about Christmas gifts for runners We mentioned hydrator? Many manufacturers offer special winter options for skiers and fans of winter racing, which makes it so that your water for a long time will be a suitable temperature.
Tip number 7. If we are very thirsty, but with the water you do not have, you can buy a small bottle of water running past the store. You just have time to drink it before it becomes ice.
As for the food, what if you do not want to break the teeth of the icy chocolate bar or energy bar, put them close to the body, that is, to heat. Put into the inside pocket or wear jogging Waist bag under his jacket.
Tips experienced
Alisher Yakupov
Tips given above really work, and they are used by many runners. For instance, Alisher Yakupov I advised to wrap the bottle in aluminum foil or put on a little treadmill backpack under the jacket, and also reminded that there are special TERMOPAK for drinking water systems.
Denis Tkalich
Tkalich Denis, one of the authors of the blog "Run Layfhaker Run" and the future ultramarafonets advised to drink enough water throughout the day and drink a glass immediately before a run. Later he plans to take with water for the winter in a thermos jogging.