5 life hacking for lazy players in Pokémon GO
Games / / December 19, 2019
Learn how to accurately throw pokeboly, output Pokémon from your sofa, sending boats to hunt and become the best player in the pokémon GO.
Level: beginner
If you drove valuable Pokemon in a corner and just can not get pokebolom his horned head, try to make a special sight for your smartphone.
Nothing complicated, primitive cardboard cover, which will allow your finger to slide the screen just right. Every time you hit right on target and be able to save while hunting their physical strength and nerves.
The game creators hoped they could bring to the streets of the players and get them to walk on the 2, 5, 10 kilometers to ripen new eggs in the incubator. Naive people!
Players in pokémon GO It turned out to be trickier. They do not want to walk the streets. They tied their smartphones to the ceiling fan blades and go to eat hamburgers. Silly computer game at the same time believes that the player is in the sweat runs down the street and gives him one prize after another.
Level experimenter
If you do decide to go out for Pokémon GO, then quickly realize that your smartphone battery does not correspond to the appetites of the game. Weaklings immediately run to the store for shirpotrebovsky poverbankom, but this is not our way.
These layfhakery solve the problem with the help of self-made case, which not only contains an extra battery, but also knows how to signal its status.
For manufacturing devaysa you will need only three LEDs, a few wires, solder-and 3D-printer. Simple and clear instructions can be found here.
Level: Master
While less Sophisticated players smartphones bolted to the fans, their tech-savvy colleagues are launching boats that catch Pokemon instead of their masters.
To this end, they broke into the game, studied API and learned how to use Pokémon GO protocol. It is allowed to create virtual players that move around the map (actually no), collect valuable items and catch Pokémon. The owner of the workaholic does not even have to leave the couch to become the coach Bleed the area!
Level mad inventor
In between the creation superkrutogo weapons for the destruction of this world crazy inventors also play Pokémon GO. They have come up with a structure that allows you to fool the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Now you can sit back in his underground bunker, moving the marker on the map on the computer screen, and the game will assume that you are moving through the streets with a smartphone in hand.
To implement design does not require anything complicated: only a small open-source device for $ 300 and a set of free software to it.
And what do you come up with hacks for games in the Pokémon GO? Or still in the old continue to be worn on the streets in the hope of meeting his Pikachu?