The fundamental thesis of the training, that it is time to reconsider
Health / / December 19, 2019
Lifting very heavy weights for muscle growth, eat as much protein and jogging can be an empty stomach to burn fat effectively - these and other classical training theses are firmly rooted in the minds of athletes. Something of these statements is true, and something it is time to change the look.
In sports medicine, biomechanics and other related disciplines regularly there are new discoveries that change the classic look at the different aspects of the training. As a rule, they do not contradict previous data obtained on this or that issue, but rather complement them.
Thesis 1. The greater the weight lifted, the muscles grow faster
Skeletal muscles pretty quickly adapt to external stimuli, and the best catalyst for its growth is the change in load. Classical method of increasing muscle volume for a long time It was considered (And it is considered to this day) working with large weights - about 60% of the maximum weight with which the athlete can do one repetition.
One more common variant - work with weights in weight from 80 to 95% of the maximum weight in a single repetition.
recent studies It showed that the use of weights around 30% of the maximum one repetition can be as effective in stimulating muscle growth, as well as previous techniques, provided that the exercise will be done to complete failure, that is, to an inability to perform at least one more reiteration.
Scientists say that after the volume of training with small weights body manages to synthesize more protein than after a few repetitions with high.
There are some rules that will work efficiently with small weights:
- Consider the total weight lifted in all exercises per workout - it should be no less than the classical power.
- Concentrate on muscle contraction.
- Use the method of intensive training, like drop-sets, a partial range of motion and forced reps.
- Eat well, to use a nitrogen donator for better saturation of muscle with blood and other sports supplements.
The basic idea is not to completely abandon strength training: mnogopovtornye training with small weights may become a good alternative, because the muscles are grown as effectively.
Thesis 2. There is "anabolic window" that need to be closed immediately after exercise
The fact that immediately after exercise you need to drink a protein or protein-carbohydrate drink, said so much that it became unwritten law for gyms visitors. However, recent studies suggest that the "anabolic window" is more like "anabolic gate."
Most coaches say that the "window" need to be closed no later than in an hour after training. The rate of muscle protein synthesis is not changed if eat three hours after exercise. There is also a study proving that the adoption of the protein mixture in the morning and evening during the training gives the same effect as drinking cocktails directly after exercise.
Drink a protein shake after a workout - a delicious and pleasant ritual, but we should not overestimate the importance of receiving post-workout protein powder. The total amount of protein eaten per day much more important, and for better reception it does not exist any "anabolic window" or "green zones".
Thesis 3. The more protein enters the body with food, the better
Muscle hypertrophy occurs when the body gets more protein than it spends. In this case, it is not necessary to load the stomach a lot of protein: an athlete weighing 80 kilograms will get as much benefit from the 30 grams of beef proteinHow much and from 90 grams. Between 20 and 40 grams of egg whiteEaten at one time, as there is not much difference when it comes to muscle growth.
Do not try to eat as much protein foods as you can. The organism learns about 30-35 grams of pure protein at a time and dispose of the rest without any benefit to the body. The amount of protein that your body learns at a time (assuming that you have everything in order with the stomach) - 0.2-0.3 grams per kilogram of body weight in a single meal.
Thesis 4. Cardio on an empty stomach can burn fat faster
In many training programs recommend doing cardio on an empty stomach, right after waking up. Explain this is usually the fact that after you wake up the body in a state of starvation, glycogen levels and reduced insulin and the body must switch to using fat as fuel.
recent studies showThat the effectiveness of cardio on an empty stomach is not higher than that in comparison with a morning training session conducted after breakfast.
Do morning cardio as you like. If you are used to engage on an empty stomach - to run before a meal. If you jog constantly feel dizzy, malaise or weakness - something to eat before going out on the street or track.