8 medicines that will save your life
Health / / December 19, 2019
And remember: OTC medications often struggling with the symptoms, not the cause of the disease. Therefore, for example, if you got a toothache cure, go to the dentist is still necessary.
Do not tolerate a lot of pain and consult a doctor if the state of health is deteriorating rapidly. In the case of food poisoning, take measures to alleviate their condition: this we told here.
1. analgesic
Sudden pain in the head prevents to finish the job, or have fun with friends. Aching tooth is impossible to tolerate. A pulling sensation in the abdomen during menstruation does not give get out of bed. From all these afflictions can help analgesic.
It acts quickly and copenimesulide acute pain, for example dental, joint, muscle and postoperative. It can be assumed if the knee sharply sick or started to cut a wisdom tooth.
It relaxes the muscles of the abdomen and eliminates abdominal cramps, stomach and intestine. Ideal during menstruation. It eliminates the unpleasant sensations that occur because of kidney stones or gall bladder.
2. pyretic
Fever can be a sign of a cold, flu, poisoning and other illnesses. For a full treatment should consult a doctor, but bearIs it possible to bring down the temperature heat to a professional inspection is not required. If you can not be bad - have a fever reducer.
It sold as a separate drug and is included in most cough and fever-reducing agents. good helpParacetamol bring the temperature down, eliminating the chill.
Quickly and permanently reduces fever. Furthermore, the preparation removesibuprofen inflammation and relieves pain. Not recommended for children, as the aggressive actions on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
Acetylsalicylic acid
Relieves fever and inflammation. In addition, thinsAcetylsalicylic acid blood and prevents the formation of clots in blood vessels.
3. enterosorbent
Great help after the holiday feast, during poisoning, hangovers. It absorbs all the harmful substances in the stomach and restores his work. Relieves vomiting and diarrhea.
Activated carbon
Old, but a proven way to help yourself when poisoned - drink one tablet of activated charcoal per 10 kilogram of body weight. It takes effect within 30-60 minutes. Carbon removes toxins and improves metabolism, though not always - after the treatment is possible constipation.
Colloidal silicon dioxide
Modern means to fight the poisoning. The active substance in "Polisorbents». The drug appears as a white powder air to be stirred into water or fruit drinks and drink. "Polisorb" gets into the gastro-intestinal tract and after 1-4 minutes to start operating.
"Polisorb" can be taken by pregnant and nursing women, young children. For kids the tools you need to breed in breast milk.
Enterosorbent struggling not only with the symptoms of poisoning, but the causes of the disease: captures and naturally removes from the bowel of harmful substances and toxins.
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4. Disinfectant
Carry infection is possible even through a small wound. Therefore, if you cut, scratched or burned skin, be sure to disinfect the affected area.
Hydrogen peroxide
Upon contact of peroxide with the skin or mucous membranes is released active oxygen: it cleans the surface and eliminates organic substances such as pus and proteins.
Antiseptic copes with bleeding: Helps to form clots and block the damaged vessels. Therefore swab moistened with peroxide can stop the bleeding from the nose.
Universal means for cleansing the skin from bacteria and viruses. Can be usedchlorhexidine for the treatment of acne and acne on the face, lesions in the mouth - stomatitis, periodontitis, pharyngitis - and even against sexually transmitted diseases. Rinse the genitals can be chlorhexidine for prevention, so as not to catch, for example, herpes after casual sex. More antiseptic is well suited for the decontamination of fresh tattoo.
Spray with benzalkonium chloride
Copes with purulent and fungal infections, ulcers and thermal burns. Antiseptic can be usedbenzalkonium chloride on mucosal surfaces, so it is suitable even as a local contraceptive for women.
5. Antihistamine
When you contact with allergens (dust, animal dander, cosmetics, pollens, latex), the body produces chemicals - histamines. They cause itchy skin, rash, stuffy nose, runny nose. Antihistamines blockH1-antihistamines receptors that these substances react.
After drinking this drug can safely walk down the street in the spring or go to visit friends-cat owner. However, cetirizine does not heal from serious consequences of allergiescetirizine. Therefore, if you notice that the agent has ceased to act or effect is weak, - go away from the allergen away.
The preparation for the fightChloropyramine acute allergy symptoms, including swelling and fever. IncludedThe list of vital and essential medicines the list of essential medicines according to the Health Ministry. Save if histamine has already begun to act.
6. healing agent
If the wound or burn is not too serious, rinse the affected area and apply a healing cream. Do not forget to apply a sterile bandage to prevent dirt from entering.
Prior to use, apply a little money on the elbow bend, make sure that it does not cause allergies.
Creams and ointments on the basis of dexpanthenol
fitdexpanthenol for the treatment of inflammation, redness of the skin and mucous membranes. Active substance restores strength tissue, renews collagen. Ointment on the basis of dexpanthenol will save on vacation - they moisturize and soothe the skin after sunburn.
Cream, ointment or spray antibiotic
Scratches, burns and cuts it is desirable to processAntibacterials for local treatment of wounds of various etiologies means an antibiotic to the wound did not get the infection and the skin healed faster. It also relieve unpleasant symptoms such as a burning sensation, and kill harmful microorganisms.
7. Cough funds
Coldcommon cold - a viral infection of the nose and throat. The body can deal with it on their own, and preparations need to get rid of the symptoms, such as runny nose, muscle aches and sneezing.
Drops or nasal spray
Relieve edema and remove harmful bacteria from the nasal mucosa. The most common are three types of cough drops and sprays:
- On the basis of seawater. It is a safe option that can be usedSea water and as a treatment and as prophylaxis. Such a drop is washed nose derive bacteria and do not allow them to move forward sinuses.
- On the basis of xylometazoline. Suitable for those who want quick results. These preparations constrict vessels in the nose, thereby clean edema and facilitate breathing. But such sprays can irritate or dry out the mucous, so you can not use them often.
- Xylometazoline + sea water. Combo, which also eliminates nasal congestion, and takes care of the mucosa.
Use drops and nasal sprays can not only during colds, but also during the allergy.
Spray or throat lozenges
First aid for a sore throat. Means reduces inflammation, pain killers and kill the bacteria. Make it easier to cough. Lollipops also increases saliva flow - this helps to quickly cleanse the oral cavity from harmful microorganisms.
8. sedative
Hard work, constant deadlines or a difficult situation in your personal life can seriously affect the nerves. If you notice that you worry too much - have a sedative.
valerian tablets
TabletsValerian based on extracts of valerian relieve anxiety, soothe and help to sleep. The drug takes effect after about half an hour after application and has a cumulative effect. Therefore, with a sharp attack of anxiety or hysteria valerian probably will not cope. But will get used to the new schedule, does not break before the delivery of the diploma or stop stressovat before the wedding.
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