What to do to survive as long as possible
Health / / December 19, 2019
Someone wants to live a happy life, someone - a long, someone wants something, and another, and the patty off the shelf. Those who managed to survive more than a century, willing to share their secrets of longevity. That's just all they are different. We decided to find out what you need to eat and drink and how to live the one who dreams of one day blow a hundred candles on the cake.
Understand the issues of longevity will help us, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Victor Dosenko. Together, we decided to find out what kind of lifestyle leads one who wants to live more than a hundred years.
Do survivor meat eating?
Dinwiddie Lauryn (Loreen Dinwiddie) lived to 109 years and became famous throughout the world as a survivor-vegan. Perhaps the secret of longevity is to eat less meat? Confronting those who do not want to give up meat, and those who chose a rejection of products of animal origin - the subject of jokes and speculation.
results on new research, However, claim that people should eat less red meat. Scientists do not insist on a total refusal, but are advised to reduce daily consumption of meat. It looks like someone who wants to be long-lived, it is necessary more often glances to the side vegetables.
Victor Dosenko, MDTo date, scientists have completely unambiguous evidence that the consumption of meat contributes to the development variety of disorders, ranging from atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, and neurodegenerative ending diseases.
The book on the subject:Colin Campbell, "Health Food". Reputable scientist talks about healthy eating habits and how diet affects the body.
Do survivor drinking milk?
The use of milk and dairy products is also causing a lot of controversy. Someone convinced of the benefits of this food. Arguments against well enough. The love of dairy products is recognized centenarians of Sardinia: here and drink whole milk and eat cheese. On the other hand, scientists often argue about the dangers of dairy products: among the consequences of their use is called an increased risk of ovarian cancer and atherosclerosis.
The main problem with milk is the inability of adults to fully digest lactose.
Evolution has not prepared us for what to drink whole milk for human consumption. Try to simulate the situation: the adult chimpanzee produces milk. It is impossible to imagine such.
Millions of years of adult animals had no access to milk, it received only cubs. Formed mechanism that disables a gene responsible for production of the enzyme that breaks lactose - lactase. This gene is deactivated after the breast-feeding - it is no longer needed.
Therefore, most people in the world do not tolerate whole milk - nausea and intestinal disorders. Of course, such a reaction is not observed at all, but an adequate assimilation of the adult milk still will not.
Refusing whether caffeine?
New trend - to give up caffeine, thus getting rid of the dependence of this stimulant. Coffee is often accused of all sins, but the latest research shows: the drink It does not cause the development of cancer and contains a lot of nutrients.
Victor Dosenko, MDCoffee beans, green coffee contain bioflavonoids, antioxidants - a lot of nutrients for us. So that coffee consumption may even have a therapeutic effect. Caffeine is a specific activator receptor and an adenosine analogue. We get an increased heart rate, high blood pressure, the release of calcium into the nerve cells... All these incentive effects, of course. And Coffeemania also exists. Do you want to give up coffee? Well, you are going to live without using stimulants. But caffeine itself is not harmful.
In general, if the prospect depend on caffeine does not confuse you, this drink can be left in the diet.
Can I have a sweet tooth?
Nutritionists strongly advised to abandon Sahara, And even common sense dictates: it is better to eat less sweet. It is no secret that the sweets in large quantities - a direct path to overweight and unhealthy skin, problems with the digestive tract and blood vessels. Diets centenarians rarely include sweet - almost never. On the contrary, most of those who lived to a ripe old age, eating berries, fruits, sweet potatoes.
Victor Dosenko, MDIt works the same evolutionary principle of preparation. Where our ancestors could find foods with excess sugar? Where you can find those refined carbohydrates?
The book on the subject:Dan Buettner, "Blue Zones". Perhaps the most famous book on the subject of longevity. The author invites the reader to the nine rules of centenarians, each of which is derived from the horse's mouth.
Let's drink?
Only if slightly. And it is better to drink wine. Let the story of centenarians drank wine instead of water, spread through the world, it would be good not to abuse this drink. We must admit that lived up to 107 years old Spaniard named Antonio Garcia Dokampo (Antonio Docampo GarcĂa) drank only wine of its own production, without preservatives.
Victor Dosenko, MDThe fruits of grapes collected at all times. They could go bad, can ferment. From the fruit can be juiced. But the concentration of alcohol in this drink will still be low, with pure alcohol ancient people were unfamiliar. And the alcohol we get a lot of problems: addiction, cardiomyopathy, liver disease. With frequent use of high doses of alcohol to preserve health and live a long time will not work.
Long or sleeping survivor?
Amazing verdict on sleep sounds like this: sleep as much as you need. Not as much as you want. Not as much as advised "experts". You should listen to your own body and understand how long to sleep, to sleep and feel refreshed.
Victor Dosenko, MDAnd enough sleep, and sleeping too much - bad. It is necessary to strive for balance. Especially harmful to sleep a lot people of retirement age. Firstly, it will not be that deep, good sleep. Second, without the intense physical and intellectual load during the day, too, will be a long rest malorezultativnym.
Do survivor to engage in sports?
Professional, most likely, no. Still, professional sport requires the work of the body to its limits. And if so, the body will necessarily sacrifice something and maim.
Another thing - an active lifestyle. Intense physical activity helps maintain a good shape, avoid inactivity, sleep quietly at night. Scientists have long been equated to a sedentary lifestyle factors that the worst impact on health (along with excessive alcohol consumption and smoking). So you have to deal with it.
Victor Dosenko, MDWe all suffer from physical inactivity. And any form of physical activity will be useful. Let us recall our ancestors always moving, no one could afford to lie on the grass and wait for him to bring food.
Therefore it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle without excessive stress. Scientists have found: in the process of physical activity the body produces irizin hormone. He has a favorable effect on the entire body: the muscles, the brain, blood vessels and the heart, liver, pancreas.
The book on the subject:Arthur Lydiard, "Running with Arthur Lydiard". Starting to play sports without the necessary knowledge, we can hurt yourself. The author talks about how to become a stronger, healthier and slow down the aging process by a run.
instead of an epilogue
Victor Dosenko, MDPeople often say, "Well, why can not we have it? Now I eat and I feel great. Look what my skin as well in my hair grow. All perfectly!"
So it is: for a long time, people will be young, strong, beautiful. But then followed by accelerated aging. To choose between a happy, but a shorter life with no food restrictions, or not so rampant, but a much longer life in which you can eat and drink is not everything.
Fast, but beautiful, or as long, but it is difficult?