Passive smoking electronic cigarettes is harmful to health
Health / / December 19, 2019
Pairs of the electronic cigarette does not contain carcinogenic tar, but this does not mean that there are no other harmful substances. Passive smoking Weipa unsafe, especially for children.
Vapor that exhales veyper when smoking the electronic cigarette does not disappear magically nowhere. It disperses in the air, and then they breathe around. It is believed that Weipa safer than conventional cigarettes, but the health of these devices still do not add.
What is contained in a pair of Weipa
As researchers sayAerosol and Other Risks, Slurry formed during smoking Weipa, includes chemical compound and ultrafine particles unsafe for health, which fall into the lungs of the smoker.
Diacetyl, benzene, nickel, tin, lead - that's just a short list that contains a pair of electronic cigarettes.
Scientists are still trying to determine the impact on the health of other potentially dangerous substances contained in the liquid for smoking. Also, research continues into reactions that take these substances by evaporation under high temperatures.
Well, we must not forget that electronic cigarettes have nicotine, which is addictive, regardless of the manner in which it is used.
What is fraught with passive smoking electronic cigarette
Smoking or non-smoking Weipa - a private affair of each adult. In the end, everyone is free to dispose of their health as it sees fit. The only problem is that fans of electronic cigarettes often do not think about the fact that the steam, which they exhale, inhale someone else.
According to the recent report by the US Centers for Disease Control and PreventionPerceptions of Harm to Children Exposed to Secondhand Aerosol From Electronic Vapor Products, Styles Survey, 2015, A third of adults believe veyperov passive smoking electronic cigarettes harmless, and the other 40% of respondents admit that it is "slightly" bad for children. But at Weipa and not a real cigarette, harm from it is quite real.
Children inhale the steam of others Weipa, get a dose of risk of hazardous substances, nicotine addiction, affective disorders and a weakening of impulse control.
Nicotine also has a negative impact on the development of brain child: the mechanism of formation of connections between neurons changes.
According to specialists of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, many are confusingMany Adults Do not Think Exposure To Vaping Is Bad For Kids lack of regulation, the effect of novelty and the fact that manufacturers are positioning Weipa as "healthy alternative" tobacco. Yet it is worth remembering that the electronic cigarette is not so very different from the usual, so precautions are not hurt either.
And yet Weipa sometimes explode, so use them very carefully.