What really means a figure on the scale
Health / / December 19, 2019
There are few things in the morning, sets the mood for the whole day. One of them - the scale on which we jump immediately after waking. Fortunately, evidence of mechanical or electronic demon - only numbers. They may or may not be an accurate reflection of the real situation. Layfhaker understands whether it is possible to believe the scale direction.
What constitutes evidence of weights
Let's assume that there is a hypothetical parallel universe, where each person's weight is constant. In this universe lives Ivan, which 75 kg of dry mass and 25 kilograms of adipose tissue. This means that in general, it weighs 100 kg, is a quarter of his body fat.
Now transfer of Ivan in our universe. In the same one where the reading on the scale jump in all directions, regardless of our desires. How much it will weigh in here? About 98-103 kg. We got such a result, using the formula mentioned below.
Indications of weights = real weight + weight fluctuations.
Actual weight - the weight of which would have a hypothetical parallel universe. weight fluctuations are explained by several factors.
Factors that may influence the weight fluctuations
1. glycogen
Their number depends on the current level of carbohydrate intake. Each gram carbohydratesWhich your body as glycogen stores additionally held three grams of water.
If you are a long time practice a low-carb diet, your weight will be the lowest possible. And if yesterday with your direct involvement ended abruptly Bank chocolate paste, the highest possible.
2. The presence or absence of edema
If you have dramatically increased the amount of salt in the diet (eg, eaten at a time bank pickles), most likely, it will trigger a jump of weight. Accordingly, if you have been eating less salt, weight decrease.
Remember that the body adjusts to a stable level of salt consumption due to the hormone aldosterone. And if in the normal diet of a bag of salty peanuts with you does not happen, then after a long salt-free diet you "will fill" from a single nut.
3. Menstrual cycle
The weight of the woman may vary depending on the phase of the cycle. Not only because of increased appetite, but also because of the swelling. The most reliable way to keep track of your weight for women - to measure it on a monthly basis.
4. Dehydration
A very obvious reason, but it is unlikely to touch you, unless you live in the desert.
That retains water in the body
Why indications of weights so unstable, as we sit on a diet? The reason is that glycogen is much more elusive substance than fat. Thus, the fat goes away gradually, and glycogen changes abruptly. Let us keep track of what happens to them in different situations.
- Maximal glycogen (Often it happens after the disruption and overeating). After a couple of cakes or pizzas at a time, the scales can show a few extra kilos. But it is the weight of the detainees in the body water. A sad losing weight will think that returned back the lost weight.
- Glycogen stores are minimal. This is true for followers of keto or paleodiet and Dukan Diet or Atkins. Such power systems typically provide fast and rapid weight loss from the earliest days. These are natural reactions associated with the completion or the depletion of glycogen. On similar diets in the early days you lose is water, not fat.
What is most offensive, swelling outwardly makes us fatter than fat. That is the man with two pounds of edema will appear as if it were five kilograms of fat.
Spend over an experiment. Weekly take pictures at full length in the diet time. And when will lose a few kilos, make the new photo of the day after the free food (and a couple of pieces of my grandmother pirogue). Compare the latest photos from the one where the weight is the same.
You will notice that the picture with delayed glycogen, water you look fatter than the same weight as fat. Therefore, in no case do not despair after the disruption, even if the balance show strong plus. It's just water retention, and it is temporary. Your real weight did not become significantly larger.
Often people gain muscle mass or weight due to glycogen in the diet time. If the balance is not happy with you, there is no reason to worry: a balanced diet and the right amount of fat load will steadily decrease.
How to interpret the readings of the balance
The correct interpretation of the weight - it's the whole story. Most rely on them as a last resort in the matter of weight loss, rather than to analyze the condition of your body as a whole.
Indications weights themselves are useless. In order to understand their true weight, you need to consider the following indicators.
1. Waist. This is your most reliable assistant in the course of observing the loss of adipose tissue. To be sure, do the three measurement every week: at the navel, five centimeters taller and five centimeters below.
Celebrate your progress. If by taking into account all indicators waist has become less likely, the number of fat your body has successfully reduced.
2. The energy level. If your diet is aimed at creating a calorie deficit in the body, the level of activity will be an excellent indicator of success. When kilograms on the scales become larger, but you will feel strong and energetic, know this: you build muscle mass (as it is known, at the same volume is heavier than fat).
3. Edemas. They will tell how reliable other measurements. Watch out for those parts of the body where it is used to collect the water in your body. This may be the hands, feet, face, or other body parts.
If in the morning your eyelids resemble small pillows, it is better not to exhaust yourself weightings, and wait until the swelling will go. To this end, quite a few days to eat right.
What is your relationship with weights? Have you weighed every morning or every week? Targeting a number on the dial, evaluating the effectiveness of the diet? Share your experiences in the comments.