About myself
Yes, 8 years ago I was much thicker.
On the left I'm 20 years old, I weigh 99 kg with height 173 cm. Right - I am today. I weigh 29 kg less.
Hardly I found at least some photos, where I was "at the peak". I did not like to be photographed. I think many fat people have now understood.
All this I wrote to show that I know what it is - to be fat.
The only way to remove fat
You know that there is only one way to remove fat? It can only burn in the muscles during physical activity. No other way.
All the people who have something to rub myself soar themselves in the baths, drink diuretic, laxative or simply hungry - are doomed to failure.
90% of our fat "burns" in muscle in the presence of oxygen. This must be understood. To avoid illusions about the next superdiety.
You will have to pick up his fifth point and move it on all axes. Everyday.
"We need to move in order to lose weight" - is obvious? For many - not.
- Walking? No, seriously, walking ?!
- Aha!
- Article or stupid or naive in the extreme! I run in the morning, swim, go to the gym - and that does not help, and then just walking?
I agree, "walking" sounds serious. This is how much have to go?
But I revised my skepticism after the doctor had read the book Kovalkova "Victory over weight." The author claimed in it that walking - an important component of weight loss.
To assert it is possible to anything, but then my life has confirmed this.
says Dr.
Below I will give a few quotes from the book "Methods Dr. Kovalkova: Victory over weight" A. IN. Kovalkova.
90% of total body fat is oxidized or combusted in the muscles in the presence of excess oxygen. And this fat oxidation can occur in both the working muscles, and the muscles are at rest, but in the working muscle fat oxidation is magnified.
While limiting mobility and physical activity, the ability of muscle to fat oxidation is sharply reduced.
This was confirmed by the staff of the University of Michigan, discovered that regular exercise improves the ability of muscle tissue to process fatty acids. The more you move, the more your body develops the ability to burn fat. That is, the trained people capable even at normal walking oxidize a greater percentage of free fatty acids.
People who are not accustomed to regular aerobic exercise, the ability to activate the fatty acids above their ability to oxidize. As a result, much of the fat is linked in the form of triglycerides and re-deposited in the subcutaneous fat. Numerous studies have also revealed that the majority of slow fibers (capable of receiving energy from the oxidation of fats) are concentrated in the large muscle arrays feet.
The conclusion is clear - you can spend hours waving his arms in the aerobics or burn a drop of fat, but you can just planned daily walk down the street, and the fat will melt before our eyes. This is logical! Do you agree?
In one study conducted at the University of Loughborough (Loughborough University), in the UK, it was found out, that the whole dynamic hour walk on a treadmill changes the contents of the two hormones regulate appetite, "ghrelin" and "peptide YY ». "Ghrelin" - a hormone that stimulates appetite. "Peptide YY» - on the contrary, reduces appetite. This hormone is produced in the intestines and, by doing blood to the brain, suppresses hunger center. It turned out that after an hour workout on the treadmill level "ghrelin" blood test drops dramatically, and the level of "the YY peptide" increases. All together leads to a decrease in appetite! That is, when you are doing aerobic exercise - you do not want to eat. Strength training has acted in the same direction but to a lesser extent, as influenced by only one of these hormones. She lowered the content of "ghrelin" hormone and the other remained at the same level. The effect of reducing appetite is quite short, but it was celebrated by all athletes. After the treadmill it lasted about an hour, and after weight training - half an hour.
With intense exercises, muscle carbohydrates consumed, and the resulting oxidized products (acetone, lactic acid) block fat oxidation processes. After such excessive loads muscles are completely relaxed, and fat oxidation does not occur in them. And what is very important, like load dramatically increase appetite.
Scientists from the University of Aristotle (Thessaloniki, Greece) in their studies reliably proved that the "quiet walking helps lose weight better than a quick run"! Within 3 months, they watched two groups of women. Some were engaged in walking, the other - running. Load calculated so that all lost by 370 calories per session. As a result, the group to train in a quiet pace, lost weight on average (each) at 3 kg, and the "runner" - less than two. How to explain this result the researchers: "Women who engaged in more intensive, longer passively ate and spent their free time." They are tired of banal.
The conclusion is simple - burn more fat if you go regularly, but under optimal conditions - without shortness of breath, a hundred pots and violence against them. Ideal in this sense - a simple walking. What you already do every day, going to work or the store. Of course, such a walk for an hour you spend much less energy than the same hour of the run. But at the same time it will burn fat as it provides energy in the medium and low-intensity stress.
And let it burn at the same time not so much - only forty grams, but at the same time happen a whole series of important events for us:
1) metabolism switches to fat consumption - intensive work of hormones that break down fats (adrenaline and noradrenaline);
2) improves mood and muscle tone, thereby increasing energy expenditure throughout the day;
3) reducing the need for chocolates "for the mood" and in a total amount of food eaten - because the blood is the "energy" fat breakdown. Gradually disappears craving for constant snacking and plentiful dinner.
Think for yourself: fat burned during the workout and will be for a long time, compensatory spent afterwards. As a result you will eat less - the benefit is obvious!
The "sweatshop" load, by means of which a person decides to drive away the extra weight, the less chance of success. "The rider on the track of the Tour de France begins to burn fat after only five minutes. An ordinary person in training - not earlier than fifteen minutes, - says Andrey Voronov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, physiologist. - But this is on condition that he walks, pedaling or doing aerobics at an average pace. When unusually heavy load untrained runner spent mostly carbohydrates.
And as soon as the carbohydrate energy comes to an end, it just collapses. It stops short of breath, pain in the muscles, the feeling of "Everything can not!" And he really can not - the muscles are not yet learned to extract energy from fat so fast. And the carbohydrates they consume very inefficient - without burning a molecule of glucose and simply splitting them. Energy in this case stands out much less. That is why an untrained person can not be an hour without stopping to run and swim. He's just nowhere to take this energy. "
The result of this is an abuse of immense fatigue, forcing the remainder of the day to be held in a horizontal position. Increased appetite - from the combustion of carbohydrates decreases in blood sugar levels and the body is clamoring for food.
As a result - there is a decadent mood: "And why do I torment myself so, it is still good there!"
Intensive training not only help lose weight, but, on the contrary, hinder this process. If the heart rate exceeds the limit and you are short of breath - then skip the aerobic threshold (cease to burn fat), and the body begins to work in the anaerobic zone ( "eat" the muscles).
Imagine BBQ and embers. If you close them with tarpaulins, breaking the access of oxygen, almost extinguished embers, but if you inflate them, they flare up in bright flames. Exactly the same processes occur with your fat while walking. After all, there is any combustion process of oxidation, and he, according to the laws of chemistry, can take place only in excess oxygen.
Therefore, any exercise should be carried out in the open air or in a well ventilated room, constantly watching your breath. For burning of fat, and in general for any combustion requires oxygen, and in the ambient air should be a lot!
Some of the major muscles of the human body - a leg muscles. In its work, they spend the maximum amount of energy and at the same time slowly tired. Oddly enough, these muscles are most developed just at fat people, because they have to carry every day for yourself ten extra kilos. So use this! Activate these muscles to complete the program.
Start - just
All "the YY peptides" and "triglycerides" - it's great, of course, but I would like to tell in their own words why walking - it's cool.
See: start walking - just. Walk, breathe the air - the body simply refuses to accept it as a sport.
But all fat people know how difficult it is to make yourself get up in the morning for a jog! The body and so whispers: "Do not get up... do not run... ... miss."
In the case of walking does not. Walk - it's nice to everyone. And just - I got up and went.
We do not need a special form inventory.
Free again. And what now stands a subscription to a fitness or swimming pool?
Fat people are embarrassed to go in for sports
Of course, the great escape when you are beautiful and fit. Everyone looks at you with approval and envy. Mothers say to their children: "Look, my uncle a boy, running, sports deals".
And what happens if the fat man running?
Giggles! It shows finger chips and jokes, such as "Elephants flee to drink."
At the head of the full human once there is this picture:
Have you ever seen a young full of girls in the pool? Not? And why? They also need it. And because they least want to put all their folds on public display.
And here again we see the beauty of walking. You go yourself on the sidewalk, nobody will notice. Where do you go? And who cares? Maybe you go to work or to the store. You exercise, but no one sees.
That's it!
no injuries
Layfhaker - a place inhabited by many runners. I myself am a big fan of racing.
But running does not fit all. I'll even stand the brackets everything written above the doctor.
If you have 30 or more kilograms of excess weight, running it is very difficult and very dangerous. All systems of the body begin to work under tremendous stress. Injury or illness is inevitable.
I have three friends with a serious obesity. They are all somewhat concerned about it, and sometimes taking timid attempts to do sports. Their choice? Running, tennis and football.
The result - two seriously injured knee (one knee is now some kind of metal structures) and can no longer engage in active sports ever. The third one, too, is now lying with the knee - a month can not bend it. I hope that everything will cost.
All of this - is not an accident. It can not be so simply to take and begin to engage in active sports.
Therefore their fourth friend, the fat man every time I repeat: "Sergey, you do not need to tennis. Throw at least 20 kg. Ends his knees to hell. " Do you think he listens to me ...
And walking is free of these drawbacks.
Walking can all: people of any age, with any degree of obesity. Albeit slowly, even limping, but go!
Walking - the perfect sport for "who has taken over the mind," the fat man. It will be very convenient to adjust the load, reducing or increasing the pace of walking. There are days when I go to 8 hours. And you know what? The next day, I feel like a "cucumber". Nothing hurts.
Walking and appetite
After aggressive physical training - ravenous appetite. And you start to "load up" everything dropped.
With the walking I did not watch (and the doctor confirmed).
"I have no time for walking"
"I am a working man, and I have two children, where I will take so much time? I find it easier to get up early, while everyone is asleep, and run a couple of circles around the stadium. Walking let engage pensioners whose sea of free time. "
Favorite objection - do not have time because of work.
But walking has a unique advantage compared to other sports - you can work while you walk!
I personally up to 20% of the work is done on the go. I recently wrote about it in detail here. There will not be repeated.
So, nothing would come of this venture failed, if not for the opportunity to work directly while walking. By the way, this article is written in this way.
About a balanced diet
It would be naive to think that walking alone pull "hippo" from his "swamp". Without a balanced diet will not work. Personally, I am not a supporter of striking any direction like a raw food diet, vegetarianism or separate power supply. I think any reasonable balanced supply system is suitable.
- of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
- of vitamins and minerals.
- Water and fiber.
- time of reception and the quantity of food.
I advise you to get round all sorts of "diet", which is an example of just an unbalanced diet. They can give only a temporary effect, or adversely affect your health.
For a balanced diet there is a sea of books, only a few people read them. Give all the "formula". Such as "red foods to eat even days, and on the odd green."
Summing up
Include walking in your daily schedule.
Take out part of the work, as I have, at the time of walking. Or simply walk. Get a dog, I do not know.
Walking fits all. And thick and very thick. Both young and old.
She quietly will clean you kilogram per kilogram, while after some time you do not find yourself slim, fit and athletic man.
I convinced you?
I look forward to your comments.
I convinced you to start walking? Not? What's stopping you?