If you read about a healthy lifestyle and stress, most often, it mentions meditation, but most people still do not really understand what it is. Meditation is a way of life, gives a person a tremendous opportunity, but you have to understand what it is to do so.
What is not is meditation?
Many people think that meditation - is to sit and represent the rhythmic lapping of the waves on the beach. It sounds great, but it's just a way to calm your mind, and meditation is not as such. In fact, meditation requires attention and a lot of psychic energy.
Yes, you are relaxing during meditation, but not so much that your mind is lazy and slow swimming in the half-forgotten. Because of this confusion many beginners fall asleep during meditation time - they are completely relaxed and consciousness slips into sleep.
Some people believe that meditation - it is a hobby that can be practiced once a week. If you plan time for meditation, it will help you to create and develop a habit, but in fact, meditation - it
not a one-time activity, but a way of life. You can meditate anywhere, no matter where you are, and this is absolutely not necessary to sit in the lotus position.You can turn to meditation whatever you like - walking, housework or even food.
Some beginners think that meditation solve problems in life, like some kind of magic equipment. This is not true. It penetrates into practice gradually and does not cause changes in one night. Practice, attention and concentration - the only way you will be able to achieve the effect. Meditation does not solve the problem, but it gives you clarity and peace of mind, so that you will be able to cope with any difficulties.
And do not confuse meditation with positive thinking. Positive thoughts - it's just one more thought that, like everyone else, make us happy or unhappy.
What is meditation?
Meditation - is the practice of observing your own thoughts and attention to them during the day. We often think that it is unable to cope with the problems that come into our lives.
In fact, we let these issues within yourself, in your mind, let them frolic in the head and poison the life, fear, worry and nervous. Meditation helps us to understand that all the problems - both external and not to let them inside.
In your life might break a real storm, but inside you remain calm and peaceful.
Watching your mind, you realize that you have the strength to overcome all of life's obstacles, and Only you are responsible for your inner state, rather than external factors.
A new outlook on life
Watching your thoughts, you will begin to notice the gaps - a time when the mind is no thought at all. These gaps can be increased and "rest" in them. If in a moment of pure consciousness to look at yourself, your family, work and hobbies, you can see all the errors and illusions that have occurred.
When you see the "mind games", you can change your life for the better, and if we consider that by the time you almost do not fear anything, it will be easy.
The effect of meditation is seen even in physiological termsAnd centuries of experience of different cultures, achievements and miracles credible.
To get all the benefits of meditation, it is not necessary to pay - you need only consciousness and the desire. You can start with Two minutes every day and gradually accustom themselves to meditation as a way of life.