To sleep: 9 secrets to healthy sleep
Health / / December 19, 2019
We often sacrifice sleep for the sake of work or study. In fact, there is absolutely no sense. Sleep is necessary to pay attention and time, then do not have otpaivat yourself plenty of coffee in the morning. However, there is one problem: to sleep, it is sometimes very difficult. Therefore, LH gives you 9 simple tips to improve your sleep.
1.Zapomnite the most comfortable position for sleep
Each of us has a favorite position for sleeping. But perhaps we do not loan. Try to change your location and note the most convenient. You can just remember the position of the body in which you are awake. The next time you go to sleep, go that way.
2.Pridumayte own ritual
The body - a piece rhythmic, and people have been known to get used to anything. Habits - an integral part of reality. So why not create your own ritual that you need to perform before you go to sleep? You will do this ritual will not notice a few times as it will become a habit and the body will start to get sleepy. In this ritual can be a small cup of good tea or a favorite relaxing music in the player.
3.Sozdayte conditions for sleep
To quickly go to sleep, you need to comply with certain conditions. In the room where you sleep should be quiet and dark. The room should be ventilated. The mattress on the bed should not be too soft, pillow, too.
4.Poeksperimentiruyte with day bed
If the day you start sleepy, and the opportunity to have a little nap - be sure to get some sleep. Naps relieve you of fatigue in the evening. Just do not sleep more than an hour. This is bad for a night sleep.
5. Do not drink coffee in the evening
Evening coffee interferes with sleep much better than you think. Try not to drink coffee in the evening. Instead - do some exercise and drink a glass of water.
6.Lozhites and wake up at the same time
This advice is very popular, but there is one problem. It is difficult to follow. So do not go to bed exactly at the scheduled time. Just go within two hours, around midnight, if you get up at 7-8 am. About seven to eight hours of sleep should be sufficient for a productive day.
7.Ustali - go to sleep
If the clock shows the time when you used to go to sleep - do not try to do something, just go to sleep. You know how it is: you first check your email, then watch the video on youtube... And in the morning feeling overwhelmed.
8.Pomenyayte linens
Be careful with timely change of bed linen. Sleep on clean sheets perfumed with his head on a clean pillow - much nicer than on the bedding that you have not changed for a week. Spend a few minutes on it before going to bed.
9.Delayte charge early and do not eat late
Late dinner - one of the main enemies of good sleep. Many people also have trouble falling asleep after an evening trip to the gym. Listen to your feelings and follow them.