How to cook delicious and healthy slimming tea
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Competitor bored coffee and tea in bags
First, to answer the most popular questions. No tea for weight loss is not a panacea. Yes, it tastes best to eat cake. No, suspicious of one page websites, and through Instagram it is not worth buying.
slimming tea can be a great help already holding their shape man. This is an addition to a healthy diet and sport. He will remove swelling caused by excess salt in the diet, and soothe the nerves better than any of chips and crackers. It spur metabolism and saturate the body with vitamins and antioxidants.
And yet you can pick up a drink special for yourself just what you like, and ingredients available at a reasonable price. Any of the components of tea can be found at your local pharmacy or department store.
The basis
We will be perfect slimming tea on a simple scheme: base + required to have grass-additives. If you like herbal infusions, the foundation is not required. But it is possible to enrich standard tea if desired beverage flavor slimming:
Black tea
Contains amino acids, theine and pectin, as well as vitamins A, C, P, K and group B. It helps strengthen the immune system, rejuvenate the body's cells and improve brain function. It is important that it was a sheet, rather than in bags.
Green tea
Rich in enzymes, amino acids, caffeine, vitamins and minerals. Cheer up faster than coffee, protects against colds and were filled with antioxidants.
Prefer leaf beverage without flavors and flavorings. Well, forget about sugar.
Now we go to the second step: choose working additives. It is not necessary to add to your drink all at once. Firstly, some herbs have contraindications. Second, the tea correlate with their needs and change it depending on the time of day. Do not abuse the soothing herbs early in the morning so as not to nod off at work. And flowers and roots with a laxative effect only suited to those who complain about the bowels.
Grass, accelerate metabolism
Blooming Sally
This is a useful plant, also known as willow, is mentioned in historical chronicles of Russia. He was called Koporskaya tea and delivered directly to the king's table.
Ivan-tea contains volatile and tannins, which stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent overeating. Has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, normalizes blood cholesterol levels and has a positive effect on lipid (fat) metabolism.
Furthermore, this plant retards aging of skin, because it contains substances that stimulate the production of collagen: phytosterols, flavonoids and carotenoids.
Contraindication can be an individual intolerance. Also do not abuse this drink: long-term use can upset bowels.
The best part of this property is the fruit of a bush - a huge amount of vitamin C: 1500 mg per 100 g, where the lemon only 50 mg! Rosehip is indispensable in the fall, or if the immune system is weakened.
The fruit are rich in organic acids accelerating metabolism and activates fat burning. They contain iron, potassium, phosphorus and calcium influencing lipid metabolism, are composed of tannins, crude fiber and pectin, body cleansers and suppressing hunger. Rosehip is an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, E, K and P, and the well-carotene and ascorbic acid.
Precautions should take people with high acidity of the stomach, heart disease, hypertension and predisposition to thrombosis.
It is called Siberian ginseng. It improves endurance and increases efficiency, tones body, improves vision and the nervous system.
But losing weight is important, it reduces blood sugar and cholesterol, increases motor activity and metabolism.
To add to tea best suited Eleutherococcus roots.
- 4 pieces of willow-herb;
- 2 parts of linden flowers;
- 1 part alfalfa.
Connect the ingredients. 2 tablespoons collecting the resulting brew liter of hot water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Drink 150-300 ml before meals.
Herbs that reduce appetite
To lose weight, it is important to eat moderately, which is not conducive to pull all sorts of impermissible snacks. Calm the appetite will not only will power, but the power plant.
In China it is used for digestive disorders in India alfalfa treat the joints, and in America is used for jaundice and to enhance blood clotting. And that same plant will help us to lose weight, because it reduces the craving for food.
Alfalfa fights with hormonal disorders, an excess of uric acid, and has a light diuretic and laxative effect, helping to bring the excess water from the body.
Add alfalfa tea to people who are allergic to legumes and acute diseases of the stomach, it is necessary in limited quantities. Before you can use during pregnancy or nursing consult your physician.
Dandelion root
Seemingly simple weed (which is so nice to blow fluffy hats in the spring), but in fact it is an important medicinal plant. Sitting on a dandelion diet helps reduce the concentration of Sahara in the blood due to the content inulin, get rid of dysbiosis, improve the secretion of gastric juice and bile compartment. And still it will saturate the body with vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium and zinc.
Contraindication can be an individual intolerance or allergy to iodine, and kidney problems (dandelion is a diuretic).
Corn silk
Sami corn cobs are usually not held in high esteem in losing weight, as very high in calories and full of sugar. But their stigmas often quite vain forgotten people. But they contain a gum, a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism, lowers blood sugar and the sensation of hunger, stimulate the metabolism and accelerate the burning of fat and help remove bad cholesterol.
However, no matter how useful corn silk may be, they can not be used for pregnant and lactating women, diabetics and people who are prone to thrombosis, or suffering from gall stone disease. And even healthy people should not drink this tea for more than two consecutive weeks: it washes out potassium from the body.
- 3 parts of rose hips;
- 2 parts of corn stigmas;
- 1 part Helichrysum flowers and chamomile.
Mix the ingredients. Tablespoon mixture pour liter of boiling water and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. Drink this tea is 150-300 ml for half an hour before meals.
soothing herbs
The simplest recipe for normalization of weight: eat only when hungry. But do all follow this uncomplicated rule? Often we overeat because of stress: the chief yelled, quarreled with the second half, we are afraid to start a difficult job. To avoid this, it is necessary to properly settle down. And this We reach teapot and select herbs to taste.
The benefits of chamomile tea has long been known to all. He is able not only to calm the nerves get up to mischief, but also to win starting a cold and relieve cramping. And yet this tea has a pleasant taste.
Alas, chamomile contraindicated for gastritis, kidney disease, and urinary bladder.
valerian roots
The main application of this medicinal plants - treatment of nervous disorders (and gain popularity with the local representatives of the cat, of course). Valerian has a sedative effect, lowers blood pressure and improves digestion.
Little contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the first trimester of pregnancy.
flowers of lime
Possess sedative and antibacterial effect, rich in vitamin C, carotene, micro- and macrocells.
One but... We can not too often and for a long time (each day for a year, for example) to drink linden tea: can fall eyesight. For optimal effect, only one cup a couple of times a week, no more than two consecutive months.
- 2 parts of rosehips,
- 1 part of black leaf tea, camomile flowers, burdock root.
Connect the ingredients. Per liter of boiling water, add one or two tablespoons spoon collection. Take at any time, preferably not more than 4 cups per day.
Herbs with laxative and diuretic effect
Of course, this way overweight is not reset, but the consequences of a celebratory feast eliminate possible. Natural herbs gently and safely organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and to restore the water-salt balance in the body.
It is extremely useful for those who have difficulty going to the toilet. When its application does not occur pain in the abdomen. Senna contains bitter substances, and therefore does not increase the appetite. Moreover, it is not addictive and does not cause constipation after discontinuation.
Like all laxatives, senna should be used situationally, not abuse, not to make irritable bowel syndrome.
It is included in many collections for weight loss, not only because it has choleretic and diuretic properties. Immortelle normalizes metabolism, liver function and the entire digestive system, helps with inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, rich in vitamins and minerals.
Contraindications: individual intolerance, hypertension.
Burdock root
Famous because a diuretic effect, stimulates metabolism and decreases blood cholesterol levels. But most importantly for losing weight is that it significantly reduces the appetite.
Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- 2 parts of green tea leaf and root Eleutherococcus;
- 1 part valerian flowers and senna.
Tablespoon mixture pour liter of boiling water and drink glass before breakfast or lunch. Do not get involved in this tea after dinner: he is willing, but there is a risk not to sleep in the evening.
What you need to remember
- Drink any tea for weight loss should moderate, not regularly taking the same grass longer than a month.
- If you are unaccustomed to drink unsweetened hot drinks, add in fees licorice root. It has a pleasant taste and contains many more nutrients than a piece of refined sugar.
- If the unpleasant taste of certain herbs, add a collection of dried mint leaves and raspberries.
- Mix and match supplements on your own and look for your favorite combination. The main thing - remember that the tea - it's just an assistant in the fight against excess weight. Without proper nutrition will not lose weight, and physical activity.