Bread mold: throw or cut and eat?
Health / / December 19, 2019
What the experts say
Experts in the field of food safety claim that moldy bread to throw away. "The bread has a soft texture. We recommend not to cut it, because the roots of the mold (substrate mycelium) can easily penetrate deep into similar products "- says Marianne Greyvli (Marianne Gravely) of the Ministry of Agriculture USA.
Mold - a mushroomMolds On Food: Are They Dangerous? with visible spores on the surface of organic substrates and microscopic roots inside. Recent deep subject and imperceptible, when viewed with the naked eye.
Mold affects a much larger portion of bread than we can see.
If you prefer to buy pre-cut items, then throw away only a few damaged slices will not work. The roots of the mold can spread throughout the package. In addition, over time, until the bread grew mushrooms on it could settle down and dangerous bacteria.
The dangerous mold
Some types of mold are harmless, they can be eaten. The most striking examples - Dorblu cheese, Brie or Camembert. But the raid on the bread is dangerous to health. It can cause
How do molds affect people? allergies and respiratory problems.Even dangerous to inhale mold spores. The spoiled bread need to be wrapped in a plastic bag and throw it in the ballot box with a lid, so that it could not reach children or pets.
What to do with other products
Soft fruit, meat or jam, too, need to throw it away, if you notice on them a plaque. But harsh products can be cut.
Hard cheeses, sausages and vegetables such as carrots, peppers or cabbage, have a rigid structure. In this case, the mold roots need more time to penetrate deep into the product.
Simply cut the damaged piece of a few centimeters from the raid, while the mold is not reached inside.
How to store products
Greyvli advises to check the products that you intend to buy. If the house you will find a few spoiled strawberries, meaning to throw out the entire container or package is not. Enough to throw only Musty, and the rest - washed.
store products better in the refrigerator, to be cleaned every few months. Food will stay fresh longer.
Monitor the shelf life of products can be purchased through a special application to the US Department of Agriculture.
Price: Free
Price: Free
- Mold spores are quite tricky and easy to adapt. They prefer a moist and warm environment, but can grow anywhere - says Greyvli.
Try to sort out products about once a week, in time to get rid of harmful bacteria and spores.