How to fold socks: 5 quick and easy ways
Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
Method 1. Inside out
It's very simple and fast. Fold the socks together, then remove the upper inside. Lower sock is inside, and the pair is not exactly lost.
Method 2. Compact
Technique is similar to the previous one, only the top of the sock cuffs need to turn in, and a couple of very tightly rolled up. When you reach the end, the bottom of the sock cuffs also remove the inside out.
It turns out compact clump. This method is excellent for collecting suitcases on the trip.
Method 3. KonMari
"KonMari" - is cleaning methodInvented by a Japanese woman Mari Kondo. Its principles set out in the book "magic cleaning».
One of them is not to twist rolls of clothes and do not create in the stack, and gently put things in three points and put side. Thus, even in a small box can hold a lot of socks, stockings and other lingerie, and then with the convenience to get it all.
Method 4. Crosswise
Put socks crosswise - heel to heel. Tuck the lower foot of the sock under the heel of the upper. Then bend the cuff and in the same manner tuck second sock. Protruding collar hide inside.
Should get a neat square, which will not take up much space in the closet. This method is good for storing Argyle: immediately evident that for the pair rests in a box.
Method 5. for the lazy
To save yourself from having to put socks, always buy the same: the same brand, size, shape and color. First, you, like Mark Zuckerberg T-shirts, will disappear the problem of choice. Second, you can grab out of the box and put on the two first got the sock.
But be prepared for the fact that every few months will have to toe wardrobe update. Even the same socks after two or three months are beginning to vary: some are extended and others fade, others are wiped.
See also:
- How funny socks make you more successful →
- 11 of the rules of storage, which will help to get out less →
- How to fold the clothes so that it takes up less space in the cabinet →