How to get rid of constipation without drugs
Health / / December 19, 2019
Many of us suffer a delicate issue that is not to say openly. This constipation. In addition to advertising "indispensable mezima" and his colleagues, information about getting rid of the disease comes a little bit. Even at a reception at the doctor or dietician people are very reluctant to talk about the problem, even when it is necessary to improve their own health. And about friends, acquaintances and family members can not speak. It is difficult to imagine a wife who complains partner: "Oh, dear! Absolutely all exhausted. For three days I can not normally go to the toilet. "
That is why people who have somewhere to get the information and it was successfully used in practice, it is rarely shared. For this reason it is so little. But let's fix it!
What is constipation
Like a silly question, but it's not that simple. Constipation (as, indeed, and diarrhea) - a loose concept in people. Someone thinks that constipation - this is where happiness happens once a week, and someone - when every three days. Yet there are people who take for constipation chair "only" twice a day. To the question, as it appears NEzapor, they usually respond that 3-5 times a day (!) - is the norm.
In the conventional sense constipation - a chair at least once a day. And best of all, if this process will take place in one and the same time, and even better - if right from the morning. But these are details. I am sure that if a person lived with the problems on this issue for several years, he and just once a day will suffice.
By the way, this problem is growing. And no wonder!
Factors that trigger constipation
- Black tea and coffee.
- Alcohol.
- Bread (especially white).
- Pastry with baking powder (and a majority!).
- Yeast.
- Sugar.
- Refined flour and products from it.
In short, everything that constitutes the basis of the power of modern man. It's sad, but true.
I would like to dwell separately on why you need to get rid of constipation. First, to eliminate the discomfort that occurs with constipation. And secondly, constipation - this is nothing like the stagnation of harmful substances in the body with all its consequences: fatigue, poor sleep, poor skin health problems.
How to get rid of constipation
1. Drink more water
Yes, it is a simple tool, on which some of them made fun of. And in vain! Water can work wonders. Condition - 2 liters of water a day. Or at least 1.5 liters. Why? Water helps speed up the metabolism, and thus contributes to the conclusion of feces from the intestines.
If you are one of those many people who are trying hard, but can not train yourself to drink water in the right quantity, I wrote a detailed instructionsHow to do it in his blog.
2. Eat as many vegetables and fruits (with a predominance of vegetables)
It is desirable fresh. Better yet, if your unprepared unaccustomed to gut it stand, eat more coarse fresh vegetables. These include carrots, cabbage of all kinds, root vegetables (except potatoes), radishes, radish, and the like.
If you have not seen the vegetables on your table, I advise you to approach the issue gradually so that your bowel does not rebelled. For example, start with one or two carrots a day, and then gradually increase the proportion of vegetables in the diet.
Just to determine the rough vegetable or not, there is a rule: the longer it is necessary to chew the vegetable, so it's tough. A rougher than he is, the more fiber in it.
That fiber cleans the intestines and helps us get rid of its contents. A more fiber fiber absorb accumulated toxinsThat go along with it.
3. Add in the diet of good quality fats
These include all vegetable oils, cold pressed, nuts, seeds, oily fish and avocados. Fats like smeared inside our intestines, so all its contents is better to move to the exit. Remember how easy it is to slip on spilled oil Annushka?
4. Begin to move more!
We are all busy. But the movement - it really lives. Even in such a delicate matter as relief from constipation, the tool operates with a bang. Especially good run. When we move, all the processes in the body are faster. Including the release of food residues. To this end, it is not necessary to run marathons. Suffice it to 3-5 km at least a couple times a week, and you will feel the difference.
5. Include the following foods diet
It acts as a lubricant for the gut | Improve intestinal motility |
Spinach | peas |
Banana | Cabbage |
flax seeds | Coconut |
Honey | Papaya |
Pear | Asparagus |
prunes | Oatmeal |
peaches | |
apricots | |
Walnuts and pine nuts | |
Almond |
It is advisable to adhere to these five rules constantly. Then you definitely will forget about the problem of constipation. However, the time to get rid of the disease at all different and due to many factors. Someone they can help just once, and someone can take a couple of months to complete the process of establishing. If the results you need even faster, then ...
Express help
In particularly difficult cases, it may initially require "heavy artillery." Her methods are not designed for the use of more than six months (except for the reception of vitamin C).
- Propyl probiotics course within one to two months. They will provide the necessary gut bacteria that help in digestion.
- Take vitamin C in a dose (for adults of 18 years) from 500 mg to 2 g per day.
- Before going to sleep, you can take medicines with magnesium in a dosage (also for adults of 18 years) of 300 mg per day.
- Morning fasting drink a glass of water at room temperature with one tablespoon of chia seed. This product appeared in our market recently, but deserves special attention. The chia seeds are not only a lot of omega-3s, they also have a truly magical properties to help us in cleansing the bowel, and the whole organism.
These four methods can be used from time to time.
Here are some simple ways. The only thing required of you - is the courage to change dietary habits. However, as always when it comes to healthy eating and sports.
Good health to you!