What if a toothache
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Of course, the most correct and logically verified way - how to visit the dentist more quickly to ascertain the cause and start adequate treatment. But before meeting with the dentist must still live, and the tooth (but maybe not the tooth, and somewhere nearby) hurts now. Therefore, we shall understand emergency measures capable of at least reducing the pain to tolerable levels.
Yes, it needs a little advance preparation. If possible, brush your teeth and / or rinse mouth with clean warm water - it will increase the effectiveness of analgesic action.
What can be done immediately
1. Rinse mouth with salt water ...
¹/₂ Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water and thoroughly rinse your mouth, until the solution is complete. It looks like one of the most popular, even my grandmother's rapid methods of getting rid of a toothache. And this is the case, when the grandmothers were right.
Salt water is a natural disinfectant, but researchRinsing with Saline Promotes Human Gingival Fibroblast Wound Healing In Vitro prove: it really helps to reduce inflammation in the oral cavity.
If the cause of the pain - it is an inflammation (such as pulpitis or infection gingival), A saline rinse will be a good way to not only calm the pain, but also to slow down, if not halt the development of an unhealthy process.
In addition, intensive rinsing the mouth helps to get rid of food particles and other small foreign objects stuck between teeth or the tooth and gum surface - namely, they sometimes become provocateurs pain.
2.... or hydrogen peroxide
The Council, at first glance, a strange but effective. Like the saline solution, hydrogen peroxide has disinfectant properties capableEvaluation of the effect of hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash in comparison with chlorhexidine in chronic periodontitis patients: A clinical study reduce inflammation and reduce the associated pain. Bonus: hydrogen peroxide softens the plaque, facilitating its subsequent removal.
To prepare a solution for rinsing, mix hydrogen peroxide (3%) and water in a ratio of 1: 1. Do not swallow it when in use.
3. Apply the cold compress to cheek
The higher the temperature, the more painful. Blood moves actively vessels dilate, increases the internal pressure on the inflamed area. If we apply to it a cold compress blood vessels narrowed and the pain will be less noticeable. Furthermore, the cold can reduceSelf-care approaches to treating pain swelling and inflammation.
This solution is applicable to virtually all types of pain. If you have a toothache, you can do like this: attach to the cheek for 10-20 minutes:
- soaked in cold water towel;
- wrapped in a thin cloth bag of ice (if any).
If teeth are not react the cold, you can just sucked a piece of ice, like candy.
Yes, in a contrast to the cold, warm hot compress - a bad option. Firstly, they only expand the blood vessels, increasing the pain. And secondly, can contribute to the development of inflammation, namely if it is the cause of pain.
Heat can alleviate the suffering of only one case: if the pain is caused by trigeminal neuralgia (she gives in the teeth, but because it is often confused with the tooth). However, as long as you do not make sure that we are talking about neuralgia, play with the heat is not necessary.
4. chew garlic
This particular spice is used in medicine for centuries. And, in general, quite reasonably. Modern research confirmsGarlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects medicinal properties garlic. It not only destroys the harmful bacteria that cause inflammation, but also alleviate the pain.
If health allows, you can just chew a clove or two. Alternatively, grind the garlic into mush and impose it on the tooth and the gum next to him.
5. Make a compress of clove oil
Method exotic, but suddenly you accidentally overlooked a small bottle of essential oil? If so, congratulations: you are the owner of a very effectiveExperimental evaluation of anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic activities of clove oil in mice (At least in mice whose reaction similar to human) means toothache. Clove oil contains natural antiseptic eugenol. This substance is not only kills bacteria, but it also reduces the pain almost as much as a pretty powerful anesthetic benzocaineThe effect of clove and benzocaine versus placebo as topical anesthetics.
Apply a few drops of clove oil (you can dilute it with a couple of drops of olive or sunflower) on a cotton ball and cover it the affected tooth and the adjacent part of the gums. Let compress pobudet in the mouth for at least 10-15 minutes.
Another use - add a few drops of clove oil into the warm water, stir thoroughly and use mouthwash.
6. Do not go
Or, if you still want to lie down, place them under the back cushion to the upper part of the body, including the head, remained in the raised position. Lowering his head on the heart level or below, you are risking to strengthen the pain: it happens due to the intensified blood circulation and vasodilation.
7. Take a painkiller pharmacy
This is perhaps the most obvious and convenient option if the pain has overtaken you at work or tour. Well established tools based on ibuprofen.
But the grandmother's method - analginum crushed to a pulp and apply it on the aching tooth - it is better not to indulge. The active substance analginum - metamizol sodium - may indeed have a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. However, we must remember that metamizol has an acidic structure. So, if the pain is caused by damage to the enamel caries or light, rather aggravate the situation.
That needs to be done as quickly as possible
Keep in mind: visit a doctor still need. The described methods relieve pain but do not eliminate its cause: dental disease, the gums or neuralgia. So even if you manage to get rid of the pain, be sure to consult your dentist. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment to help you.
And even more, go to the dentist when a tooth hurts day and longer, as well as if there was swelling and rose temperature. Perhaps an infection caused by a toothache, has got into the blood. And it is fraught with serious consequences.
see also
- How to cure your teeth and do not splurge on dental services →
- 16 habits that hurt your teeth →
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