Signs of breast cancer, which urgently need to run to mammologist
Health / / December 19, 2019
Breast cancer - the most common Cancer diagnosed in women, but men can suffer from it. Do not let the chance of disease and destroy it in the bud.
Cancer - a mysterious disease. No one can say exactly why someone is ill, and some do not. So the main thing that we can do - as soon as possible to observe the cancer, because in the early stages it is much easier to be treated. To do this, close enough to him to treat not missed worrying signs.
Signs of breast cancer in women
Cones and seals in the chest and in the armpits
Sometimes they can be seen, and sometimes can only be felt, and at times to understand that there was something strange chest, only to touch hands. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the breasts and gently massage.
Just do not try to put pressure on the chest and try to dig up something suspicious, and then take over the breast tissue cancer and you begin to worry.
Questions that must be answered before you run to the doctor:
- Do you feel the seal?
- Where exactly: in the chest, above the breast or in the armpit?
- You feel what it is the size where its edge?
- Together with the seal there was a pain in any part of the breast?
Even if you have something found, do not worry in advance. Most of these seals - it is not malignant, but something else. But the survey enroll.
Breast changes the size and shape
It's one thing if you have recovered or lost weight, and from that you resize. But if one breast has become more or less than the other, if the breasts changed shape (has become more or less in one piece) - Complete the survey.
There were discharge from the nipple
Everything is simple. In general, any discharge from the nipple - is abnormal and should be consulted. The only exception - the pregnant women in late pregnancy and nursing mothers, it is necessary to allocate the colostrum and milk.
The pits on the skin of the breast
If the skin appeared fovea if the breast skin was like a lemon or orange peel, if you notice the folds and wrinkles on one site, show them to the doctor.
Can not change only the skin texture but also its color - will be darker or lighter portions of the overall tone.
Changed the shape of the nipple
Especially alarming sign if the nipple is pulled in, and in its place appears as if the pit.
Rashes or crusts on the teats
If the nipple and areola appear strange rashes, skin texture changes, it is a dangerous sign of how the skin changes in the breast.
Chest pain
By itself, without any additional pain symptoms rarely signals cancer, so it is too late and found - nothing not hurt. But do not drink painkillers, but rather find a comfortable clothes and see a doctor.
Signs of breast cancer in men
Breast cancer in men - a rarity, but it does happen. Symptoms of the disease are the same:
- Pits and peel on the skin of the breast and around the nipples.
- Redness, flaking skin and seals in the chest.
- Discharge from the nipple.
At risk in men aged 60-70 years.
When it is necessary to be checked
With age, the risk of disease increases, so the time should be held from time to time surveyEven if it does not bother.
Thirty years is not required, after thirty times in a few years to do ultrasound, if you are at risk.
At-risk women who have:
- The family suffered from breast cancer.
- Identified mutations in the genes BRCA1, BRCA2.
- Harmful work.
- Menstruation began before 12 years.
- Menopause started after age 55.
After 40 years (whether you are at risk or not) should come on a mammogram once a year, because at this age, ultrasound is less informative.
After 55 years, a mammogram can be done less frequently, once every two years.
And absolutely everything is useful from time to time to check whether the dangerous symptoms appeared. For example, with the help of UK charity applications Breast Cancer Now. It shows what to look for, and helps to make the schedule of self.
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