Many of us suffer from insomnia. If you are one of these people, do not despair. We chose 30 tips that can help in the fight against this disease.
3 in the morning, and I still lie in bed and think about everything except sleep. Glancing at my watch, I understand that before the alarm clock 4:00 left, and it is unclear what is worse: to continue to suffer from insomnia or sleep for a few hours and wake up frustrated.
And I'm not the only one. Symptoms of insomnia are experiencing a lot of people. It is for these people, we have prepared material that will help to get rid of waking at night and find a peaceful sleep. And if you're reading this at 3 am, you know that this is the last time.
Insomnia - a sleep disorder, which is characterized by insufficient length or poor quality of sleep, or a combination of these phenomena over a significant period of time. Symptoms include a bad falling asleep, poor sleep quality, concerns, inability to concentrate, and irritability. Insomnia can be a chronic (from a month or more) and acute (lasting a few nights).
Do not rush to be treated by means of pharmacy. Try to change something in your lifestyle. For example, this:
- Keep a diary. Record it, how much and when you are asleep, the level of fatigue during the day and other symptoms. It helps to understand what should be changed in your daily and, in extreme cases, can be useful to the physician.
- Set the schedule. Find an activity that helps you fall asleep, and stick to it. Also, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time.
- Use the bed properly. The bed should only be used for sleep and sex. Do not transfer to their work. So you make yourself worse.
- Choose a good mattress. Mattress greatly affects the quality of sleep. A bad mattress can cause insomnia and discomfort, so take care of quality and comfortable mattress.
- Quit smoking. here yet another reason to quit smoking. Smokers often suffer from insomnia. Some studies show that this is due to the lack of nicotine at night.
- Consult a physician. If you've tried everything and nothing has worked, it is time to turn to a professional. The doctor may find violations of regulations and prescribe medications that will help restore healthy sleep.
- exercise. Moderate aerobic exercise a positive influence on the quality of sleep. To exercise at any time, but at least 3 hours before bedtime.
- Insert the schedule a few "minutes for concern." Spend 10-15 minutes throughout the day to address important issues. If they decide it is not possible, write them down, so they do not interfere in the head. This will help to avoid thinking about the problems at night.
- Limit caffeine. Yes, we know how much you love coffee. To begin, try to transfer all the tricks of coffee for the morning. If this does not help, you know what to do.
- Take a nap. 10-20 minutes a short nap in the afternoon will help you relax and unwind. However, do not nap after 3 pm. This has a negative impact on sleep at night.
- Stroll. Plenty of sunshine helps to restore the balance of melatonin, which helps to sleep at night.
- Eat a "sleepy" food. Enter in your diet foods that are rich in magnesium. For example, halibut, almond, cashew, spinach, as well as products with vitamin B. For example, green vegetables, nuts and legumes. Some experts also recommend taking complexes with vitamin B6 and magnesium.
- Try to do meditation. Meditation can not only have a positive impact on the quality of sleep, but also on the quality of your life! In this tip, you can also add a yoga classes, as well as a deep and proper breathing.
- Avoid large doses of food in the evening. The body will have to digest all this food in the time of sleep, and it will not lead to anything good.
- Dim the lights for two hours before bedtime.American studies It showed that the amount of light at night affects the quality of sleep. It is unlikely that you will want to sit in the dark all night, so determine for themselves the level of pleasant lighting. By the way, you can use the utility f.luxWhich will do the same with a computer screen.
- Limit the use of gadgets in the evening. Cold light from the screens of gadgets interfere with the body to prepare for sleep by stimulating the production of hormones daily. If you can not give up the device, at least lower the maximum brightness of the screen.
- Do not drink before going to bed. This, of course, about alcohol. It seems that drinking on the contrary promotes sleep? Perhaps you fall asleep faster, but alcohol can disrupt sleep cycles, and despite the fact that you are going to sleep, you wake up in the morning overwhelmed.
- Do not engage in mental activity before bedtime. Set aside the job, do not look scientific transfer and easy to read literature.
- Have sex. Probably worth it to put the item up :)
- Keep your bedroom cool in. Preferably in the range of 20 degrees.
- Use natural soporific. For example, an extract of valerian.
- Do not try to fall asleep if you do not want. Yes, I know that feeling, when the clock is already 2:00 at night, and sleep do not want to. But to go to bed, when you do not feel sleepy, even worse. If you do not fall asleep in the first 20 minutes, then get out of bed and go do something relaxing.
- Minimize the amount of noise. After living several years in the dormitory, I understand that it is not always possible. However, if you can control the sources of noise, then reducing it to a minimum.
- Give vent to their stress. Write down everything that you are concerned, on a sheet of paper. But no, to hell. Go to the gym and otdubaste punching bag. Try and write your feelings!
- Brew tea with chamomile. Chamomile has long been known for its soothing properties, so here you will not go wrong.
- Take a hot bath or shower. The sharp jump in temperature can induce you to sleep.
- Drink hot milk. Science has not proven the effect of milk on sleep, but many of us still remember the hot milk before going to sleep as a child. It might work!
- Count the sheep. This is not a 100% method, but the concentration on one thing can really help sleep. Not too like sheep? Focus on inhalation or exhalation - is also a good way.
- Visualize sleep. Imagine yourself in the ocean on the white sand. Although why I telling you all this, your imagination do the work for me. Just imagine yourself in a pleasant location, relax and have fun.
- Do not be angry with yourself. Take insomnia and try even in such a desperate situation to find its advantages. Do not blame yourself for what you can not sleep. After all, you can see a wonderful sunrise.
And in what ways to combat insomnia you use?