Penny products for the face and body that really work
Health / / December 19, 2019
Most often, my mother offered to smear something smelly, soil or (the worst) to "leave everything as it is." Not to say that as an adult, I began to refer to wiping stub cucumber more sympathetic, but I definitely should not have neglected castor oil for the care of eyelashes. If one day you want to try on a "national" means, here's a selection that is sure to not disappoint.
1. Face mask of blue clay
How it works
Cleanses the pores of dirt and grease, reduces inflammation, reduces acne, improves skin tone, can be applied anywhere on the body.
How to apply
Recipes masks with blue clay literally hundreds, in it you can add olive oil to moisturize the skin, and juice lemon whitening freckle, but as a person with allergies, I would recommend starting with the classic monokomponentny masks.
Pre-need to wash with warm water, very well be used to mask scrub. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of powdered clay in warm water to a non-metallic dish consistency of sour cream. Apply on wet face by massaging gently, avoiding the eye area. Try to relax the facial muscles and suppress laughter at the sight of herself in the mirror: clay pretty quickly solidifies, and the slightest muscle tension will cause cracking of the mask and the skin tension.
When the mask dries lighter, gets a nice blue color, and it is perfectly visible point spots of fat, out-of-this attempted since. After 10-15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water, rinse with cool clean face. Do mask can be 2-3 times a week.
important terms
Take care of proper storage residues dry clay. They should be tightly wrapped in moisture without access package. Dish in which you prepared the mask, it is best to wash until the clay is still wet.
approximate cost
40 rubles per 100 grams. Can be purchased in cosmetic departments of shops, pharmacies.
2. Bast of luffa
Luffa - herbaceous vine of the family Cucurbitaceae. Sponges made from its ripe fruit with a fibrous, rigid structure.
How it works
Exfoliation and light skin massage. Eliminates the ingrown hair.
How to apply
The stores sell lyuffovye sponges of different shapes and degrees of hardness: mittens, long washcloths with two loops with foam inside, there is even little pieces of luffa, alloyed into wedges soap. In my opinion, mittens peeling is most convenient, besides they are generally milder, because further processed to impart a desired shape. With foam rubber sponges are needed if you want to use when peeling soap, but, in my opinion, it's too much: clean luffa much better exfoliate dead skin cells.
Before applying the wet mitten warm water - can be rubbed. Just do not overdo it! Even without much pressure, after two or three movements of friction skin reddens.
important terms
Luffa - porous natural material. Therefore, to prevent bacteria to multiply in the wool, rinse it well with hot water after each use and dry immediately in the expanded form (it is better to hang it outside the bathroom). Do not be amiss to a couple of times a week, doused with boiling water washcloth. If luffa changed color or smell, you can not use it.
approximate cost
From 80 to 200 rubles depending on the size.
3. Castor oil
Vegetable oilDerived from castor bean.
How it works
It strengthens the lashes and stimulates their growth. It can be used for the eyebrows and the hair. The bonus can smooth out fine wrinkles around the eyes.
How to apply
In addition to castor oil, we need a brush for its application. You can clean up the old brush from the carcass or use cotton swabs. Oil is applied to clean lashes in the evening or during the day if you do not use cosmetics for the eyes. Do not overdo it with the amount of oil: it must moisturize lashes, but do not assemble them drops. Otherwise, blot the lashes with a napkin.
Whether you can smear eyelashes at night, we will have to find out by experience: someone has oil in sleep causes swelling eyelids, someone - no. But in any case, the earlier before bedtime means you will inflict, the better.
important terms
Watch out for shelf life and storage conditions. Castor oil is kept hermetically packaged in a dark container at a temperature not higher than 18 degrees for two years. If you use it only for the eyelashes, in two years you will have even half of the bubble. Use it to care for leather shoes and mascara buy a new bottle.
approximate cost
60-100 rubles 30 ml. Can be purchased at any pharmacy.
4. Refusal of soap
How it works
It allows you to restore the natural hydro-lipid balance of dry and sensitive skin.
How to apply
If you suffer from itching, peeling, dryness, acne on the body for dry skin, just try to reduce the use of soap and suffer at least a week. It is possible that this one will be enough to solve half your problems. Shampooed every day is not necessarily entirely, especially if you work in an office and do not exercise.
important terms
Please do not take this advice too literally. In no case do not give up all the soap. It is necessary for the purification of very polluted areas of the body, removing the residues of deodorant, hygiene sex organs and the treatment of hands after you prepare something from raw meat or eggs, came from the streets or visit restroom. And I certainly do not appeal to reduce the amount of water treatments.
approximate cost
0 rubles. If we assume that the savings on the purchase of soap - it is a means to make money, you can even stay in the black.
5. Suspension "Tsindol"
The drug with zinc oxide, has on the skin anti-absorbent, astringent, antiseptic effect.
How it works
Eliminates acne. The indications to the application also includes the various etiologies dermatitis, sun and thermal burns, cuts, scrapes and herpes. "Tsindol" even relieves itching of chickenpox!
How to apply
The suspension before use must be thoroughly shaken until smooth. "Tsindol" cotton swab is applied directly to inflammation. Perhaps drawing on a large area with a cotton pad, if you are concerned profuse rash.
It is advisable to use at night, because the instruction involves applying a few hours. Most likely, per night dried up white crust osypetsya own, if not - in the morning it can be washed off with warm water, though not without difficulty.
important terms
Wear clothes that you do not mind dirty, and Cover the same bedding. Before the first use it is desirable to make the test for skin sensitization in the crook of the elbow. Despite the fact that the drug is used even in newborns, zinc oxide may cause allergic reactions. Very dry skin, preferably applying point.
approximate cost
100-150 rubles per 125 ml.
If you are used to cosmetic products prepared on the basis of these resources (eg, steamed mask with blue clay and zinc - quite a common combination of acne), the wah effect will not. In essence, it is the same active substance, but it is more concentrated, and for less money. Also, I do not advise to rely on instant effect: if you do not consider use of luffa peeling all others require you to manipulate regular use, especially castor oil. In general, the listed funds proven themselves and are not addictive.
And what home remedies you use?