How quickly calm down 7 science-based methods
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Psychologists say that negative emotions can not always suppress. Anger, resentment, sadness - the important feelings that are eligible to be expressed. But sometimes the nerves pass completely the wrong time. In this case, quickly calm down will help advice of scientists.
1. breathe deeply
It's an old trick. But scientists could not understand why deep breathing works. Only in 2017 in the journal Science published a studyThe Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy AdultsWhich has placed all points of the i.
Its authors, biochemist at Stanford University School of Medicine, foundStudy shows how slow breathing induces tranquility deep in the brainstem, a tiny cluster of neurons that is supposed to bind the speed and depth of breathing and emotional state. The active and superficial breaths, the higher the level of arousal and nervousness. On the contrary - the deeper we breathe, The relaxed and tranquil feel.
However, experiments to prove the link between breathing and relaxation while they were conducted only in mice. But the researchers extrapolated their results are quite confident and per person.
2. Use blue light
Blue light helps people to quickly relax after psychosocial stress. it is foundBlue lighting accelerates post-stress relaxation: Results of a preliminary study scientists from the University of Granada.
Psychosocial stress, in the words of the researchers themselves - it is a short-term nervous breakdown that occurs during contact with other people. A simple example: you bet with a friend, had a fight with a colleague, you are nervous because of the fact that the head sits the chief and yelling about the deadline, which was yesterday ...
Curious scientists arranged such experiences 12 volunteers aged 18 to 37 years, and then diverted test the so-called color therapy room. It was not anything that could help to calm down - only LEDs that emit the standard white, then blue light.
It turned out that under the blue light of brain and heart activity of people were returning to normal on average for 1.1 minutes, and a white - 3.5. That is three times faster!
By the way, in addition to the lamps, the blue light emitting screens of modern gadgets - computers, laptops, smart phones. Stress - is the case even when scientists recommend: 10 minutes povtykat to your favorite device. This will help to relax.
3. Including the most soothing song in the world
Weightless was recorded back in 2011. It was commissioned by the scientists of the British Academy of Sound Therapy, which decided to experiment and to create a song that could quickly soothe and even lull.
Composition length of just over 8 minutes full of various sound effects. The chip is the rhythm: the body adjusts to it, heart beats less, breathing slows ...
The effect of the song was so amazing that Time magazine even included Weightless in the list of the 50 most important inventions of the year.
To Weightless calming influence was more powerful, take care of the entourage: put on your headphones, take a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes.
4. Listen to the sounds of nature
StudyIT'S TRUE - THE SOUND OF NATURE HELPS US RELAConducted in 2017 by scientists from the School of Medicine, Brighton and Sussex, proved that when people listen to the sounds of nature, their stress level decreases significantly.
The researchers subjected volunteers exposed to natural and man-made (technological, social) noise. In parallel, conducted MRI brain scans of participants and control of heart rate. As it turned out, the brain activity is strongly dependent on the nature of sounds.
In the natural scale the focus of our attention is directed outwards: we listen attentively, peer into the world, falling into a kind of calming trance. Artificial same sound shifts the focus of attention inside: we begin to delve into the more active themselves, to experience, to exaggerate their own shortcomings, with the result that even more aggravates stress.
Ideally, if your side is a park for walking, where you can hear the singing of birds and the rustle of leaves. Or running stream, on the shores of which you can sit. If nothing suitable is not present, use the recording these Web sites and applications.
5. Smell something nice
Although aromatherapy as a whole looks pretty questionable from a scientific point of view, the influence of essential oils on the level of stress proved unequivocally and repeatedly.
Scents of lavender, rosemaryThe effects of lavender and rosemary essential oils on test-taking anxiety among graduate nursing studentsAnd ylang-ylang lower blood pressure and heart rate, reduced the level of anxiety and excitation.
Carry a small vial with a view of these oils, fragrance which seems to you the most enjoyable and stressful moments shakes 1-2 drops on the wrist. Couple breaths - and calm will be much easier.
6. Do something maximum concentration
Do the washing up. Sweep the floor. Lay the paper. Clean the desktop on your computer or smartphone. The main thing - try to focus on this lesson.
StudyChore or stress reliever: Study suggests that washing dishes decreases stressConducted in 2015 at the University of Florida, proved that the concentration of activities - a very effective way to quickly reduce stress.
This is because, by focusing entirely on some lesson, we abstract from negative experiences. Brain "switches" and reduces the production of stress hormones.
7. Distancing itself from itself
Try to look at the situation from the outside, as if it still does not happen to you. Imagine that the problem is not yours, and someone else. Admission elementary, but surprisingly effective: psychologists fixBeneficial effects of training in self-distancing and perspective broadening for people with a history of recurrent depression a sharp decline in the level of anxiety and stress, and even recommended a similar approach in the fight against long depression.
An old anecdote "If it's your problem, you can solve them. If you can not solve them - it's not your problem "becomes a modern, science-based sound. Remember it and smile. This, incidentally, is also a good way to reduce stress.
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