15 cancer symptoms that can not be ignored men
Health / / December 19, 2019
UPD. Text updated August 24, 2019: it added more scientific data verified sources.
Cancer - one of the main causes of death in the world. According toLatest global cancer data WHO, in 2018 9.6 million people died from it. Early diagnosis seriously increases the chances of a cure, so do not delay with the campaign to the doctor if the following symptoms are noticed.
1. Problems with urination
Many men over the years, there are the following problems:
- urge to urinate frequently, especially at night;
- incontinence, urgent need to urinate;
- difficulty in beginning urination, weak urine pressure.
Typically, these symptoms are caused byBenign prostatic hyperplasia an enlarged prostate. But do not rule out prostate cancerProstate cancer.
Consult your doctor to clarify the reasons for the inconvenience. Will have to undergo an unpleasant, but very necessary process of digital rectal examination and a blood test for PSA (prostate specific antigen). If there is cancer, the prostate produces it in large amounts.
2. Changes in the testicles
If you notice a lump, a seal or any other change testicularImmediately go to the hospital. Unlike malignant prostate tumor, which develops slowly enough, testicular cancertesticular cancer It is growing much faster. Sign up for a medical examination, hand over a blood test and go through ultrasound of the scrotum.
3. Blood in the urine and feces
This may be one of the first signs of bladder cancer Bladder Cancerkidneyclear-cell carcinoma or colonDiagnostic accuracy systematic review of rectal bleeding in combination with other symptoms, signs and tests in relation to colorectal cancer. Even if you have no other complaints, contact the clinic. Perhaps it turns out that the reason hemorrhoids or urinary tract infections, but also with their treatment should not be delayed.
4. skin changes
You notice changes in size, shape or color birthmarks? Or found on the skin of a new spot gray, pink or pinkish-yellow color? These are the main features of Skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma skin cancer.
Visit a dermatologist or oncologist. You may have to undergo a biopsy - a diagnostic procedure over the fence a small piece of tissue for examination. This unpleasant procedure, but do not delay because of her visit to the doctor.
5. Changes in lymph nodes
Lymph nodes - small bean-shaped formation, which can be felt in some parts of the body. For example, on the neck, Under the jaw, in the armpits and groin. They perform a filter function, and their increase usually signalsSwollen lymph nodes on strengthening the body's immunity. As a rule, it is a struggle of the immune system with colds or infections.
But some types of cancer may also causelymphomas lymphadenopathy. Consult your doctor if any of you discovered the tumor did not decrease during the three weeks.
6. Trouble swallowing
Some people have such difficulties arise from time to time, moreover, they can not attach any importance to this. The reason may be dysphagiaDysphagia. Global best practices and cascades - Disorder Act swallowing. But if it's started to happen on a regular basis while you are losing weight or experience retching, it's worth checking your throatCancer of the larynx, hypopharynx and stomachStomach cancer the presence of cancers. On examination the patient swallows the liquid with the addition of barium. This chemical element is lit under the influence of X-rays.
7. Heartburn
Changing the diet, drinking alcohol, getting into a stressful situation - all of which can cause heartburn. In such cases it is sufficient to take medication and to change eating habits. If this does not help, and heartburn persists for two or three weeks, see your doctor. It can be a symptomAssociation of gastroesophageal reflux disease and laryngeal cancer eating disorders as well as cancer of the throat or stomach.
Chronic heartburn, even if it is not caused by cancer, too dangerous disease. It can damage the lining of the esophagus. And this leads over timeBarrett's esophagus: pathogenesis, epidemiology, functional abnormalities, malignant degeneration, and surgical management to such a problem as Barrett's esophagus. In this disease the healthy skin cells are replaced precancerous.
8. Changes in the oral cavity
The risk of cancer of the mouth increases substantiallyCancer mucosa of the oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancerIf you smoke or chew tobacco. If you notice a white, yellow, gray, or red patches in the mouth or on the lips, it's time to see a doctor. Consult dentist or oncologist.
9. Weight loss
Old clothes suddenly become great? This is fine if you do sports, have switched to heavy physical work, improved the quality of the food or nervous for some time. Otherwise stands guard. The "random" weight loss may indicate a wide range of health problems. Including pancreatic cancerPredictors of Pancreatic Cancer-Associated Weight Loss and Nutritional Interventions, lightLung cancer and stomachStomach cancer. Only the detailed survey will give an accurate diagnosis.
10. Temperature increase
By itself, the fever is the body's struggle with some kind of infection. But ongoing wanton temperature increase can testifyleukemia about the disease leukemia or other type of blood cancer.
11. Changes in breast
Although breast cancer in menMammary cancer occurs much less frequently than women, do not ignore suspicious symptoms. If you hit upon the seal in this area and especially if they are accompanied by pain, as quickly as possible to pass inspection.
12. Fatigue
Cancer causesDiagnostics deep chronic fatigue, Get rid of that does not help, and a month's leave in warm edges. If you are giving yourself regular rest and under stress, but the feeling of exhaustion persists for a long time, consult your doctor. Perhaps it is not a cancer, and in some other disease, but it is better not to risk it.
13. Cough
A non-smoker nagging cough is usually not associated with cancer, most of it takes place within a month. If the same symptom persists while you are short of breath or during stand drops of bloodLung cancer, You must immediately consult a doctor. In the clinic you will take a sample of sputum lightAs well as hold a chest X-ray.
14. Pain
In most cases the pain caused by other reasons. But if they do not stop for a month and they can never be explained, perhaps, in some body cameCancer malignancies. Do not tolerate the pain, see a doctor and pass examinations.
15. Depression and pain in the abdomen
In rare cases, depression together with abdominal pain may be a symptomEarly Detection of Pancreatic Cancer pancreatic cancerPancreatic cancer tumors and organs zhelchevyvedeniya. Should I be concerned? Probably not, if your family did not have such a disease. Still, better to check.
see also🧐
- 15 cancer symptoms that women can not be ignored
- How to reduce the risk of cancer
- 5 ways to check yourself for cancer