The World Health Organization (WHO) for the first time pointed out the emotional syndrome burnout in the International Classification of Diseases, which is considered for the diagnosis and health insurance standard.
The latest version of the catalog classification of diseases and injuries WHO defines burnout as a result of chronic stress in the workplace, which has not been successfully overcome.
Released three symptoms of burnout:
- feeling of exhaustion and energy depletion;
- improving mental detachment from work and a sense of negativity and cynicism, work-related;
- reduction of occupational effectiveness.
Burnout refers specifically to events in a professional context and should not be used to describe the experience in other areas of life, also mentioned in the classification.
The updated list of diseases and injuries, known as ICD-11 (11th revision), was drawn up last year accordance with the recommendations of the experts in the field of health care around the world and has been approved by literally days.
Also, the World Health Organization recognized disease "gaming disorder" - that is, the dependence on video games. In the list it goes immediately after gambling addiction.
see also🧐
- Why fatigue and emotional burnout have become a part of our lives
- How to cope with burnout and regain his productivity
- 30 tips to help you recover from burnout