Houseplants an excellent job of cleaning the air in the room, but some are better than others succeed.
Scientists from NASA have solved the problem of how to clean the air in a space station. they tried to determine what in his study houseplants can remove harmful substances from the air: benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, xylene, and ammonia.
Whether these substances will have a negative impact on human health depends on many factors: the amount and species substance, time and mode of action, the individual characteristics of each organism person. We will focus on the general symptoms which appear after prolonged contact with the chemical.
Substance | where found | symptoms of poisoning |
trichlorethylene | In the printing ink, lacquer furniture, varnish, glue, paint solvent | Excitement, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, may hypersomnia and loss of consciousness |
Formaldehyde | In paper bags, wrapping paper, facial tissues, toilet paper, napkins, chipboard boards (chipboard), plywood panels, synthetic fabrics | Irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and throat, swelling of the throat and possibly the lung |
Benzene | It is used in the production of plastics, rubber, synthetic fibers, lubricants, paints, detergents, dyes. Also found in cigarette smoke, glue, paint and varnish coatings | Eye irritation, hypersomnia, dizziness, palpitations, headache, confusion, dizziness |
xylol | The printed materials, rubber, leather, paints, tobacco smoke | Irritation of the mouth and throat, dizziness, headache, confusion, problems with heart |
Ammonia | The wiper Wax polishes the floor | Eye irritation, cough, sore throat |
In the study, researchers found that some types of indoor plants can be reduced almost to nothing harmful effects of these chemicals. The most effective means of this list - sansevieriya or pike tail.
But keep in mind that some of the plants may be poisonous to cats, Dogs and other pets. If you have a pet, a pre-check to see if the plant is dangerous for him, you're going to put home.