Why hurt the liver, and what to do
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Liver - one of the largest organsLiver deseases in our body. It helps digest food, to synthesize the vital substances, rid the body of toxins.
If the liver suddenly stops working, it backfire serious problems for the whole body - until death. The catch is this: sometimes recognize that the liver requires complex care.
Violations of the liver - a common problem. In the US alone suffer from itLiver Pain at least 30 million people.
Layfhaker figured out how not to miss the danger signs and what to do with them.
Why can not ignore the fact that the liver hurts
Just say a very important thing. If you regularly feel uncomfortable - pulling, spasmodic, painful - sensations in the field liver, consider it an occasion to address immediately to the hepatologist, gastroenterologist, or at least therapist. Let me explain why.
Here it is, the liver, in the figure below. Put your hand on your right side, covering the edges of the palm and fingers, guiding them in the direction of the navel, upper quadrant - you found it.
By itself, the liver can not hurtLiver Pain - Causes & LocationEven if it really is not good: it has no pain receptors. Typically discomfort appear only in the case where a particular disease has gone far enough. Liver swells increases and its pressure on the surrounding casing wall (capsules). The capsule nerve endings already have - so there is a feeling of heaviness or pain.
Once again, if there was discomfort in his right side, and repeated a few days or lasts longer than a few hours - run to the doctor.
Perhaps nothing serious you will not be found. Maybe cause discomfort will not liver: tenderness manifest themselves, such as gallstones (which is also dangerous). But this is the case when it is better perebdet.
What else have liver disease symptoms
Pain in the liver - obvious sign. But not too often. Sometimes progressing disease of the body are felt discomfort in very different places, for example, is given in the front of the abdomen, lower back, and sometimes even in the right shoulderLiver Pain.
And sometimes not at all painful. Man lives not knowing what is coming to cirrhosis in one of its stages, to cope with which the medicine will not be able.
The earlier revealed violations of the liver, the easier it is to restore it. It is therefore important to know the symptoms and other - direct and indirect. The combination of several - a reason as soon as possible to visit a physician or hepatologist.
- Fatigue, unmotivated fatigue for a long time - days, weeks.
- Weight loss, especially if it takes place without any change in diet or lifestyle.
- Regular nausea, dizziness.
- Loss of appetite, bitter taste in the mouth.
- swellingRegularly occur in the ankle area.
- Frequent cases of bloating.
- The protracted pruritus of unknown origin - skin may be scratched in any field: on the back, chest, arms, legs.
And if against the background of any of these symptoms you find dark urine, stool obvious yellow or too light in color, yellowing of the skin and mucous membrane of the eye, suddenly became very sensitive (to pain) and mild stomach - a visit to a physician must go to the category emergency.
If you feel sick, dark eyes, hurt you or do you assess his condition as a very bad - it is an occasion to call an ambulance.
This may be a serious intoxication.
Why liver hurts
There are dozens of diseasesLiver Pain - Causes & LocationCapable of destroying virtually unnoticed by the body. Here are the most common ones.
viral hepatitis
It's about inflammation of the liver caused by one of the hepatovirus - A, B, C or D.
The most innocuous of them (conditionally, in some cases it can also lead to death) - A virus, also known as jaundice or infectious disease. This is a classic "disease of dirty hands": as well as other intestinal infections, it is transferred to the contaminated food - such as unwashed fruit or water. The main advantage of Botkin's disease in that it is obvious, is preventable (there are vaccines against hepatitis A virus), and often treatable without consequences for the liver.
Viruses B, C and D rarer - things are much more serious. They are transmitted to the body fluids - for example, blood or semen. Vaccination against them there, the symptoms tend to be erased, they can be confused with the usual discomforts. In the meantime, these gepatoinfektsii in most cases become chronic. Ultimately, any one of these can develop hepatitis to cirrhosis, liver failure or liver cancer.
alcoholic hepatitis
Also inflammation of the liver, but it is not a virus, and alcohol. Regular and excessive use of alcohol overloads the liver, destroying it from the inside and can eventually lead to cirrhosis (so-called disease in which healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar and can no longer perform its function).
Other types of hepatitis
Besides alcohol, devastating effects on the liver have a bust with drugs or poisoning by heavy metals. In these situations, talk about medical or toxic hepatitis. It can also be an autoimmune when the immune system crashes and attacks its own liver cells.
Fatty liver disease
Excess fat in the body is deposited not only on the waist and hips, but also around the internal organs. In particular, it can accumulate in the liver cells, increasing its size and making it difficult to carry out their functions.
Abscess (or cyst) - a "pocket" with contaminated fluid or pus that forms in the liver. To this can cause bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections. As a rule, such disease is accompanied by fever and quite palpable discomfort in the liver, so it is difficult to view.
Liver cancer
One of the most insidious diseases. Growing tumor often makes itself felt until cancer It is not transferred to the later stages. Oncology often unnoticed "grows" from chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis. That is why you need to check your liver - even if, at first glance, you will not hurt.
What if the liver hurts
To repeat: try as quickly as possible to get to the doctor. Medic hear complaints, conduct inspection, test the stomach and is likely to offer a blood test - the so-called hepatic samples and test for viral hepatitis. They will help in general to determine how healthy your liver feels.
It may be required and other studies, such as:
- Ultrasound of the liver and biliary tract - to determine the body size and possible damage;
- computer or magnetic resonance imaging;
- biopsy - manipulation, during which a piece of liver tissue take on laboratory analysis.
Further treatment will depend on the results of analyzes. Sometimes, to give a sense of the liver in sufficientLiver Pain just to make some changes in lifestyle,
- reset excess weight;
- avoid alcohol;
- go on a healthy diet, reducing fat content of food.
But not all liver problems can be solved so easily. You may need medication or surgery appointment. The final decision about how to restore the damaged organ must take a doctor. In no case do not engage in self - it can cost you your life.
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