Allergies in the child: everything parents need to know about the diagnosis and treatment
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
Allergy - a protective reaction of the organism. When we are faced with a dangerous substance, the body tries to destroy it: so we are defending ourselves against diseases. But sometimes it happens that the body is trying too hard, and his attempts to get rid of the invaders harm ourselves. Therefore, different non-hazardous substances cause the immune response and inflammatory reactions. This is an allergyAllergies.
The most dangerous and common allergens:
- pollen.
- Dust mites.
- Fur and skin of animals.
- Food.
- Insect bites.
- Medications.
- Latex.
- Mold.
- Household chemicals and cosmetics.
- Colorants, preservatives and other food additives.
In small children, allergies are often, because the body of the child still can not process certain proteins correctlyatopic dermatitis. Therefore, the children carefully to introduce solid foods and do not allow some products to a certain age. Over time, the child may stopFood Allergy Facts and Statistics react to milk, soy, eggs. But some types of allergies are forever.
Allergies can be inherited. If both parents suffer from allergies, then the child is likely to manifest itself withDiagnosing Allergies 60–70%.
How does an allergy in a child
The symptoms are different and depend on the type of allergen and the individual reactions. Here's how to react to different organs and systems for allergens:
- Leather. At an allergy skin becomes red, itchy and scaly. There are stains, skin rashes, and sometimes swelling.
- Eyes. They itch, redden, itch. The child tears flow.
- Respiratory system. Most frequently observed allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion, cough, breathing becomes difficult.
- The stomach and intestines. Because of allergens stomach ache, vomiting or diarrhea appears.
If allergy is the most dangerous anaphylactic shock - a condition in which the tongue swells, the neck or the face, the voice becomes rough, there are breathing difficulties. The man turns pale, poorly oriented in space and can lose consciousness. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance.
How to distinguish an allergy from other problems
Allergy - a diagnosis that it's tempting to put on their own, because it seems simple and obvious. But you can not do. other diseases can masquerade as allergies from depriving to asthma.
Allergy Diagnosis begins with a detailed survey: the doctor must understand, what possible allergens encountered a child recently. Your doctor will ask many questions to be answered honestly and in detail. Sometimes embarrassed to admit that they have given to the child junk soda, but to hide from the doctor, this fact can not be (even more so, believe me, the doctor is not seen).
After interviewing the doctor checks on what allergens there is a reaction. It does this in two main ways.
1. skin tests
On the skin of the forearm make a scratch, which is applied to the allergen extract. After scratching the allergen enters the bloodstream, it can be seen by the reaction, which substances - the cause of the symptoms. The result of this test is noticeable after 20-30 minutes.
Sometimes, instead of scratching to do injections or applications with a solution of allergen extractAllergies Diagnosis. To survey was credible in front of him a few days can not take medication against allergies - they have to leave the body.
Contraindications to skin tests:
- Aggravation of allergies.
- Aggravation of other chronic diseases.
- Infection (that is, if a child picked up the virus, the sample does not do).
These tests can be done at any ageSkin Tests - The Mainstay of Allergy Testing. Kids tested on a small number of allergens. And the results may change as the child grows. So the sample should alter when the child turns at least five years.
2. Blood analysis
For this survey, blood is taken, for most other tests. The result will have to wait a few days, but a blood test - the output when it is impossible to do allergy testsALLERGY TESTING. For example, when an exacerbation delayed.
The task of other surveys - to eliminate the disease, who pretend to be allergic. If you have difficulty breathing suspect asthma and lung function testing, with blocked nose - sinusitis (infection of the sinuses) and do an X-ray.
How to treat allergies in the child
The best and only way to get rid of allergies - to eliminate the allergen contact with him. To do this, you need to think what might have caused allergy: a new food, clothing, flowering of some plants, cosmetics or something else.
Sometimes it is impossible to immediately determine why there was an allergic reaction. In this case, eliminate everything that could lead to it at least in theory:
- There should be only proven products, which does not exactly have a reaction. Fish, citrus fruits, sweet banned. For babies the best nutrition - is breastmilk.
- New products need to try gradually: one piece per day, not to provoke strong reactions.
- Try not to use products with dyes and other food additives.
- Remove dust sources: hide the books in closets, throw stuffed toys, do not use carpets and heavy curtains.
- Use only hypoallergenic cosmetics and household chemicals. And not only for children's things: everything in the house and manipulate safe means.
- Buy baby clothes made of linen and cotton, strongly colored or white. The same applies to the bedclothes.
- Keep the humidity in the room at aboutPrevention of allergies and asthma in children TTR 50% - it is more convenient to do it with humidifier.
- Do not let the child contact with tobacco smoke.
And what about drugs?
Used to treat allergies antihistamines. Histamine - a special compound, which is normally kept within the cells dormant. During an allergic reaction, histamine and exits from the cells triggers an inflammatory response. Medicines should prevent it: neutralize histamine and not to let him leave the store again.
Antihistamines do not eliminate the cause of the reaction - an allergen, but it helps to remove the symptoms and improve quality of life.
There are many antihistamines. Old started a few decades ago have more side effects than the new ones. For example, cause drowsiness and dryness of mucous membranes. For kids invented drops, which is more convenient to take than pills. There are ointments that are used for symptoms of skin allergies.
We did not call the drugs, because they are sold freely and there is always a temptation to assign the child anything from allergies, do not understand the intricacies. But choose the treatment regimen, especially children, should the doctor.
Is there an allergy prevention
To some extent, the allergy can be prevented. Sometimes the violent reaction of children to food, wool or tissue is due only to the fact that children's bodies still do not work well. This is the norm, because the baby needs to grow and develop gradually.
Allergic to many substances can pass by itself, as the liver and the immune system will start to operate at full capacity. Sometimes even they say that children outgrow the disease. Therefore, the task of parents - to ensure that in the period of growth, especially up to three years, the child as little as possible met with potential allergens.
One of the best ways to not provoke allergies - breastfeeding.
In second place - the lure, which is administered in time, ie at the age of six months (and not before, no matter what my grandmother).
Plus all the methods of treatment, in addition to receiving the tablets are suitable for prevention: less allergens - more health.
see also
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