Does soda lose weight
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
In search of an answer to the question "What to eat to lose weight?" People are willing to eat sometimes very strange taste and appearance products. For example, baking soda.
On Internet forums dedicated to the fight against excess weight, you can find a lot of references to the miracle cocktails soda (a teaspoon of baking soda per a glass of water - and the kilos melt away in front) and soda baths, which supposedly speed up metabolism: got out of the water, dried himself with a towel - and minus one and a half! a kilo!
But is it really?
How useful soda
Bicarbonate (or sodium) of sodium - the so-called the powder, which is sold in packages labeled "baking soda", - the product is actually very useful. SodaBaking Soda Dos and Don'ts:
- It helps to cope with itching after insect bites.
- It reduces the risk of caries.
- Can ease the condition in diseases of the kidney. Just do not self-medicate! How to make soda in this case, the doctor will tell you.
- Relieves heartburn.
- struggling with dandruff.
- Well established itself as an ingredient home dry shampoo.
"Magic" properties of soda people have noticed in ancient times. So, preserved mention of the fact that the priests of ancient Egypt are constantly chewed soda, thinking that this powder is able to communicate with the other world. A legendary scientist and alchemist of the XIII century, Albert the Great thought soda essential element of the elixir of youth.
The reason for "magic" purely chemical. Sodium bicarbonate, when dissolved in water produces a basic environment.
Here we have to make an important remark: all foods differ in the level of acidity (pH-factor) and, according to it, have different effects on the body. Food and drinks with high acidity (pH <7) contribute to the development of inflammatory processes. On the contrary, alkaline foods (pH> 7) and neutralized with acid so that "quenched" foci of inflammation, improving the quality of the whole organism.
Therefore, a "cocktail" of soda with water, including all kinds of carbonated drinks, in theory, can be beneficial to health. If we leave aside other components of soda, because of which it is still more harmful than helpful.
Is it possible to lose weight with the help of soda
And this is - a controversial issue. In general, the idea is to use sodium bicarbonate slimming occurred after chemists have investigated processes occurring in contact with soda in the body. It is split into sodium and carbon dioxide. A carbon dioxide, in turn, is able to accelerateIn vitro study of triglyceride lipolysis and phase distribution of the reaction products and cholesterol: effects of calcium and bicarbonate the rate of lipolysis - the splitting of fats in the body.
But it is in theory!
In practice, the use of soda cocktails had virtually no effect on getting rid of the extra kilos too small soda produced effect.
In addition, as in the case of soda, there is harmful pobochka.
In particular, soda seriously reduces gastric acidity (based on this property for the use of soda solutions heartburn treatment). If you take regular soda drinks, it can lead to the development of gastritis and even ulcers.
Therefore, it is recommended sodium bicarbonateSodium Bicarbonate used only as a temporary solution of various problems (eg, anti-heartburn), and in any case not to make a permanent part of the diet.
Baths with soda (standard recipe: dissolve ¹/₂ baking soda glass in warm water and lie therein 15-30 minutes) may be mentioned more useful. establishedWhat Are the Benefits of a Baking Soda Bath, How Do You Take One, and Is It Safe?That they are good for the health. In particular:
- Relieve tension and pain.
- Accelerate blood circulation, which helps cleanse the body.
- Help reduce the itching and eczema, to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis.
- Can have positive effects on normalization of the vaginal pH-factor.
And yes, after taking a bath, you can discover with delight that the scales show per kilogram and a half less than usual. But make no mistake. Weight loss is caused solely fluid loss: Soda bath causes your body to sweat heavily. Once the fluid deficiency is restored, the weight will come back into place.
How to use baking soda
To sum up: Unfortunately, no soda cocktails or bath will not help to lose weight. But this does not negate the other useful properties of sodium bicarbonate. If you are thinking about what you do want to use baking soda for health purposes - say, for the treatment of heartburn, - it is important to do so only after consulting your doctor.
We have already mentioned that soda categorically harmful in the case of low acidity of the stomach (which you can not guess). In addition, the technique of sodium bicarbonate inside though, at least in the form of baths is contraindicated if you are:
- Are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Suffer bouts of hypertension.
- ill diabetes.
Baths are also contraindicated if the skin you have open wounds or serious infection.
But even if none of the above contraindications you do not, with the use of baking soda is still necessary to be cautious. For example, sodium bicarbonate can not drink within two hours after taking the medication: it reduces the acidity of the stomach, which can slow down the rate of absorption of medicines, affecting eventually their efficiency.
Given a sufficient number of contraindications and possible adverse effects on health, it is important to once again emphasize: sodium bicarbonate is desirable to use only after consultation with the general practitioner or specialist profile (e.g. gastroenterologist).
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