9 signs that you have a thyroid disorder
Health / / December 19, 2019
The thyroid gland - an organ that is located on the front side of the neck and is shaped like a butterfly. It affects the nervous system, digestion, bone and reproductive system.
Gland secretes three types of hormones. And when the synthesis of at least one of them is broken, there is a painful change in the usual operation of the body - failures. They can occur for various reasons: because of the admission of drugs, viral infectionsThyroiditisWeakened immune system, iodine deficiency, pregnancy and post-natal condition. It also happens that people just are bornUnderactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) - Causes with a weak thyroid gland.
Failure is considered as a low production of hormones, and high. And if you do not solve the problem, it may result inan underactive thyroid to heart disease, difficulties with pregnancy and childbirth, miscarriage, and in some cases coma.
And sometimes even mild symptoms can signal a serious failure. But there is always a chance to prevent disease and even save your life, time to pay attention to the following points.
1. weight change
This is the reasonSymptoms of Thyroid DiseaseTo which doctors pay attention in the first place. Man loses weight rapidly, when hormone levels become higher than normal. Moreover, the weight will continue to decline, even if you eat more than usual - to change the diet in this case, no matter what will not be affected.
Reduced hormone levels, by contrast, leads to overweight. Metabolism It slows down, and the body accumulates the calories as fat. At the same time lose weight through diet and fitness will not turn: return the form will be available only after the treatment, when the hormones back to normal.
2. worsening of mood
Hormones regulate the nervous system, so our mood depends on their level. Signs of impairment may be apathy, emotional irritability, anxiety, panic attacks, crying or aggressive behavior.
President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ivan Dedov notesAnatomy and physiology of the thyroid glandThat many patients try to ignore the bad mood and continue to lead an active life. But if the problem is not resolved, it can lead to personality disorder and mental disorders.
Changes in itself is not easy to notice. They are often blamed on fatigue after work, stress and everyday life difficulties. Monitor your mood: if it goes bad for no apparent reason, and nothing brings joy for a few days, it's a good reason address to the psychotherapist.
3. Discomfort in the neck area
If the neck swells and increases in size, it becomes difficult to breathe and swallow the hurt, and the voice becomes hoarse, most likely, you have increasedSymptoms of Thyroid Disease thyroid gland or seal therein were in the form of spheres - nodules.
The increase in thyroid is sometimes also called a goiter. It takes place after the course of treatment, when hormone levels return to normal. But the discomfort in the neck area may also be a signThe big picture about Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis, Thyroid Cancer Treatment, and Thyroid Cancer Surgery thyroid cancer. Therefore, if there were unpleasant sensations, seek medical attention immediately.
4. Brittle hair and nails
hair and nails particularly vulnerableSymptoms of Thyroid Disease hormonal disorders. Therefore, when a failure occurs, they become thin and weak and break easily and are beginning to fall out. And it's not just the hair on the head but also eyebrows and eyelashes.
Severe hair loss can lead to baldness. But usually the scalp is restored as soon as the hormone levels return to normal state.
5. Menstrual irregularities
In women, this is one of the most common symptoms of hormonal failure.
Violations are considered irregular periods, scanty and rare selection, reducing cycle or, conversely, too frequent bleeding. Painful menstruation can also talk about the problems with the thyroid gland. Particularly if previously there was no pain.
A single event can occur because of a minor failure of the stress or fatigue, but even in this situation should immediately go to the doctor. On a visit to a specialist is better not to delay because endocrine disorders increaseSymptoms of Thyroid Disease risk of infertility and complications during pregnancy.
6. Change in body temperature
Hormonal failure violates the body's ability to regulate temperature. patients report10 Early Signs Of Thyroid DiseaseThat being in the same room with other people, they can be cold, even though other warm or hot. Some patients, on the contrary, feel the intense heat. The more thyroid hormone is produced, the higher the temperature of the body.
Some people have normal body temperature may be below or above the norm. There is nothing to worry about. But if your temperature has changed dramatically, and for a long time, different from the usual, high risk of hormonal disorders.
7. xerosis
Dryness and irritation can be a symptom of various diseases - psoriasis, ichthyosis, fungus, allergies, Liver failure, and mental disorders.
But if you have found other signs of thyroid disease, dry skin will be an additional signal10 Early Signs Of Thyroid Disease. Particularly strong peeling appears on the elbows and knees, as the skin becomes more sensitive to external influences. Rash, irritation, inflammation.
8. Problems with a chair
Thyroid hormones regulate the digestive system and10 Early Signs Of Thyroid Disease. They control the metabolism and the digestive tract.
Failures lead to a weakening of the muscles, compressing the colon as a result of which they cease to move the chair. Hence, constipation, diarrhea and pain. Diarrhea, in turn, stimulates weight loss, so that these two signs often appear together.
9. Changes in heart rhythm
Fast or slow heartbeatWebMD - Thyroid Symptoms and Solutions It can also be a symptom of an endocrine disease. Blood pressure changes - abruptly jumps or declines. You may notice that even small physical exertion causes shortness of breath and a rapid pulse.
Without medical supervision, this symptom can cause tachycardia and heart failure. Therefore, with the march to the cardiologist and endocrinologist is better not to delay.
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