7 simple ways to make the face look thinner
Health / / December 19, 2019
Lose weight - no easy task, especially if you are not satisfied with just any one part of the body. After all, we lose weight at once throughout the body, not only on the abdomen or on the sides. Therefore, a full face is so difficult to give in and changes so much irritates. However, and it can be done.
1. Facial Exercises
Exercises for the face helps to look better, fights aging and makes the muscles strongerEnhancing Facial Aesthetics with Muscle Retraining Exercises-A Review..
Some studies sayThe effectiveness of facial exercises for facial rejuvenation: a systematic review.That regular exercise improves the tone of facial muscles, because of what the face looks slimmer.
Basic exercises such:
- inflate cheeks - first two, and then each in turn.
- Collect the lips into a point, and then, without moving them, move the "point" from side to side.
- Squeeze your teeth and smile widely. Hold your face in this position for a few seconds.
Exercises for the face makes the facial muscles tighter, making the face look younger. But you need to deal with twice a day for at least eight weeks
Effect of a Facial Muscle Exercise Device on Facial Rejuvenation..However, studies so far do not say anything about whether help for facial exercises to burn fat. But muscle tone and will not hurt and full of energy the muscles will make the person more fit.
2. Cardio every day
Most often, the extra fat on your face - this is just a consequence of obesity. Weight loss always affects all parts of the body, so if you lose weight, then the person will change.
cardio - is aerobic exercise, in which the heart is greatly enhanced. And this is one of the most effective ways to lose weight: cardio role in weight loss studies have confirmed manyNEffects of Aerobic Exercise Intensity on Abdominal and Thigh Adipose Tissue and Skeletal Muscle Attenuation in Overweight Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.. The more regularly and intensively you do, the more weight will dumpA dose-response relation between aerobic exercise and visceral fat reduction: systematic review of clinical trials..
In the fight against overweight importantly - consistency. 150-300 minutes of cardio a week - that rate, which helps to lose weight. On the day it is just 20-40 minutesEffects of a High vs Moderate Volume of Aerobic Exercise on Adiposity Outcomes in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial..
Jogging, swimming, biking and walking briskly - it's cardio. Try to walk to work or recovering at least some portion of the path without transport. Why does a better job than the back? Because then you are in a hurry and become a walk faster and will not walk imposingly.
3. Water, water, and water again
No, it is not necessary to drink eight glasses of water a day. this norm comply to anything, but you can not feel thirst. How do you know if you drink enough? Put on the table a bottle of water or a cup and takes a sip every time you want something to chew, feel fatigue or discomfort. I want to drink more - drink.
It does not matter, there is a speech about the person or about something else. One small study found that drunk at breakfast reduces waterWater consumption reduces energy intake at a breakfast meal in obese older adults. caloric intake by 13%. Regular consumption of sufficient amounts of water speeds up the metabolism, that is helpingWater drinking induces thermogenesis through osmosensitive mechanisms. burn more calories and lose weight.Without the proper amount of liquid is not to lose weight.
If the liquid is always missing, then the body does not need to retain water. This means that swelling on which the face swells, will be lessJust add water..
4. no alcohol
Any excess amounts of alcohol can cause swelling on the face. And since the reaction at all different, some even a glass of wine at dinner is contraindicated.
In alcoholic beverages full of calories, even more of them in snack, so drink - one of the reasons undetectable weight gainAlcohol consumption and body weight: a systematic review..
Keep yourself in their hands and do not lean on booze if you want to see in the mirror slim face.
5. Less simple carbohydrates
Nothing new: sugar, baking and cheap pasta - sources of empty calories. Little help, a lot of fat.
These products after cleanings does not remain raw mineral nutrients and fiber. And because the fiber is not present, and they are quickly digested, increasing the level of Sahara in blood. Then he just falls rapidly, and this causes hunger. So seizing his candy, we just rock the swing: we want to take one more very quicklyHigh glycemic index foods, overeating, and obesity..
There is not one study that would reveal the effect of simple carbohydrates is on the fat on the face. But logic dictates that if we replace simple carbohydrates to complex, it will help to lose weight.
6. restful sleep
Who sleeps little, that gaining weight. And vice versa.
We often "jam" a lack of sleep, and this leads to the fact that excess weight settles on the cheeksAcute partial sleep deprivation increases food intake in healthy men.. Lack of sleep increases levels of cortisol - a hormone stress. And one of the side effects of his presence in the body - weight gainSleep loss results in an elevation of cortisol levels the next evening..
Studies show that high levels of cortisol slows metabolism, which is why the calories are not processed, and stored as fatThe glucocorticoid contribution to obesity..
But enough sleep helps to loseRelationship between sleep quality and quantity and weight loss in women participating in a weight-loss intervention trial. weight. The ideal goal - it's still eight o'clock recreation.
7. less salt
One of the signs that you eat too much salt - swelling, and they are manifested, including the face. So it looks puffy and swollen. Because of excess salt in the water body is delayed, and accumulates in the tissues of excess fluidIncreasing sodium intake from a previous low or high intake affects water, electrolyte and acid-base balance differently..
Absolutely can not be without salt: it is too bad. But different snacks and semi-finished goods typically contain it too much. Discard canned goods, chips and sausages - this is already enoughRelative contributions of dietary sodium sources.To tell the difference. After a couple of weeks, the face will look thinner.
remember that
Make it so that only the thinner face, impossible. Its appearance depends on the total body weight.
But common prescription weight loss - cardio, balanced diet, sleep mode - you can add a couple of chips specifically for the face:
- Gymnastics for the facial muscles that cause the face to tone.
- Failure of excess salt to remove the swelling.
see also🧐
- How to lose weight by 5-10 kg: training and nutrition programs for sustainable results
- "Why am I losing weight so slow?" - how to lose weight and save the result
- 12 exercises for weight loss, which can handle every