Scientists believe that the cheese is addictive
Food / / December 19, 2019
We've got good and bad news. The bad is that scientists have proved that cheese is addictive. Our favorite food is almost equated to drugs. The good news - lovers absorb cheese in abnormal amounts received official justification.
Researchers from the University of Michigan provedThat some food is pretty highly addictive. During the experiment, 500 university students rated their eating habits on Yale scale. It measures the eating habits and allows you to identify foods that cause the most addictive. First place, according to a poll taken pizza. In general, it is not surprising. Who does not love this cheese-tomato bliss?
But it turned out that one of taste and aroma of pizza a little in order to establish the delivery number on the speed dial. The matter in the cheese.
Milk contains the protein casein. During digestion, he breaks down and releases a variety of opiates, called casomorphins. They stimulate the dopamine receptors and cause a feeling of satisfaction.
Cheese simply is packed with casein and makes us want to get
pleasure again and again. This is why some scientists went even further and called cheese "dairy cocaine."Thanks to the study, the researchers were able to find out, and other facts. For example, people are less likely to eat foods with a low percentage of fat. Unprocessed food, such as brown rice or fresh fruits and vegetables, do not cause such a strong addiction, like fast food.
We can absorb thermally processed foods in large quantities, and quite rapidly. Scientists tend to believe that such behavior is very similar to the way behave addicts. Therefore, it seems that the thermally processed food is a real addiction.
Food addiction is directly related to emotional state man, but research has shown that this is not enough to form a stable behavior of the script. Fat processed foods cause certain reactions in the brain: we want to eat a little more. And a little bit more.
So if you find yourself near the refrigerator at three o'clock in the morning in search of something tasty, you know: you said in the desire to obtain satisfaction. And this habit was worked out over the years.
Understanding the chemical processes that lead to food addiction, help to break the stereotype that all people do not overeat disciplined.
To assert that those who struggle with food addiction - lazy or do not have the right level self-control, Still not worth it. It's like blaming the alcoholic in the daily struggle with the desire to go to a bar and get drunk. Still find a ready, fatty, processed food three times now much easier than buy a healthy lunch. Childhood obesity is a glaring example. In light of this discussion about the real causes of overeating and obesity may be resumed.
Knowledge is power. So let's begin to struggle with their own harmful eating habits, understanding all the chemical processes occurring in the body. Of course, no one calls to destroy the cheese and salads to grasp at once. But perhaps the realization that you are to cultivate the habit to eat fast food, make put the fifth slice of pizza back into the box.