Relax with the use of 20 the maximum of useful books for the holidays
Books / / December 19, 2019
People are divided into two categories. The first - the ones that are brought from vacation photos, seashells and souvenirs. While the latter bring new ideas, new meanings and a charge to change his life. If you want to bring back from vacation not only magnet on the fridge, but some interesting and useful thoughts, before you a list of books from Layfhakera and publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber".
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☀ 20 books for holiday ☀
Your mom wanted you to become a doctor. Dad wanted to marry a football player. Grandma wanted to let you know how to cook 89 variants of potato dishes. Here only you forgot to ask, what do you want?
This is the second book of one of the most inspiring motivators of the world, and author of the bestseller "Dream on," Barbara Sher, which will tell how to find yourself and understand what you want really.
If you go on vacation pretty tired and even devastated, this book - what you need.
She wrote a guy named Dan Waldschmidt, who in 25 years had all but lost and so tired that he decided to commit suicide. But still took himself with an iron fist, has studied the history of 1000 outstanding people, and is now ready to charge each of us senses and steep dose of motivation.
Everyone knows that Aristotle - one of the most influential philosophers in the history of mankind and teacher of Alexander the Great. And probably many of us would like to study his work. But not too heavy reading for a holiday Aristotle's writings? Now there is no!
The famous American philosopher Mortimer Adler explains Aristotle's ideas in plain language.
Do you know why you can change yourself? The main problem is that you have a conflict between elephants and mahouts. Elephant - it is your emotional system that wants everything at once. A mahout - this is your rational system that tries to convince you that you need to act with restraint and caution.
Do you want to learn how to bring harmony to the Elephant and the mahouts and make changes easily and permanently? Take a vacation in this book.
The great scientist Walter Michel, known as the Pope of self-control in the 1960s had a fun experiment with preschool children, who proved a curious thing. Those children who are already at that age were ready to show willpower, after 30 years have been more successful people.
Want to know how to strengthen the willpower? All the fundamental principles of Pope Watchdog under this cover.
With pleasure - it's about the holiday and this book by psychologist Anhels Navarro, who collected 95 exercises for the development of memory. Methods and techniques to improve memory are composed in a playful way, and like a man of any age. Anhels proves that improve memory is not only possible, but also interesting. Take a vacation with your use!
A well-known psychiatrist Dr. Siegel sure that sea which is within us, it is much more exciting than any sea in the world. He created a new theory in neuroscience, which he called mayndsayt (from the words mind - mind and insight - insight). Mayndsayt helps to cope with a large number of our internal problems, from depression to feelings of self-doubt.
If you have been trying to understand yourself, then it's time to do it.
On vacation arm can finally get to the things that are in ordinary life do not always have the time. For example, in the diary, it's a great way to understand yourself. In this blog you can accommodate as many as five years of his life.
"My 5-year" can help you remember the bright moments of his life and for five years to track how goals change, dreams and attitude toward things.
If your mind has long been brewing the desire to create a creative product and put it in his heart and soul, this book tells you how. Provocateur business creativity Darius Bikbaeva explain the entire transformation "project head" system in a product that will buy. Learn how to realize your talents.
All the best ideas on how to come up with ideas that you'll find in the "storming of rice." Michael Mikalko - one of the best specialists in the world of creativity - has collected in his book, a lot of interesting tasks, games and puzzles on the way of thinking. Learn several techniques every day, and you come back from vacation with a heap of new ideas.
Want even more books?
About other books for the holiday read here. ↓ And there you will find a gift. :)
books for Jolly holidays
Relax with benefit!