Books in the genre of non-fikshen, which is worth reading
Books / / December 19, 2019
"Forms. The story of one scene, "Felix Sandalov
One of the most unexpected books about life in the 1990s, dedicated environment "form" - a tacit association "Moscow existential punk." Author - music journalist Felix Sandals - I interviewed almost every member of this cultural phenomenon. Wild years, reflected in the memories of unscrupulous crazy things ready for the revolution at any moment, the songs of their favorite films, vodka and wombats. To some this book may seem completely uninteresting. But it was worth it to look for stories, perhaps of the most important cultural events of the 90s.
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"The wars that I've seen," Gertrude Stein
The final part of an autobiographical trilogy writer desperately ambiguous. A Jewish woman and a lesbian, sympathized with Nazism, shutivshaya that Hitler (Adolf Hitler) worthy of the Nobel Prize, was one of the founders of modernism, had survived the occupation of France. This book, written before the end of the war, but was published in Russian only now she tells the reader about the life of Stein (Gertrude Stein) in the Nazi state. But do not look for it is something a little bit similar to the familiar memories of the war.
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"Blogs. 1976-1987 ", Andy Warhol
Blogs by Andy Warhol (Andy Warhol) from 1976 until his death maestro. Without art, culture, and love of America, which is so much in his other books. Facts and only: travel, prices, dresses, talks, meetings and impressions. Surprisingly senseless, but terribly addictive and interesting reading. Fetishism in its pure form, but what else to expect from the artist, who gave permission for each and every fetish?
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"Superobjects. Stars the size of a city, "Sergei Popov
Neutron stars - the unique objects of the universe, which people far removed from astrophysics, does not know anything. Meanwhile, it is not only entertaining. They firmly woven into the universe, and understanding of the processes of appearance and life of neutron stars makes us a little closer to the truth. Why this is the case, he told the available known popularizer of science Sergei Popov.
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"Islamic State. Army of Terror ", Michael Weiss and Hassan Hassan
Interesting result of the creative union of the American journalist and a Syrian political analyst, many years watching the Middle Eastern developments, it has become rigid prevention worldwide. This book - the most clear explanation of where it came from mass armed fanatics as appeared LIH operates and why it's so dangerous, not only for Europeans.
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"From ritual to record. The nature of modern sport, "Allen Guttmann
The classic work of American sociologist and philosopher Allen Guttman (Allen Guttmann) appeared in 1978 and, perhaps, was the first serious study of sport as a social phenomenon. That's only in Russian it was published recently. Despite the ease and excitement of presentation, Guttman holds a very serious cultural studies. How did the idea of record? As the sport has become an instrument of stimulation of workers under capitalism? On this and many other things you learn from a book.
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"The age of ambition. Wealth, truth, and faith in the new China, "Evan Oznos
The correspondent of The New Yorker, Pulitzer Prize-winning Oznos Evan (Evan Osnos) lived in China for eight years. Features of this wonderful state, risen from beneath the plow until the mid XX century and conquered the world, showing all sides. Amazing, mysterious, enigmatic, yet very familiar.
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"How to manage the slaves," Gerry Toner
Such things-instruction manual of the ancient top manager, a Roman patrician named Mark Sidonius Falks dedicated to managing people. It has everything from the acquisition of rights "employee" to the ways of motivation and "disposal". On behalf of the patrician book recorded the famous British historian Gerry Toner (Jerry Toner), so that the historical facts are verified in dozens of sources, from Aristotle to Cato. Collection of age-old advice on the art of management is useful and heads of organizations, and teachers, and administrators, even the military, not to mention the amateur history of ancient Rome.
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"Capital in the XXI century", Thomas Piketty
Thomas Piketty (Thomas Piketty) - a world-renowned economist, a leading researcher at the School of Social Sciences of Paris (EHESS) and Professor of the Paris School of Economics (PSE). It reveals an interesting pattern: rapid economic growth reduces the role of capital and its concentration in private hands and leads to a reduction of inequality in the society, while the slowdown in growth leads to an increase in the value of capital and an increase in inequality.
Another book-warning in our list, because today the gap between rich and poor is increasing steadily, and this will sooner or later lead to dire social and political consequences. But the author is not only studies, it offers solutions to problems.
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"Interstellar. Science behind the scenes ", Kip Thorne
Book-explanation for the film by Christopher Nolan (Christopher Nolan) «Interstellar». It will help to understand the gravity, black holes, the fifth dimension, and other phenomena, which are shown in the film. (That Thorne (Kip Thorne) was the scientific adviser of this unique, most authentic sci-fi picture last years.) In addition, the book describes how this knowledge was obtained, and how scientists hope to clarify the fact that more unknown.
The text is beautifully illustrated, stuffed Infographics and circuits, so to understand the most interesting mysteries of the universe will be easy.
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