Once again, talk about the benefits of electronic versions of journals, probably does not make sense. They are easy to take with you, they do not require physical storage space - it is clear. The only problem is that publishers often ignores the possibility of interactivity, and the difference between the printed and electronic versions often minimal. Fortunately, this story is typical not for everyone: there are magazines, the creators of which depart from the canons of traditional typesetting towards greater interaction with the reader. On one of the members of this group and this article will tell. Meet - the publication of the interior architecture and design Design Review.
What will be discussed here, it is clear from the title: design, design and design again. Best Interiors, current trends, interviews with talented newcomers and venerable designers, exhibitions and recent developments. In short, a monthly digest of industry.
The main feature of the magazine - it does not have a printed counterpart and exists only in digital form. Moreover, it is designed exclusively for the iPad. For the best experience of its creators recommend to use iPad Retina, but steadily working on other versions of the device. Special image processing algorithms reduce file size almost doubled, so new releases are loaded fast enough, especially in the first generation iPad and iPad mini.
So, what we see, we install applications? By default, we have free the July issue of the magazine, and as a full version and a shortened trial. You can also subscribe on the conditions which will talk about later. For each number available previews, so you can not be afraid that you will get a "pig in a poke." Download the July probe and move on to reading.
The trial version does not have all the material numbers, for greater convenience in the contents of available articles are accompanied by colored icons. To deal with how to read a magazine, it is quite simple. Once you go to a page with interactive elements, tooltips, immediately describe the functions of these elements. Read article using scroll down while leafing through the right and left, move between the materials and the contents of galleries. If you click on the Design Review tab in the upper left corner, go to the accommodation cover.
Tap the icon "More" shows captions to images. Want to find out that the photo - use this function, you want to see the details - ignore it.
Unlike traditional versions of magazines, Design Review is changing the reader and publication format of interaction. The rigid imposition ceases to be an axiom - you can increase or decrease the size of the column with text. Unconditional priority is given to the image.
Pictures that can be increased, marked by a special icon - example in the screenshot above, in the upper right corner. Stretch the image to the desired scale and learn interesting details.
Can subscribe to 3, 6 or 12 numbers. There is an opportunity to buy and one number, but more is, of course, more economical. One-time subscription for 3 months will be more profitable to purchase the same three numbers by 30%, subscription for six months - 40%, and the annual registration will be twice as cheap than 12 magazines separately. Choose the option you want, click on the icon and make out a subscription. All fast, convenient and understandable.
The magazine is really good, not just as a collection of material about the design, but also as an example of the transition to a new paradigm of communication and publication of the reader. Pretty impressive, even the possibility of a trial issue, so very much hope that in the future, Design Review will only gain momentum.