5 Important Rules creativity, applicable in everyday life
Books Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
To be a creative person, it is not necessary to engage in music, drawing or something similar. Even in ordinary cases can apply creativity and achieve excellent results. About this in his book "The Art of law" says Danny Gregory.
Danny Gregory
The author of the blog Everyday Matters and several bestsellers, dedicated to the works. Creative director, the founder of successful advertising campaigns, including American Express, IBM, Ford, Burger King.
1. To get something, you need to practice
The book is called "creative rights" not only so: driving and work a lot in common. In these two cases it is necessary to practice a lot: to learn the basics, developed over the years the rules, methodology. But that was the sense of the theory, we must get down to business: get behind the wheel or take up a brush.
Of course, it is easier to consider themselves non-creative person who "is not given." It is much more difficult to make an effort and work on themselves and their skills.
2. Creative approach to decision making
Danny Gregory convinced that each new day is full of creative possibilities. Our ability can manifest themselves in daily activities: preparing breakfast, choice of clothing, solving business issues.
Creativity is not limited to art. Creativity is not alien and CEOs, lawyers, politicians, accountants, dentists and drivers. You also create, but do not call it creativity.
Every person has not only the ability to create, but also the need for this. In your life there is certainly the case that you simply can not deal with: oven muffins, write, take pictures... This is the creative impulse that can not be suppressed.
3. To arrange a shock
Remember the moment from the movie "Dead Poets Society", when Professor Keating climbed up on the table? He explained that this simple act reminds him of the one truth on any subject should be viewed from different perspectives.
Change the angle of view - a good way to get rid of stereotypes.
In addition, small shocks - a great way to wake up and swing a creative principle. Always return the same way back home? Today, go the other way. A little paint brush? Buy markers and paint them. Write with his left hand (or right if you are left handed). To displace conventional rails.
4. Spend a short mediagolodanie
Every day we bombarded with information flow: news 24 hours a day, meaningless emails Dozens of new movies and even more TV channels, newspapers, magazines, advertising, lettering on clothing and tubes of toothpaste. All it dulls the senses and disorienting.
Gregory proposes to conduct a simple experiment: a 2-3 day break from this stream and clear your mind of debris.
Give up TV. Do not use the internet. Do not check e-mail. Turn off the radio. Do not read no newspapers, no magazines, no books.
Of course, we have to act within reason. If the work does not address, only try to answer the most important. A evenings spend as little time in the Network.
Clean up your life of unnecessary information, even partially, you will find how much you have some free time. Pay attention to useful things.
5. Do not look for inspiration, and act
Do not wait until you condescend insight. Inspiration, as appetite comes in. When you are too lazy, when you're afraid of failure, just sit down and do it. Through the "do not want" and not paying attention to the inner critic.
If you need to create a speech in front of colleagues plan, take a sheet and write whatever comes into my head. Let this be a draft, which you then overwrite five times. But at least you will work with.
Begin work, and muse sits next to you and will help. But she would not have to pull off the couch. The first step should be to make yourself.
The best way to get rid of procrastination in any case - to act.
«creative rights"- a book for those who are faced with a creative crisis, and for the newcomers who live with improper installation, that they have no talent. In the book, there is no specific lessons for drawing or acting skills. But there are dozens of compelling arguments that inspire immediate use of their creative potential.