REVIEW: "On the limit. Week without self-pity, "Erik Bertrand Larssen
Books / / December 19, 2019
This book is not for nothing was the bestseller. This is not just a story about how to think and live. This is a clear guide to action, a seven-day intensive course for those who want to reach their potential.
Erik Bertrand Larssen (Erik Bertrand Larssen)
One of the most popular motivational speakers in Norway. Served as a paratrooper in the Norwegian special forces have been in Afghanistan and the Balkans, twice passed basic training with a horrible name "Hell Week". His books have become bestsellers and have been translated into many languages.
Larssen weekly program - a kind of civil version of the "Hell Week". According to the author, it may test most ordinary people. At the same time to break away from the production of not only not necessary, but is not recommended.
The main idea of the book: have lived 7 days at maximum capacity. So how could you live every day, if you do not interfere with laziness, fear, nesobrannost, bad mood, no matter the weather... But you never know what obstacles on the way to the goal you can think of!
So, Larssen offers to spend a week as productively as possible. It is assumed that you will live on the rigid schedule.
The basic rules of a hellish week:
- rise - at 5:00 am (even on weekends);
- going to bed - at 22:00;
- Only healthy food;
- TV banned;
- No social networking and communication is not the case during working hours;
- maximum concentration to perform tasks;
- exercise at least 1 time per day for at least 1 hour.
This list only the main recommendations. The objectives of the book you want to add their own, according to your situation. I'll have to make a lot of plans and task lists both the current week, and in the distant future. After all, if there is no goal, and no place to move. Therefore, before starting the experiment, decide what you need and what you are moving.
Live a week at the limit of its capacity, so that then the usual task is to show you the baby talk - this experience, according to the author, will expand the boundaries of your consciousness. You will no longer be afraid to start performance of a task and know what they are capable.
Having gone through a hell of a week, you will begin to achieve your goals faster. Anyway, you finally will reach them, and not stagnate.
The book is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. Last - is a clear guide to action, painted by day.
Honestly, the theoretical part of me seemed too dry. Maybe it's just because I'm a woman and I need more adjectives... I do not know. But if you have read a ton of literature on the topic self-developmentThen the first part of the book is nothing new could not bear. For advanced users, knowledge about self-improvement, visualization and planning of this part of the book you can just skim. However, I recommend not to ignore it altogether. It helps to tune in to the wave of the author and understand his thoughts and ideas underlying the hellish week. This will help you stick to the plan.
The second part deserves special attention. I lived through a hell of a week, I think that the section devoted to some day, it is better to read for 24-48 hours prior to practice. For example, on Monday read on a Saturday or Sunday. Pre-read the second part does not make sense: you forget everything exactly to the beginning of practice.
The author recommends that you first read the book, and only 3 weeks to begin to act. However, he does not mention whether you want to read the entire book or only the theoretical part.
Why I decided to take a hell of a week
For the opportunity to write a review of a book "On the limit. Week without self-pity, "I jumped with pleasure.
The fact that I am a long time quite a healthy lifestyle and by virtue of their profession dietitian eat as much as possible correctly. I train with different frequencies and intensity, do self-development techniques, interested in imaging and other wonderful instruments for the fulfillment of wishes. But I always wanted to put it all into a certain scheme and make it all more systematic. Establish a standard conveyor, from which one would not fall out. If at all possible ...
When you read all these clever books about how it is necessary, it seems that so many perfect people in the world who get up early and move toward the goal consistently and persistently, like a herd of buffalo to water. Here they are running in the morning under your dark windows, scrolling in the head plan your day. And you... dryhnesh itself, and life goes by.
About something like I imagined ideal life of people, among them, it seemed to me to a hell of a week, I did not apply.
And here's an opportunity to become a better version of herself was in hand. And I just decided not to write a review, and try method Larssen on myself. I have not had three weeks to prepare: running out time. However, if I'm on fire, I need to act urgently, so I would hardly stand it 3 weeks of waiting. Fortunately, the book was small, and her reading did not take long. And so…
I will not describe every day individually, as it was made in his blog, and just share with you my feelings.
What was the most difficult
1. Falling asleep. Contrary to my expectations, the most difficult was to get up at 5:00 and go to bed at 22:00. The first night I barely forced myself to extinguish the light at 23:00. In the following days it turned out my best, but no matter how I tried, I could not sleep. Despite the early going, very busy schedule, and training to the limit (I addicting nature: if you got to the gym, it is difficult to stop me, especially when the time It allows). There were nights when I toss until midnight! And this despite the fact that I do not drink coffee and other drinks that keep us awake. Why did it happen, I can not explain ...
2. Refusal of social networks. And there was nothing unexpected, alas. Council did not enter the social network I could not apply because the main promotion of my services is happening there, it's part of my job. And going back to work, it's hard not to stumble on a message someone from friends. And it always seems that "I am here only to him now, and I will answer ...".
For righteousness' sake it should be noted that I never check my tape and laykayu various positions. Not because I'm evil and terrible woman, which is a pity, and Laika. Not. I just prefer to live communication social networks. Dependence is revealed I have on another occasion: me and pulls check what and who wrote about my last article. And it should be stopped. The book "On the limit" gave me to understand it. We just think that here a minute and there are two, and in the amount of turns a decent time.
3. Lack of sleep. Though Larssen and assures that "you will feel what it is - to be awake," I have everything turned out exactly the opposite. On Tuesday I had to quickly put to bed in the afternoon, otherwise I would not have broke down and my usual schedule. For righteousness' sake it should be noted that my usual schedule leads many to fear: so many things I have time to change, but still ...
One of the assignments was Larssen refusal to sleep for 41 hours. This meant that I had to get up at 5:00 and go to bed on Thursday only at 22:00 Friday. This task seemed unreasonable. No matter how I tried to find the meaning, I did not see it. Assurances that "people who have not slept more than a day, they know something ..." I am not convinced. I am the mother of two children and are familiar with the sleepless nights and chronic lack of sleep. And who of us in his student years it was not possible to sleep for days on end on a particular good (or not) the reason?
Because of my problems with falling asleep by Thursday I was just boiled, and therefore decided to still go to bed on Friday night. Week week, but as it is necessary to live.
4. Injury. Prior to this experiment, I trained 2-4 times a week at a moderate intensity. Immediately I surpassed herself (as intended) and began to train for 1.5 hours per day. In this case I combined cardio and strength training in one load. Bottom line: on Thursday evening at me very sick both knees and shoulder... On Friday, the training had to be canceled, otherwise I risked not to join the system and on Saturday. So I turned on the brains and navigate the their sensations.
5. The combination of real life. It was difficult to reconcile the plan hellish week with real life. By the end of the seven-day I am even more convinced of the fact that the author is still more focused on the male population of the planet, rather than women with children. I just did not have time to draw up plans and analysis of everything that offers Larssen.
For example, on Friday I was ill son, he had to quickly take to the doctor, and then I was glad that went sleep on Thursday evening. How else would I have sat behind the wheel? Another example: one day the book asks to meet his biggest fear. I have this night forest. So the question is: how I could be in the forest at night, when I sleep peacefully at home two babies and leave them no one? Or advice to move one day only on foot, and even better - run. With two kids. Living outside the city ...
I did not come up with excuses, no. But in all the examples cited by the author, the characters are men, even with the family. Here is a man I came home, and he's got a wonderful wife, and he finally appreciated its dignity and was finally able to devote time to children. For me, a simple woman, it is everyday life. If I did not pay attention to children in the evening, they will remain hungry, unwashed and nedolyublennosti... So - with all respect to the author - I would like to see soon his book with tips, approximate to the reality of working women with children.
Which it proved easier than ever
1. Planning. It was easy, because nothing new to me was not.
2. Healthy food. This is my way of life for a few years, so there did not have to change anything. I made the conditions even tougher and excluded sugar, flour and alcohol.
3. Refusal of the TV. I just do not have it! Larssen rightly suggests that if you choose not to watch TV, then you have plenty of time available. But if you do not look, you have to come to grips with performance, otherwise all job a hell of a week, you do not have time.
4. Positive outlook on life. I am by nature an optimist, and recently more and consciously to cultivate this quality. Therefore, here, too, there was nothing new to me.
I will leave in your life after a hellish week
1. A modified schedule. I will start to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. I am convinced that at this stage of my life I have absolutely not suitable Graph 5: 00-22: 00, but 6: 00-23: 00 is quite accustomed. Sure.
2. Workout 4-5 times a week. I decided to increase the number of trainingBut approach them with the mind, not peretruzhdaya same muscle groups every day. Sport gives me the energy and uplifting. So why not give him even more time?
3. Healthy food.
4. Refusal of the TV and let pastimes in social networks.
They got mixed. I still could not understand that in this week of the infernal. On the question of my blog readers that turned out to be the most difficult, I honestly replied, "go to bed at 22:00." But! This does not mean that the book will not be useful. Not. Just once more I was convinced that to write a universal guide to action very difficult. After all, we are all at different stages of its development. This week, I realized that already going in the right direction, so my usual life close to the hellish week.
I'm sure that for many people these changes will be a test. For example, for some one waiver TV - this is hell! Also, there are people who can not imagine life without liters of cola a day, and it is also prohibited. What do they will not drink? It is also a kind of hell. If a person has never practiced, the daily exercise will be a serious challenge. There are many examples.
The effect of the book and the complexity of your hellish week depends only on the point in which you are currently reading. Conduct an experiment need to have in order to understand how you are far from ideal. And what is the ideal? This is when you live at full capacity, the most of their potential, gradually moving toward the goal, take care of their health... In short, when you - this is the best version of yourself.
In conclusion, I want to give one piece of advice: read the book, start acting as soon as possible. The right moment will never happen. Why did you then spend 2 hours on reading? This book belongs to the category of those that are only useful in practice. Therefore, in a way! Become a week the best version of yourself, but remember, no ideal people. Therefore tips advice and listen to yourself during a hellish week would be superfluous. Good luck!
"On the limit. Week without self-pity, "Erik Bertrand Larssen
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